
Vernon, AL 35592
Owner(s): Ken Carpenter


Design your own cubical quad, yagi beam or inverted Vee antenna for ham or CB radio.
TS 1000
Calculate bearing, miles and kilometers from user’s city to any location in the world. Prints world grid centered on user’s city.
TS 1000
Checks for duplicate contacts before they are called. Keeps contact number displayed for contest use. Prints calls for records.
TS 1000
Record ARRL country data. View, print, revise records. Printout of countries worked, confirmed or needed.
TS 1000
Record all log data; recall by call sign or QTH. Printout can be used for QSL card.
TS 1000
Record ARRL state data. View, print, revise records. Printout of states worked, confirmed or needed.
TS 1000


  • Bulletins
    Updates from ATC Software, Kentronics, Computech, SyncMaster, KIS Engineering, Gladstone.
  • Resources (Sync v4 n1)
    Listing of new user groups, books and other resources.

Computer Media

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