This is the Monday, April 3rd, 2023, meeting of the Timex/Sinclair Online User Group meeting. It’s hosted by David Anderson and Adam Trionfo.
You can find all of the Timex/Sinclair products discussed in this meeting and more at
Adam Trionfo is a computer polyglot but his main focus has been the Bally Astrocade, an early computer/game console. You can find Adam’s encyclopedic website about the Bally here:
Bob Fischer, a former middle and high school band instructor, joined us to talk about a gradebook program for the TS1000 he wrote and sold and using Pro/File 2068 and the Extensions newsletter he published for to support Pro/File.
Adam gave an update on typing Starblasters by Dan Tandberg. He explained how Carl Miles helped him understand TS 1000 keywords.
Carl gave an update on some composite video output converters for the TS1000 he purchased and assembled.
Newcomer Mike Druckenmiller, Sr., told us about how he got into the Timex computers back in the 80s and how he’s returning to them for new adventures.
Joe Vandezande showed us his Byte-Back BB-1 Control Module:
Tim Swenson talked about learning to program when he first got his ZX81 and there weren’t a lot of magazines or books available.
Cláudio Da Silveira Pinheiro joined us from Brazil and showed his Mikrodigital ZX Spectrum clone along with some other computers.
You can learn more about these meetings, the Timex/Sinclair computers, hardware, software and accessories at
You can sign up for meeting reminders and see the calendar of our upcoming meetings here: