Timex Sinclair Online User Group March 19, 23

Date: March 19, 2023

This is the Sunday, March 19th, 2023, meeting of the Timex/Sinclair Online User Group meeting. It’s hosted by David Anderson and Adam Trionfo.

You can find all of the Timex/Sinclair products discussed in this meeting and more at https://TimexSinclair.com/

Adam Trionfo is a computer polyglot but his main focus has been the Bally Astrocade, an early computer/game console. You can find Adam’s encyclopedic website about the Bally here: https://ballyalley.com/

Claudius Fatla joined to tell us about developing a clone of the Timex Computer 2048, a computer produced by Timex Portugal.

As part of his newer version, he re-implemented the Timex SCLD in an FPGA. While there are differences between the Timex Sinclair 2068 SCLD and the SCLD in the TC2048, this suggests that the TS2068 SCLD could be re-created, as well.

You can learn more about these meetings, the Timex/Sinclair computers, hardware, software and accessories at https://timexsinclair.com.

You can sign up for meeting reminders and see the calendar of our upcoming meetings here:

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