The 2068 Emulator


Keith Watson


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Fall 1994


See all articles from The RAMTOP Fall 1994

I have finished the code to make the Timex run under Gerton’s Z80 emulator and finally debugged the Series One interface code to work with the Timex 2068. The final product is changed greatly from the one that I demonstrated down in Dayton. The machine stack is located where it is suppose to be at 6200H and not at high memory like it is in the Spectrum. Channels are located at 6840H initially and not like I had it in the demo at Dayton. Basic starts at 26709, initially, one byte lower than normal. This is due to the Series One code. I’m not sure that I can change this but am still trying. I was having trouble with the CLOSE routine because the Spectrum shadow ROM pages in at 1708H and not at 13A8H where is needs to with the Timex. To overcome this, I changed the Timex code to make a hookcode call with hookcode 32H to address 1708H in the shadow ROM; works rather well. At this time I have written no doc for the Timex running with Z80. There needs to be something written to explain why some programs may not work. This includes any that use the ram resident code or XROM code. The only program that I have found that doesn’t work right is Timachine. Timachine will load and will compile properly but the shadow ROM will no longer load programs. I was only able to load by use of the cassette interface. I have an interface now and the code that I have assembled will work to load programs through the parallel port if the user has a registered version.



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