Timex Sinclair Online User Group Meeting 1/2/2023

Date: January 2, 2023

This is the Monday, January 2nd, 2023, meeting of the Timex/Sinclair Online User Group meeting. It’s hosted by David Anderson and Adam Trionfo.

You can find all of the Timex/Sinclair products discussed in this meeting and more at https://TimexSinclair.com/

Adam Trionfo is a computer polyglot but his main focus has been the Bally Astrocade, an early computer/game console. You can find Adam’s encyclopedic website about the Bally here: https://ballyalley.com/

David Anderson talked about Bob Swoger, who passed away December 18th. He a long-time Timex/Sinclair user and supporter. You can learn more about Bob here:

Bob was very active in the Chicago Area Timex User’s Group: https://www.timexsinclair.com/usergroup/chicago-area-timex-users-group/

Ryan showed us a calendar program he’d written a number of years ago. He demonstrated generating a new calendar using FUSE, the Free Unix Spectrum Emulator, including sending printer output to a PDF file.

Adam asked Stewart about TechDraw Jr., a program Jeff Street wrote for the TS 2068 and sold by Zebra Systems.

After Ryan finished presenting about his program, we got into some details about information Timex provided to programmers to help convert ZX Spectrum programs to the TS 2068.

Greg Bennett showed us some nifty programs he’d written on the TS 1000 using a redefined character set. We talked a bit about how that was possible and the WRX modification needed to display high resolution graphics on the TS 1000.

Stewart chatted a bit about a project he’s working on, including upgrades to the TS1000.

We talked quite a bit about getting a TS1000 to Adam, including what his system should have in upgrades.

Stewart showed some interesting details about raw, unused TS 1000 shells, especially compared to ZX81 shells.

Tim Swenson talked a bit about the Sinclair QL in response to Adam’s question.

Gustavo gave some details about the US vs Portugal versions of the SCLD in the TS 2068. We discussed the SCLD buy that the Capital Area Timex Sinclair user group did back in 1986.

You can learn more about these meetings, the Timex/Sinclair computers, hardware, software and accessories at https://timexsinclair.com.

You can sign up for meeting reminders and see the calendar of our upcoming meetings here:


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