This music utility will allow you to play music using the LPRINT (PRINT #3) command.
A typical example of how this command is used is:
LPRINT “t10 o3 -c1 b+1 +a-2 p3”
The “t” stands for TEMPO, this can be between 0 (fast) and 50 (slow).
The “o” stands for OCTAVE, this can be between 0 (low) and 6 (high).
The “-” before a note will play 1 octave lower than set by “o”, and a “+” will play 1 octave higher.
The “-” after a note means a flat (one half step lower) and a “+” means a sharp (one half step higher).
The “p” stands for PAUSE (rest).
The numbers after a note or pause are the duration, they can be between 1 and 16. If tempo=50 and duration=2 the note will be played for 1 second. If tempo=25 and duration=2 then it will be played for 1/2 a second.
All notes, pauses or any other entries must be separated by a space.
After loading the customizer, the first thing the computer asks you is to enter the address where to load the codes (540 bytes long).
When the codes are loaded you will have 3 options:
- A- DEMO/TEST, this will test the MC.
- B- SAVE, this will allow you to save the customized MC to tape.
- C- Quit, this will go to BASIC.
To use MUSIprint in other program, load your customized MC and use LET L=USR XX (where XX is the address given by the customizer) to turn on utility.
Loading name MUSIprint
Program type Music utility
Written by Eric Boisvert