Publication Details
Volume: 3 Issue: 5
Here is a code for the 2068 that will produce snowflake-like patterns. Each run will produce a different pattern. The dendrites are produced on lines 80 to 160. The pattern is then developed from line 170 on, with the subroutine starting at line 300 making the copies of the different angles. The code will keep adding to the complexity of the pattern until you stop it with a break instruction. You can then do a copy instruction to make a print of your results.
The 2040 prints with pixels that are 20% narrower than the screen pixel, so you will not get a symmetric picture on the screen.
If you would rather have a symmetric print, then change the value of a in line 15 to 1.2 and see what happens. The examples show the value of a that was used.
If you are interested in the origin of snowflake symmetry, you should read my letter to Nature, volume 314, 28 March 1985, page 324.