Kraig Pritts

3421 Oneida St, Chadwicks, NY 13319

Ham radio enthusiast, KA2LHO call sign.


15 ham programs plus 4 non-ham programs on scanners, budgeting and music theory.
TS 1000 TS 2068


  • For Your Support
    Hardware and software offerings from Chia-Chi Chao, Mike Trivisonno, Jack Donahy, Fred Nachbaur, Tim Worcester, Games to Learn By, Kraig Pritts, John Oliger, Tom Woods and Knighted Computers.
  • Resources (Sync v4 n1)
    Listing of new user groups, books and other resources.
  • T-S News
    Softaid (tape with popular Spectrum games); proceeds went to BandAid. Programs for ham radio operators (1000 and 2068). “Memonotes”, a publication for users of Memotext and Memocalc. Wafadrive Engineering Bulletin, put out by Damco Enterprises, contains updates for a number of programs for Wafadrive users.


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