Timex Sinclair Online User Group Meeting August 20, 2023

Date: August 20, 2023

We chatted about the TS Pico, a device developed by Ricardo Colagno, Gustavo Pane, Tim H and Jeff Burrell. It was inspired by work Johan “Dr Beep” Koelman did for the ZX Spectrum. You can read about Koelman’s work here (you’ll need to use Google Translate or something similar):

Information about the TS Pico is available here:

TS Pico

Jeff Burrell gave a demo of the TS Pico in coordination with his video board.

Gustavo also talked about some of the features of the TS Pico. Jeff volunteered the Albuquerque group to test the TS Pico.

We had a good and interesting discussion about features that such a device might have, including a very productive discussion about how to implement an expansion bus that supports for multiple devices.

Carl Miles showed us a ZX Spectrum diagnostic cartridge that looks fantastic.

Rui Ribeiro showed us a 128K expansion board for Timex Computers (Portuguese TC 2068 and Polish UK 2086) that adds memory and several other features. More about the board here:

We also talked about designing and having PCBs manufactured, especially with regard to gold on edge connector fingers.

We talked about Don Superfo’s Harlequin designs as well. You can find more information about his designs here:

Mike Druckenmiller brought up the serial board he’s designed and we discussed it. More information about Mike’s designs is here:

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