Rave Research

1005 Mechanic, Decorah, IA 52101

Specialty was musically related hardware and software.


Hook up to any audio amplifier and start composing your own tunes. Pseudo-polyphonic output. Sample tune and full instructions included.
TS 1000
Input your notes, computer will name chords with those notes. 16K.
TS 1000
Checkers: The computer is used to draw the board, move the pieces, keep score, and announce the winner. 6 Dice: Any number can play; computer keeps track. Includes a very fast Big Letter routine. 16K.
TS 1000
Programmable graphics generator. Fits inside computer.
TS 1000
Four programs. One turns the Sinclair into a 2 octave musical instrument; sound comes from TV or from mic jack. Musical Squares: 12 tone calculator. Chord Finder. Mini-invaders game. 2K.
TS 1000
Prints out the notes in any one of 8 scales on any key. 16K program also prints diagrams for guitar, bass guitar, and keyboards showing where each note is to be played and identifies the tonal notes. 2K and 16K.
TS 1000
6 I/O ports useful for many applications. 3 ports can be used for vendor’s “Polyphonic System” musical synthesizer. Depending on application, an output connector or cable may be needed.
TS 1000
Includes Poly Port and Synthi Soft. 2K.
TS 1000
Program for a polyphonic music system. Requires musical synthesizer and additional hardware. Unlimited expansion possible. Uses the computer’s keys as a synthesizer keyboard. 2K.
TS 1000


  • Software Received
    Bon Mot (Luther Gotwald, Jr.), Musical Scales (Rave Research), Schedi-Mort (E. Arthur Brown) listed.


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