- (1000) 232 = 2050
- 1000 One Chip Mod: A Built-in NVM
- 12 Volt Modification
- 12 Volt Modification
- 12 Volt Modification
- 12 Volt Modification
- 16K - Fitting it "Under the Hood"
- 192K ZX/TS Laptop
- 2068 & Spectrum Customized ROMs
- 2068 Cassette Connection, Part II
- 2068 Cassette Connection, Part II
- 2068 Cassette Connection: Part II: Loading Tips
- 2068 Colour Adjustments
- 2068 Digitizer
- 2068 Fix Star NX-1000/AERCO Centronics I/F Fix
- 2068 Fix Star NX-1000/Aerco Centronics I/F Fix
- 2068 LOAD Notes
- 2068 Power Supply - Make It Cooler & Quieter
- 2068 Power Supply Problem?
- 2068 Power Supply Project
- 2068 Power Supply: Make It Cooler & Quieter
- 2068 Power Supply: Make It Cooler & Quieter
- 2068 Power Supply: Make It Cooler & Quieter
- 2068 Printer Interface and ROM Card
- 2068 ROM Bypass Board Schematic, Revised
- 24K Internal Non-Volatile Memory
- 24K NVM Inside
- 2K Conversion with 6116s
- 2K to 4K RAM Upgrade - An Introduction to ZX/TS Hardware
- 32K NVM System Revisited
- 32K RAM
- 32K SRAM for the ZX81
- 40K Non-Volatile Memory
- 4K/8K ROMs in One ZX-80
- 64K Byte Memory Expansion for the T/S 1000
- 6K RAM Addition
- 8K EEPROM Board
- 8K of Very Low Power CMOS RAM In a World Class Computer for Only $0
- 8K of Very Low Power CMOS RAM In aWorld Class Computer For Only $40
- A Broken 2068? Fix It Yourself!
- A Cheap and Simple EPROM Programmer
- A Cheap and Simple EPROM Programmer
- A Comparator to Use on Bad 2068 Tapes
- A Couple of Simple ZX81/Timex 1000 Modifications
- A Cure for Overheating
- A Cure for Overheating
- A Cursor Pad
- A Hot QL Fix
- A JLO FDD Interface Hardware Project
- A Keyboard Interface for Any Timex Computer
- A Load/Save Switch, Test Tapes, Azimuth Alignment Revisited and Micro Cartridges
- A Long Cable For 2040 Printers
- A Monitor Adapter for the T/S 1500
- A Monitor Connection for the T/S 1500
- A New House for the QL
- A New Life for Sinclair/Timex Computers
- A Parallel Interface for the ZX-80/MicroAce Computer
- A Power Supply for Your Cassette Recorder
- A Regulated-Voltage Power Adaptor
- A Simple Loading Aid
- A Subroutine for Serial Data Output
- A Sure Cure For TS Wobble
- A Video Upgrade?
- A-B Boxes and other Ramblings
- Activating the NMI on TS2068
- Adapting the TI Keyboard to the TS1000
- Adapting the TI Keyboard to the TS1000
- Adapting the ZX81 Rampack to the TS2068
- Adapting the ZX81 RAMpack to TS2068
- Add a Full-Sized Keyboard to Sinclair's ZX80
- Add an On/Off Switch to Your QL
- Add an On/Off Switch to Your QL
- Add an RS-232 Port to Your ZX81
- Add Direct Video Output to Sinclair ZX81
- Add serial port to your Sinclair
- Addendum to Article in January Update "Dock Bank Memory, 20 Cents"
- Addendum: A Simple EEPROMER
- Adding a Counter in Hardware
- Adding A Joystick To The Timex-Sinclair 1000
- Adding a Joystick to the ZX81
- Adding a Joystick to Your ZX81
- Adding a TTL Monitor to Your TS-2068
- Adding a TTL Monitor to Your TS-2068
- Adding a TTL Monitor To Your TS-2068
- Adding a Video Monitor to your Sinclair ZX81
- Adding an LED Load Monitor to the MicroAce
- Adding an LED Load Monitor to the ZX80
- Adding Dimension in 2068 Computing ... Using a Plotter
- Adding On To Gladstone
- Adding Ports to your QL
- Adding RGB to Your 2068
- Adding RGB to Your 2068
- Adding RGB to Your 2068
- Adding Two More Drives
- Adding Two More Drives
- Additional Byte-Back Memory Pack Notes
- Adjustments to the TS 2020 for Volume and Rewind/FF Speed
- AERCO Parallel Printer Interface Case
- Alignment Tape: Screwing Your Head on Straight
- All-Purpose Beeper
- Alternate Modem Power Supplies
- Alternate Modem Power Supplies
- Alternate Modem Power Supplies
- An Easy Improvement for Your TS-2068 Keyboard
- An Illuminating Idea
- An LED for Your 2040
- An RGB Monitor for the TS2068
- And Now For Something Completely Different
- Announcing: The IKI (An IBM Keyboard Interface for 1000/2068)
- Another 2068 Color Monitor Adapter
- Another Approach to Extra Memory Banks
- Another Look at 450ns EPROMS vs the ZX81/TS1000
- Audio Transformer Load Aid
- Autotape
- Bank Switching for the TS 1000, Part 1
- Bank Switching for the TS 1000, Part 2
- Bank Switching for the TS 1000, Part 3
- Bank Switching for the TS 1000, Part 8
- Bank Switching for the ZX81, Part 2
- Bank Switching Schematics
- Bankswitched RAM on the TS2068 and Spectrum
- Battery Backup
- BBU for T/S Machines
- Beep, Beep
- Beep, beep
- Better RGB Circuit
- Better RGB Circuit
- Better RGB Circuit
- Better Sound
- Big Keyboard 2068
- Bordure Psychedelique?
- Break Out with This Sinclair Interface
- Break the 1K Barrier
- Brother EP-44 to Sinclair IF One
- Buffering the Data Bus
- Bug Alert: One-chip NVM
- Build a 2068 Cartridge Board
- Build a 64K Dynamic Memory Board
- Build a Spectrum ROMswitching Circuit For Your TS-2068
- Build a Spectrum Romswitching Circuit for your TS-2068
- Build a Spectrum ROMswitching Circuit for Your TS-2068
- Build a Spectrum ROMswitching Circuit for Your TS-2068
- Build a Spectrum Romswitching Circuit for your TS-2608
- Build Additional RAM
- Build an Uninterruptible Power Supply
- Build this Super Simple Modem
- Build your own EPROM blower without blowing a fortune
- Build Your Own EPROM Programmer and Centronics Printer Interface - Part I
- Build Your Own EPROM Programmer and Centronics Printer Interface - Part II
- Build Your Own Surge Suppressor
- Byte-Back RS-232 and Tasword Two
- ByteBack to Interface 1 RS-232
- Can We Talk? On Communicating Computers
- Cassette Connection Comments
- Cassette Eavesdropper
- Cassette Recorder Interface
- Cassette Tape Load/Save Monitor
- Centronics Printer Port - AERCO Style
- Centronics Style Port TS-1000
- Cheap 32K RAM Add on For The 2068
- Cheap Power
- Circuit Circus
- Circuit Circus
- Circuit training helps to build good characters
- Clearer Video
- Color Blind to Colorful
- Composite Color on the QL
- Computer Repairs
- Connect A Composite TTL Monitor to a TS1000/QL
- Connect a Monitor to the TS1000
- Connect a Monitor to the TS1000
- Connect a Monitor to the TS1000
- Connect a Monitor to the TS1000
- Connecting an RGB Monitor
- Connecting The Amdek Amdisk III to the Zebra FDD 3000
- Convert your T/S,ZX to Color
- Convert Your TV into a Computer Monitor
- Converting the Oliger 64K Ram for the 2068
- Converting Your 2068 to a Spectrum
- Cooling Your ZX81/TS 1000
- Correct cassette loading problems
- Correction to Battery Back Up Article
- Creating a Four Port Expansion Decoder
- Curing 16K RAM Random Dumping
- Cursor Joystick (for the ZX81 & 2068)
- Custom Keyboard Tip
- Customize Your 2068 Keyboard
- Dead Key Row
- Decoding the EXROM
- Did You Know?
- Digital Imaging Hardware Project, Part I
- Digital Imaging II
- Digital Imagitizing, Part 1
- Digital Imagizing, Part 1
- Digital Imagizing, Part 2
- Digitizer
- Do It Yourself Emulator
- Dock Bank Memory for Twenty Cents: Convert a TS-1000 Ram Memory for the TS-2068
- Double Your Memory
- Driving a Monitor From the T/S 1000
- Driving a monitor from the TS 1000
- Driving a Monitor From the TS 1000
- Driving a Monitor From the TS 1000
- Driving a Monitor From the TS 1000
- Easy Keyboard Fix
- Easy Keyboard Fix
- Electrical Transient Protection Made Easy
- Emergency Power for the 2068
- EMU-1 Spectrum Emulator
- Eprom Burner Program
- EPROM Programmer You Can Build, Part 1
- EPROM Programmer You Can Build, Part 2
- EPROM Programmer You Can Build, Part II
- EPROM Programmer, Part II: Fixing Your Home ROM
- EPROM Reader and Burner Uses
- EPROMS Are Alive and Well ... And Living in Redwood City
- EPROMS Are Alive and Well...
- Error Codes: Revising a Hunter Board to Hold 32k
- Error in simple Sound Port
- Esc Key
- Escape Key
- Escape Key Boo Boo
- Expand Your Timex/Sinclair Operating System
- Expand Your Timex/Sinclair Operating System
- Expand Your ZX-81 Memory to 32K
- Expanding RAM
- Experiments in Memory and I/O Expansion
- Extended Problem
- Extra Memory Programming
- February Hardware Project
- Firmware Card
- Fix the ZX-81/TS1000 Loose Jack Problem
- Fixing My FDD3000
- Fixing TS-2050 Modem Boards
- Foote Interface Fix
- Four-digit Multiplexed BCD to ZX81 Adaptor
- Frequency Counter
- From the Project Table
- Fun With Hardware Part I - The Platform
- Gavilan Printer Interface
- George Erickson's Ultimate Loading Solution: Batteries
- George Rey's Case
- Get a Better Screen
- Getting Loaded
- Getting More From Each Keystroke
- Getting More From Your 2050 Modem
- Getting the LED Out
- Green and Black and Read All Over
- Hacker's Haven Presents: ZX-81 (and 2068) MIDI Interface Project, Part 2
- Hacker's Haven Presents: ZX-81 MIDI Interface Project
- Hacker's Notebook: Bill Volk's Loading Aid
- Hacker's Notebook: Joysticks
- Hacker's Notebook: TS 1000 Memory Expansion
- Hackers Note Book: Atari Keypad on 2068
- Hackers Notebook: Atari Key Pad
- Happiness is a Converted T/S 1016 RAM That Works!
- Hardware Buys & Tips
- Hardware Helpers
- Hardware Hints
- Hardware Hints
- Hardware Hints
- Hardware Project
- Hardware Project: EPROM Programmer You Can Build
- Hardware Report
- Hardware Review: Data-Skip VIDEOFACE
- Hardware Tip: Keyboard Conversion
- Hardware Tips
- Have You Lost Your Grip?
- Have You Lost Your Grip?
- Home Control on a Budget
- Home-made 2068 LarKen Disk Interface
- How I Made My Fullsize Keyboard
- How to Build a Larken Dock Board
- How to Build an Inexpensive Joystick Interface
- How to Convert a Surplus WC2050 Modem into an RS-232 Serial Interface for your TS1000/1500/2068
- How to Convert a Surplus WC2050 Modem into an RS232 Serial Interface for your TS1000/1500/2068
- How to Modify a Coleco Adam Power Supply for your QL
- How to Wire a Big Keyboard
- I/O Ports: Centronics Port
- IBM-AT Keyboard Interface for the ZX-81
- IEEE-488 for Sinclair Users
- Improved TS-2068 Internal ROM Bypass I
- Improved TS2068 Internal ROM Bypass
- Improving the Spectrum Emulator EMU
- Improving Timex/Sinclair Tape Loading
- Improving Your ZX-81
- Improving Zebra Graphics Tablet
- Increase Your Memory
- Input Port
- Input/Output: A Big Keyboard
- Install A Reset Switch
- Installing a UHF Modulator
- Installing a UHF Modulator
- Installing the SCLD
- Interface a Joystick to Your TS-1000 or ZX81
- Interface for RAM in T/S 2068 I/O Ports
- Interface to the Real World
- Interface Zero on an Oliger 2068 Read Board
- Interfacing a Real Printer to the Timex/Sinclair 1000
- Interfacing An Electronic Typewriter to a ZX81
- Interfacing Tips and Troubles: Interfacing the Sinclair Computers, Part One
- Interfacing Tips and Troubles: Interfacing the Sinclair Computers, Part Two
- Interfacing Tips and Troubles: Memory Mapped I/O on the Sinclair ZX81
- Interfacing with Brother's EP44 Typewriter
- Internal 64K RAM for the TS/ZX
- Internal RGB/Reset Button Modification for the T/S 2068
- Internal RGB/Reset Button Modification for the TS 2068
- Introduction to Computer Control
- Joystick (IN 31)
- June Hardware Project: Modem Fix
- Just for Thought
- Keep Your Cool
- Key Board Mania, Part 3
- Key Click Generator
- Keyboard Alternatives
- Keyboard Conversions for ZX/TS
- Keyboard Interface for the TS1000 and the 2068
- Keyboard Mania, Part 1
- Keyboard Mania, Part 1
- Keyboard Mania, Part 2
- Keyboard Mania, Part 2
- Keyboard Mania, Part 3
- Keyboard Mania, Part 4
- Keyboard Mania, Part 4
- Keyboard Mania, Part 5
- Keyboard Mania, Part 5
- Keyboard Mania, Part 7
- Keyboard Mania, Parts 6 & 7
- Keyboard/System Conversion: The First 40/1 Keys
- Larken & Hunter
- Larken Lines
- Letter from Edward Loxtercamp
- Letters
- LKDOS Off Switch (For MAX DOS Operation)
- Load and Save Easier with LED VU Meter
- Load/Save Switch
- Logic Analyzer
- Low Cost High Tech 2068 Burglar Alarm
- Low Cost Voice Recognition for the TS-2068
- Machine Code Development System For Your Timex Sinclair 1000
- Machine Code Development System For Your Timex Sinclair 1000 Part II
- Machine Code Execution Above 32K
- Machine to Machine Transfers
- Machine to Machine Transfers
- Make the Tasman 'B' Centronics Printer Interface Work with the Larken DS400
- Make the Tasman 'B' CPI Work With the Larken DS-400
- Make Your Own 2068 & TS1000 EPROM Progammer
- Making a Wafadrive Parallel Printer Cable
- Making a Wafadrive Parallel Printer Cable
- Making Professional PC Boards
- Making the 1000/ZX81 Even Better
- Making the T/S 1000 & ZX-81 Even Better
- Marathon Operating Times for the Timex-Sinclair
- MAX 1000: Make the Most Popular "Mods" Compatible On Your TS1000
- Mem Saver
- Memopak RAM and TS 2040 Printer Compatibility
- Memory Decoding Above 16K
- Memory Expansion for the ZX-80
- Memory Improves With Age
- Micro Juice
- Mini-Motherboard
- Miracle Systems Serial/Parallel Printer Interface
- Misc Notes: Monitor Problems
- Mod to Use Hunter RAM with > 32K
- Modem Fix (2050)
- Modems and the Phone Line: A Cautionary Tale
- Modems and the Phone Line: A Cautionary Tale
- Modifying the Star NX1000 with the AERCO Printer Interface
- Monitor Connection on a TS-1500
- Monitor Output for the TS-1000 & 1500
- More Legendary Timex-Sinclair 1000 and Sinclair ZX-81 Information
- More On-Board Memory For ZX-81/TS-1000
- My Pet Dinosaur
- New Locations for M/C Routines in a 64K RAMPack
- New Locations for M/C Routines in a 64K RAMpack
- New Locations for MC Routines in a 64K RAMpack
- Ni-Cad Charger
- On Board Computer
- On the Extra Simple Spectr/Emulator
- One Chip Mods
- One Chip Mods: Kempstonize Your Joystick Port
- One Chip Mods: Recycle that 16K RAM pack
- One Chip NVM Correction
- One-Chip Mods: Built-in NVM
- Parallel to Serial Interface
- PET ASCII Output Program for the Timex/Sinclair ZX81
- Phone Dialer
- Phone Line Filter
- Phone Line Filter
- Playing With Electricity
- Playing With Electricity: 64K EPROM Card
- Playing With Electricity: Printer Interface Circuit
- Playing With Electricity: QL Digitizer
- Playing With Electricity: Video Digitizer
- Playing With Electricity: What the hell is a modaptor anyway?
- Poor Man's MODEM
- Poor Man's Modem
- Poor Man's Modem
- Port Project #1: Data Communications Between Two Computers
- Port Projects: Get the LED-OUT
- Power Supplies
- Power Supply and the 2068
- Power Switch for TS 2050 Modem
- Problem-Solving Circuits
- Program Blitz
- Protecting Your Programs Against LILCO
- Protecting Your Programs Against LILCO
- Pseudo-ROM
- QL Color Composite Monitor Jack
- QL Cooling Problems, Part 1
- QL Corner: Computer Fair, Serial Chip Replacement
- QL Corner: Power Supply Repair
- QL Corner: Power Supply Repair
- QL Corner: Programming EPROMs
- QL Corner: QL Power Supply
- QL Corner: Rehousing a QL
- QL for Joy
- QL Heat Problem Corrected
- QL Keyboard Membrane Repairs
- QL One-Chip Mod
- QL RAM Extension
- QL RAM Extension
- QL Real-Time Clock
- QL Real-Time Clock
- QL Remedies
- QL Tip
- QL Tip: 1200 Baud Modem
- QL to IBM RGB Monitor Connections
- QL to IBM RGB Monitor Connections
- QL to Monitor -- Come In! Buffering the QL
- QL to Monitor... Come In! Buffering the QL
- QL to PC Clone Cable
- Qool QL
- Quick and Easy Video Output for the ZX81 and TS 1500
- Quick and Easy Video Output for the ZX81 and TS1000
- Radio Shack MC10
- RAM Decoding for ZX81
- RAM Pack Repairs
- RAMKIT: Build your own 64K RAM
- Regulator Modification to 2068
- Repeat Key
- Repeat Key Option
- Reset Switch for ZX81 and 2068
- Retrace Lines: 2068 and RGB Monitor
- Reverse Video
- Reverse Video Monitor Driver
- Revised Schematic of Digi-Dubber
- Revising a Hunter Board to Hold 32K Bank Switchable NVRAM
- Reviving the 2068 Keyboard
- RGB Interface for the TS2068
- RGB Monitor (for 2068)
- Robotics on a Budget
- ROM Bypass Board PCB layouts
- ROM Bypass Circuit Description
- ROM/EXROM Bypass Board for External Eproms
- RS232 I/O Revisted
- RS232 Port Added to Timex 2050 Modem Card
- RS232 Port Added to Timex 2050 Modem Card
- Run TS1000 Machine Code in High Memory
- Run Your Memotech 64K on the 2068
- Running the Unrunnable Spectrum Programs
- Saga 3 Elite Keyboard Review
- Say What?
- Sears RGB Monitor
- Sears RGB Monitor Improve Composite Video
- Seeking a Cheap Output?
- Serial Interface for the QL
- Servo Interface
- Signal Booster
- Signal Booster
- Signal Booster
- Simple 2068 Out Port (Part 2)
- Simple Modem Upgrade
- Simple MODEM Upgrade
- Simple Modem Upgrade
- Simple Output Port
- Simple Output Port for ZX81
- Simple Reset Switch
- Simple RGB Adapter for the T/S 2068
- Simple RGB Adapter for the TS 2068
- Simple Sound Port
- Simple Video Inverter for ZX81
- Sinclair QL to IBM XT File Transfer
- Sinclair QL/RS-232/Xerox Memorywriter Connection
- Sinclair Talks to PC/XT
- Single-Key Shifted Functions
- Slave CPU Processing: Applicable to ANY Host Computer
- Smoother
- So You Wished You Had Bought a TS2000
- Some Short Projects for Your Timex Sinclair Computers
- Sound Generator for the ZX 81
- Sound Generator for the ZX81
- Spectrum Buss on 2068
- Spectrum Conversion Notes: The Spectrum Expansion Connector
- Spectrum Emulator
- Spectrum Emulator Revisited
- Spectrum Hardware Restart
- Spectrum I/O Controller
- Spectrum Motherboard
- SQ Notes: DIY ROM Switch
- SQ Notes: QL to IBM RGB Connections
- Static RAM on Cartridge
- Store BASIC on EPROM with an EPROM Programmer
- Super Data Save
- Super Joystick
- Supply Protector
- Surplus Keyboard Improvements for Extra Shifted Keys
- Surplus Keyboards Plus Directions
- Switchable Spectrum ROM Project for the TS 2068
- System Expansion Hardware
- T/S 1000 40K Non-Volatile Memory Expansion Project, Part II
- T/S 1000/ZX81 External Keyboard Buffer
- T/S 2068-Spectrum ROM Module
- Tactile Feedback for a Dime
- Tales From the Chip
- Talk Can Be Cheap
- Tape Amplifier for Loading Weak Tapes
- Tape Amplifier for Loading Weak Tapes
- Tape Head Alignment
- Tape Head Alignment
- Tape Level Indicator
- Technical Report: ZX Spectrum Modifications to U.S.A. Standards
- Technical Tips for the Timex
- The "Truly Portable" Sinclair/Timex
- The 192K ZX/TS Laptop Project
- The Amazing Digi-Dubber
- The Art Gallery
- The Automatic Tape-Recorder Controller
- The Cassette Connection
- The Cassette Connection
- The Digitizer
- The Digitizer
- The Digitizer
- The Digitizer and A Problem Found: Notes from Marty
- The Digitizer and What's Happening
- The Great RAM Rescue
- The Great RAM Rescue
- The IKI Interface
- The Interface Zero: Adding Microdrives to Your 2068
- The Joy of Joysticks: Add This to "Repeat-Key!"
- The Oliger System: Minireview
- The Portable Timex
- The RGB to NTSC Converter In Other Words Rock Solid Video
- The Sinclair Z88: Considerations for Peripheral Design
- The Sincus Light Pen
- The Sincus Light Pen TS2068: An Experimental Project
- The Solid State Disk Drive (Part 3)
- The Solid State Disk Drive (Part 4)
- The TS2068 Equipped with Microdrives & EMU-1
- The ZX Breadboarder: A Proportional Joystick Interface
- The ZX Breadboarder: The Digi-Dubber
- The ZX Printer and the 2068
- The ZX-81/TS1000 Column
- The ZX/TS and 2716 450ns EPROMS
- The ZX/TS Serial Link
- The ZX/TS True 64K Internal NVM Upgrade
- The ZX81/TS1000 Column
- TI99 Keyboard
- Tim's Schematic: ZX81/TS1000 Out-Board Clock Module
- Timex 2068 EPROMs (Part 2)
- Timex 2068 User EPROMs
- Timex 2068/Epson RX80
- Timex Graphics
- TMS9918A Video Upgrade For The TS1000
- TMS9918A Video Upgrade: Part 1
- TMS9918A Video Upgrade: Part 2
- Tone Generator
- Troubleshooting Disk-Drive Power Supplies
- Truly Portable Computers
- TS 1000 Hardware Mod
- TS 1000 Keyboard Add-On
- TS 1000 Memory Expansion
- TS 1000 ROM Swap
- TS 1000 Signal Booster
- TS 1000 Stability Tips
- TS 2040 Printer Switch
- TS 2040 Printer Switch
- TS 2040 Switch Placement
- TS 2068 Printer Interface
- TS 2068 Printer Interface
- TS 2068-Spectrum ROM Module
- TS Help and Information: Modifications to Add-on Keyboard
- TS-1000 Using 3 16K RAMPacks
- TS-2068 - CMOS on Board
- TS-2068 Cassette LOAD AID Meter
- TS-2068 Home ROM Bypass
- TS-2068 Memory Expansion
- TS-2068 ROM ByPass Board Features and Options II
- TS-2068 with Unlimited RAM capability
- TS1000 Keyboard Addition
- TS1000 Monitor Project
- TS1000 Pulse Cleaner
- TS1000 RAM Pack Upgrades
- TS1000 Turbo
- TS1000 Turbo
- TS1000 Turbo
- TS1000 Turbo
- TS1000 Video Driver
- TS1000 Video Driver Update
- TS1500 Fix
- TS1500 memory mod
- TS1500 Video Topics
- TS2040 Printer Switch
- TS2040 Printer Switch
- TS2068 Digitizer
- TS2068 Reset and Initialization Problems with Solution
- TS2068 Reset and Initialization Problems With Solution
- TS2068 Reset and Initialization Problems with Solution
- TS2068 Serial Cable
- TS2068/Spectrum Microdrive
- Turbo Switch for the ZX-81
- Turbo Switch for the ZX81
- TV Sync Solution
- TV to Monitor
- Tweak & Tinker: QL Power Supply Unit
- Twister with power schematic
- Two Memories in One Space
- Two More on RGB
- Two Problem-Solving Circuits: Preregulator and Battery Backup
- Two Switch Human Interface for the Communicative Impaired
- Two-Fer One: A Double Duty Oliger Board
- Un-Interruptible Power Supply
- Understanding and Upgrading the TS1016 RAM Pack
- Understanding and Upgrading The TS1016 RAM Pack
- Universal LROS/AROS Development Board
- Universal LROS/AROS/Development Board Schematic
- Update 2: Interface Zero Resistor
- Updates
- Updates
- Upgrading T/S Video
- Upgrading Timex/Sinclair Video
- Upgrading to a "Real" Keyboard: E-Z Key Makes It Easy
- Use Your TV Speaker for Peripheral Audio
- User Defined Graphics for the TS-1000
- User Defined Graphics for TS-1000, Part II
- Using Double-Sided Drives with Timex Disk Controllers
- Using Extra Keys on Big Keyboard - A Simpler Approach
- Using the "Tomy Tutor" Recorder with TS-2068
- Using the Microace with Sinclair Accessories
- Using the PC8300 with 64K RAM Packs
- USR Key
- VAMP: TV to Monitor Kit
- Vector Graphics
- Vector Graphics
- Video Board Upgrade for Your TSZX
- Video Modifications for the ZX80
- Video Modifications for the ZX80
- Voice Reproduction
- Wafadrive/RS-232/Xerox Memorywriter
- World's Simplest Volt-Meter
- WRX 16 Hi-Res for the 1000
- Your Timex/Sinclair Can Become a Terminal
- Z-SI/O Serial Interface
- Z80 LCD
- Z88 to QL Connections
- ZEX for the ZX81
- ZVoice
- ZVOICE Part 2
- ZX Analogue-to-Digital Converter
- ZX Burglar Alarm
- ZX Burglar Alarm
- ZX Interface Board
- ZX Resources
- ZX Resources: RS232 I/O
- ZX Resources: Transferring Between Computers
- ZX Spectrum Modifications to U.S.A. Standards
- ZX Spectrum Modifications to U.S.A. Standards
- ZX-81 Computer Joystick
- ZX-81 Parallel Printer Interface
- ZX/TS Repair Guide - Part II
- ZX/TS ROM and RAM Addressing
- ZX/TS True 64K Internal NVM Upgrade
- ZX81 & QL Regulator Bug
- ZX81 Background Reverse
- ZX81 Burgler Alarm
- ZX81 Data Acquisition Module
- ZX81 Data Acquisition Module
- ZX81 Direct Video Output
- ZX81 EPROM Board
- ZX81 EPROM Board
- ZX81 Extendi-RAM
- ZX81 Loading Filter/Interface
- ZX81 RAMpack Expander
- ZX81 Resources
- ZX81 Resources: 1mb Bank-Switched Memory Board
- ZX81 Resources: 64K SRAM Memory
- ZX81 Resources: A Tethered Robot
- ZX81 Resources: Analogue to Digital Converter
- ZX81 Resources: Joystick
- ZX81 Resources: Joysticks
- ZX81 ROM Adapter 2764 EPROM to Replace Sinclair ROM
- ZX81 Tape Controller
- ZX81 User-Defined Graphics
- ZX81/TSXXXX Out-Board Real-Time Clock
- ZX81/TSXXXX Out-Board Real-Time Clock
- ZXVoice
- Adding a Reset Button to Your TS-1000 or TS-2068
- Adding a TTL Monitor to your TS-2068
- Build a 2764 Based "Cartridge" Board and Programmer for Your '81
- Build a 2764 Based Cartridge Board and Programmer
- Connect a Monitor to the TS1000
- Connecting the Amdek Amdisk III to the Zebra FDD 3000
- Custom Keyboard Tip
- EPROM Cartridge Download Routine
- Experimenters Guide to the WC2050 Modem Board
- Experimenting With The Byte Back Modem
- How to Program a 2764 EPROM Using Hot Z
- How to use the 2068 User Cartridge Board
- Interface a Joystick to Your TS-1000 or ZX81
- Keyboard Mania
- Letter from Pete Petri to Fred Nachbaur
- Oliger 2068 Expansion RGB Circuit Instructions
- QL Tip
- Run Z-XLR8 on TS 1500
- Sinclair ZX81 8K ROM Upgrade manual
- The John Oliger Co. 2068 EPROM Programmer
- TS-2068 HOME ROM Bypass
- TS1500 Meets Oliger Video
- TS1500 Reverse Video
- Understanding and Upgrading the TS1016 RAM Pack