TS2068 Digitizer




Publication Details

Volume: 6 Issue: 2


February 1989


See all articles from SMUG Bytes v6 n2

The club is selling digitizer boards. – For one assembled, tested and shipped the cost will be $49.95 + $3 shipping and handling. If you only want the bare board it will be $19.95 + $3 s&h. The board has a leading edge connector and is ready for a mother board. If you want a feed thru connector, like the AERCO, there is an extra charge of $5.

The price includes the hardware and software, on cassette, for the digitizer. The bare board also includes the schematic and parts list.

If you wish to purchase a board we feel the turnaround will be 6 to 8 weeks. This offer is open to any who want to put video pictures on your TS2068.

We only expect to make a limited number of these boards so if you are interested please send in your order soon. Depending on orders we will order either 50 or 100 boards. We must have the money with your order as it will cost more than the club can afford to have them built on speculation.



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