16K Sinclair/Timex Computer for $150TS 1000 Announcement of the T/S 1000. Will be available in computer stores, department stores, jewelry stores and drug stores, more than 100,000 outlets in all. 16K RAM, printer and modem promised for fall.
- A Screen Memory Map for the TS 2068TS 2068 Tutorial
Artificial Intelligence for the ZX-81TS 1000 Type-in program Program listing for an ELIZA-like that simulates a doctor psychoanalyzing a patient.
- Binary TeacherTS 1000
- Break-Even Analysis ProgramTS 1000 Type-in program
Cassette Loading ProblemsMore suggestions on resolving LOAD issues.
CES Show in ChicagoReport from the Consumer Electronic Show in Chicago. Sinclair dropped price of ZX81 to $99; showed ZX Spectrum. Timex displayed the TS 1000.
Chess for the SinclairTS 1000 Software review Review of chess programs and tutorial.
Christmas SpecialsTS 1000 TS 2068 Type-in program Two Happy Holidays programs.
Client Package - ReviewTS 1000 Software review Review of Boss Package #121 from S & S Company.
Color Computer From SinclairZX Spectrum Announcement for the ZX Spectrum. Lists features.
Color Output of the TS-2068TS 2068 Colors off when displayed on monitor.
Companies That Support the ZX-80/81TS 1000 List of companies.
Computer Literacy in Elementary SchoolsReport and proposal to use Sinclair computers in Blackstone Community School, prepared by Urban Schools Collaborative at Northeastern University, Boston.
Computers in Schools [Editor Ramblings]Why Sinclair computers should be considered for teaching programming.
ConjectureTS 1000 Type-in program Word game similar to hangman.
Continuation of Programs from 3/84 and 4/84 IssuesTS 2068 Type-in program Three programs were left out of the last two issues. Two are presented; third was on tape.
Drawing Ellipsoids on the TS 2068TS 2068 Type-in program The DRAW command can draw circles or parts of circles.
Editor RamblingsWe intend to bring to you ready to run programs of interest for both the beginner and advanced computerist. Robert Swan of CAI promises several accessories, including a printer, RS-232 interface, 48K RAM, modem and stringy floppy.
Editor RamblingsDescription of a potential time-sharing service for Sinclair users.
Editor RamblingsGladstone selling Sinclair thermal printer. Gladstone replacement keyboard also mentioned. Memotech GP-100 printer. CAI/40 printer from CAI. Timex demo booths at K-Mart. Winky board. Mistakes in Sept 1982 issue. Run-It Software Club.
Editor RamblingsMagazine printed with daisy wheel printer. Spectrum micro drives not disk. Sinclair and Timex sales figures. Amateur radio users. Educational software from 2-Bit Software. Program of the month club. Winky Board 2.
Editor RamblingsCassettes now come with a loader program. ZX-99 tape control system. T/S-1000 now being sold in U.S. Outside software support to be sold through stores. Kopak Touch-a-Matic, upcoming hardware.
Editor RamblingsCorrections to programs. Timex T/S-1000 computer sweeping the country. Keyboards from data-assette. Memotech RAM packs. Microdrive from SyncWare. Mindware printer delay. Computer judge assigments made by computer in Chicago. What is VU-CALC?
Editor RamblingsGrowth of the magazine. Amateur radio and the Sinclair Computer; QZX. Computers in schools. Watchmaker’s Guidebook. Users group in Hammond, IN.
Editor RamblingsMistakes in November 1982 issue. Sinclair pocket TV. US Spectrum sales. Printer news. RAM pack ribbon connector. Floppy disk for the TS/ZX. TRS-80 to ZX/TS. Supporting vendors swamped. Super Talker speech synthesizer. ZON X-81 synthesizer. Computer control devices from Thurnall Electronics.
Editor RamblingsMistakes in the January 1983 issue. Sidewinder, a new printer from Mindware. Synchro-Sette tapes bulk produced. CFASTDATA, CFASTDUET from Cosmonics. Printer interface from CRC Software. Timex Computer Club; Ramblings newsletter. New user group newsletters.
Editor RamblingsTS 1500 TS 2000 TS 2040 Tax programs. Basicare modules from Gladstone. New products from Memotech. TS 2040 printer available. TS 1500 printer announcement. TS 2000 delays; Sinclair’s ZX-83 and Timex’s TS 3000 under wraps. TS-2000 & TS-3000 NEWS Don’t expect to see the TS 2000 hit the streets until the final quarter of this year. Apparently, the 2000 will be…
Editor RamblingsDigitalizer from Eulyn Electronics, Super Winky from G. Russell Electronics. TS 1000 down to $39.95 with rebate. Virtuoso music synthesis program from W. D. Maples. The People’s Computer Supply company.
Editor RamblingsForth for the ZX/TS. Modem in the works. Update on TS 1500 and TS 2000 pricing.
Editor RamblingsTS 1000 TS 1500 TS 2068 TS 1500s available but without advertising support. Plans to port Syntext to the 2068. What to do with 1000? Emphasis on 2068 in coming issues. Tax return helper from K-Soft.
Editor RamblingsTS 2000 K Mart selling 1000 for 29.97. Price drop for Winky 2. TS 2000 as a business machine. Computech offers educational programs. New 64K RAM packs from Barlog and Gladstone.
Editor RamblingsTS-1500 news: Timex plans to manufacture a limited number to test market. Timex drops 16K model of TS 2000. Memotech announces MTX-512 computer. Radio Shack MC-10. Micro price war aftermath: Atari and Intellivision have experience mult-million dollar losses. Timex and Radio Shack have show disappointing sales figures.
Editor RamblingsTS 1000 TS 1500 TS 2000 TS 1500 expected to launch September 15, 1983 and TS 2000 around October 15. TS 1000 market almost non-existent. Program to convert TS 1000 BASIC and machine programs to run on Spectrum.
Editor RamblingsPhase-out of Synchro-Sette: October 1984 will be last issue. 2068 available. Customers can order direct from Timex.
Editor RamblingsTimex Computer marketing policy: discontinue TV ads; advertise in publications where reader is more likely to purchase a computer in next 3 months. TS 1000 fade out. TS 2068 hints.
Editor RamblingsTS 1000 TS 1500 TS 2068 TS sales below expectations: one source says fewer than 30,000 TS 2068s sold since introduction. TS 1500 cassette signal seems better than 1000. TS 1000 selling for as low as $9.95. Timex tight lipped about peripherals.
Editor RamblingsTS 2068 2068 peripherals available from 21st Century Electronics. Partial Pascal available for TS 1000. Tax prep software from K-Soft. EPROM burner system available from RAM.
Editor RamblingsTS 1000 Timestar Computers trying to acquire license to 2068. Problems converting 1000 programs to run on 2068. High resolution graphics, word processor on the 1000 from N. Elmaleh.
Editor RamblingsTS 2068 books. Syntax to continue. New TS purchasers in bind.
Editor RamblingsTimex Sinclair Shopper and Timex Sinclair News will be published. As of December 1983, Sinclair had sold more than 1 million Spectrum computers. Timex sold approx 100,000.
Editor RamblingsList of companies still actively supporting Timex/Sinclair computers.
Frame SaveTS 1000 Type-in program Short program to create graphics for easy recall.
Growth of Synchro-Sette [Editor Ramblings]Description of growing pains.
- History: The Birth of Computers
- History: The EDVAC and IAS
- History: The Eniac
History: The First Lady of ComputersLady Augusta Ada Byron Lovelace.
- History: The Mark 1 Computer
Home Budget ReviewTS 1000 Software review Checkbook Machine and Billpayer Machine by Synchro-Sette.
- How to Help Your Child With School
- How to Make Perfect Cassette Copies
How to Save Money on Your MortgageTS 1000 Software review Review of Boss Package 117 from S & S Company.
Important Information for Cassette UseZX80 Suggestions for better LOAD/SAVE.
- Index of 1982 Issues and Cassettes
- Index of 1983 Issues and Cassettes
Inverse Screen and Program ProtectionTS 1000 Type-in program Routine invert the screen and suggestions on protection as an author.
Jump SortTS 1000 Type-in program Implementation of a sort routine.
Letter to the EditorReaders pleased with 2068. Corrections to programs in earlier issues.
Letters to the EditorQuestions from readers.
Letters to the EditorTS 1000 Type-in program Program from a reader; UK Spectrum owner please with computer.
Letters to the EditorErrors in floating point numbers; reader pleased with new cassettes; fixes to earlier programs.
Letters to the EditorLetters about loading issues. Errors in programs. Mindware printer.
Letters to the EditorProblems loading tapes; program patches. Questions about cassette tapes.
Letters to the EditorZX80 Question about calculating odds; how to translate BASIC programs with READ, DATA, RESTORE; 8K ROM for ZX80 doesn’t give SLOW mode.
Letters to the EditorCommentary on VU-Calc; Sinclair and Mindware printers; sharing data across programs.
Letters to the EditorComments on sort routines; ZX Printer paper issues; errors in programs.
Letters to the EditorTS 1000 Type-in program Questions about programming practices, ASCII; converting READ/DATA/RESTORE to Sinclair BASIC; golf handicapping program.
Letters to the EditorTS 1000 Type-in program Improvements to date program. Program to print series of numbers and running average.
Letters to the EditorComments about new printer.
Letters to the EditorQuestion about Syntext and Memotech keyboard. Machine code and RAMTOP. Patch to program in April 83 Letters to the Editor.
Letters to the EditorReaders respond to whether 2K programs on the cassette should be discontinued.
Letters to the EditorQuestions about vendors taking orders for TS 2000. Corrections to earlier programs.
Letters to the EditorQuestions about 2000. Compatibility of Memotech RAM pack and 2040 printer. Question about space in Syntext.
Letters to the EditorModifications to Syntext to drive CAI P40 printer. Working around issues with Seikosha GP-100a printer.
Letters to the EditorTS 2068 Sinclair Users’ Network no longer published. Mindware printer not compatible with 2068.
Letters to the EditorLetters regarding discontinuation of Synchro-Sette.
Letters to the EditorUser reports problems specific to early Byte-Back 16K RAM pack; confirmed by Byte-Back. User purchased 2068 for $99.
Letters to the EditorReader seeks editor/assembler; Hot Z recommended. Problems converting from 1000 to 2068. Question about RAMTOP and NEW on 2068.
Letters to the EditorUser writes to thank publisher. Another user expresses surprise at how simple programs seem to be.
Letters to the EditorQuestion about software to convert 1000 programs to 2068. User has lost money to vendors who went out of business. Formula to figure out winning major league baseball teams.
Line Renumbering on the TS 2068TS 2068 Type-in program Subroutine to renumber program lines.
- Looking at READ, DATA & RESTORE on the TS 2068TS 2068 Tutorial
Matrix 1000TS 1000 Type-in program Tutorial Tutorial on multi-dimension variables.
Mini DatabaseTS 1000 Type-in program Simple database program, capable of storing about 12K on a 16K machine.
New PrinterPublisher switched to printing on a C. ITOH Pro-Writer. New printer from CAI. Sinclair working on battery for its flat screen TV.
- News for Parents
- Number MuncherTS 1000 Type-in program
Olympic ThemeTS 2068 Type-in program Sound/graphics program in the spirit of the Los Angeles Olympics.
- Overcoming Cassette Loading and Saving Problems
PeekerTS 1000 TS 2068 Type-in program Programs to examine memory.
PixieTS 2068 Software review Review of Boss Package T2203-C, a user defined graphics and drawing program.
Printer ReviewTS 1000 Hardware review Sinclair ZX Printer, Mindware MW-100.
Program BlitzZX81 Hardware project Attempt to cure program loss due to wobble by repairing insulating pieces inside ram pack.
Quantum LeapQL The Sinclair QL at the CES show.
Return of AntigoneShort fiction.
Return of AntigoneShort fiction.
Return to AntigoneShort fiction.
Review of Boss Package #118: Mail List and Inventory ControlTS 1000 Software review Review of programs from S & S Company, who also published the magazine.
Review of Boss Package 114: Biorhythm, Rorschact and ReactionTS 1000 Software review Review of programs from S & S Company, who also published the magazine.
Short Program RoutinesTS 1000 Type-in program Routine to center a title; checkbook program.
Short ProgramsTS 1000 Type-in program Inflation, Pyramid.
- Short Programs: Happy Holidays; Dates, Past, Present & FutureTS 1000 Type-in program
- Simulating the STRING$ FunctionTS 1000 Type-in program
Sinclair's Quantum Leap in the U.S.TS 2068 QL Sinclair announces QL, intended for availability in the fall. Formerly referred to as ZX-83. Editor predicts exit of Timex in light of advertising and product delays.
Skull ShotTS 2068 Type-in program Arcade game where user tries to shoot the skulls that pass over in the least amount of shots.
SpidersTS 2068 Type-in program A sound/color graphics demonstration program for the TS 2068.
Stick it to TimexTS 2068 Type-in program Program to demonstrate STICK.
- Syntext-2000 ReviewTS 2068 Software review
The 1984 Consumer Electronics ShowColor printer from Okidata, Okimate 10. New Commodore computers. Coleco Adam. Sinclair QL.
The Chicago Consumer Electronics ShowTS 1500 TS 2000 TS 2068 TIMEX had a fantastic booth. A number of Muppet-type puppets appeared on a CRT and interacted with a running dialogue with the passers by. Needless to say, large crowds sporadically gathered. When questions were asked about TIMEX products, other CRTs would light up and commercial-type explanations were given. About 10 each of the new TS-1500s…
The Computer Tutor: 2000 Programming AwarenessTS 2068 Tutorial Speculation on how to program the 2068.
- The Computer Tutor: Compacting DataTS 1000 Type-in program Tutorial
- The Computer Tutor: Converting String Variables to Numeric Variables and Back AgainTS 1000 Type-in program Tutorial
The Computer Tutor: Data GraphsTS 1000 Type-in program Tutorial PLOT and UNPLOT.
- The Computer Tutor: Data Point GraphsTS 1000 Type-in program Tutorial
The Computer Tutor: Determining Program SizeTS 1000 Type-in program Tutorial Short subroutine to report size of a program.
The Computer Tutor: Dummy Screen Memory MapTS 1000 Type-in program Tutorial Memory-mapping the screen display file.
The Computer Tutor: Floating Screen Memory MapTS 1000 Type-in program Tutorial Tutorial on directly programming the TS 1000 screen memory.
- The Computer Tutor: Floating Screen Memory Map, Part 2TS 1000 Type-in program Tutorial
The Computer Tutor: Line RenumberingTS 1000 Type-in program Tutorial Subroutines to renumber program lines.
- The Computer Tutor: Moving GraphicsTS 1000 Type-in program Tutorial
The Computer Tutor: Out of SortsTS 1000 Type-in program Tutorial Tutorial on sorting.
- The Computer Tutor: Re-Dimensionalizing VariablesTS 1000 Type-in program Tutorial
The Computer Tutor: READ, DATA & RESTOREZX81 Tutorial Simulating READ/DATA/RESTORE on the ZX-81.
The Computer Tutor: READ, DATA, RESTORE RevisitedTS 1000 Type-in program Tutorial Alternative method of simulating READ, DATA, RESTORE by storing data in a REM.
- The Computer Tutor: Reverse Scroll with Machine Language SubroutineTS 1000 Type-in program Tutorial
- The Computer Tutor: Simulating Draw & Circle on the TS 1000TS 1000 Type-in program Tutorial
- The Computer Tutor: Simulating Print UsingTS 1000 Type-in program Tutorial
- The Computer Tutor: Simulating the DEF FN FunctionTS 1000 Type-in program Tutorial
- The Computer Tutor: Storing and Merging Data Separate from the Program, Part 2
- The Computer Tutor: Storing Data Separate From the Program, Part 1TS 1000 Type-in program Tutorial
The Computer Tutor: String ManipulationTS 1000 Type-in program Tutorial More techniques for string manipulation.
- The Computer Tutor: Syntactic SumTS 1000 Type-in program
- The Computer Tutor: TS 2068 Error TrappingTS 2068 Type-in program Tutorial
The Computer Tutor: TS-2068 Full Screen UseTS 2068 Type-in program Tutorial Printing to lines 23 and 24.
The Computer Tutor: ZX-81 Word ProcessingTS 1000 Type-in program Short program to enter text.
The Forth CornerTS 1000 Software review Tutorial Introduction to Forth and review of Pluri-Forth from Tree Systems.
- The Forth CornerTS 1000 Tutorial
- The Forth CornerTS 1000 Tutorial
The Forth CornerTS 1000 Software review Review of Word Tree, a word processor for the TS 1000, for use with Tree-Forth.
- The GP-100A From MemotechTS 1000 Hardware review
The Incredible Cipher MachineTS 1000 Documentation for program to create and decode messages by substituting two numbers for every character in the message.
The Split Moving MarqueeTS 1000 Type-in program Two programs to display messages.
The SYNTEXT Word ProcessorTS 1000 Software review Description of the program functions.
The Telephone ConnectionTS 1000 Type-in program Program to convert phone number to a word.
- The Timex 2040 PrinterTS 2040 Hardware review
The Winky Board IITS 1000 Hardware review Review of the Winky Board II.
The ZX-80 Versus the ZX-81ZX80 ZX81 Incompatibilities between the ZX-80 8K ROM and the ZX-81.
This Month's Cassette ProgramsTS 1000 Spider-Dan, Minefield-1, Minefield-2, Rally, TwoDates, Rorschach, Instring, Namesort, Bouncing-Bombs, Biorhythm, Basecon.
This Month's Cassette ProgramsTS 1000 1K: Alien-Base, Clock, Mortgage-1, Marquee-1. 16K: Marquee-2, Cipher, Scrambled Words, Mortgage-2
This Month's Cassette ProgramsTS 1000 1K: Loader-1K, Message, Artist, Labyrinth, Multiply, Char-Code. 16K: Loader-16K, Bulletin, Bar-Gen, Name/Add, Star Lander
This Month's Cassette ProgramsTS 1000 1K/2K: Birthday, Micro-Pro, Rip-Off, Syncro-Smash. 16K: Reaction, Mini-Pro, File, Bulletin
This Month's ProgramsTS 1000 1K/2: Season’s Greetings, Mileage, Chainsaw, Frenzy. 16K: Inventory, Space Docking, Quote, Bulletin
This Month's ProgramsTS 1000 2K: Addition, Subtraction, White-Hole, Tapestry. 16K: Payroll, Superscroll, Inverscroll, Bulletin
This Month's ProgramsTS 1000 Downloadable 2K: Loader, Logarithms, Grafit, Guess It, Paint Brush. 16K: Measurement Conversion, Torpedo, Baby Syntext, Bulletin
This Month's ProgramsTS 1000 Downloadable 2K: Bank Shot, Deposit Multiplier, Math-Helper, Number Master. 16K: Gran Marquee, Tape File, Sub-Niner, Bulletin.
This Month's ProgramsTS 1000 Downloadable 2K: Big Char/Exam, Labyrinth. 16K: Tollbooth, Stock Projector, TTD, Thwart, Bulletin.
This Month's ProgramsTS 1000 Downloadable Windchill, Census, Sides, Droptest, Cardtrick, Stumper, Acorec, Bulletin.
This Month's ProgramsTS 1000 Respell, Bumper, Burts Game, Elecform, Fifteen, Infofile, Bulletin
This Month's ProgramsTS 1000 Downloadable Bomb-catcher, Land-mine, Slot-machine, Bowling, Minicalc, Arvolform, Bulletin.
This Month's ProgramsTS 1000 Binary Teacher, Hexer, Photon, Short-Route, Enigma, Quick-Pay, Bulletin.
- Thread the NeedleTS 1000 Type-in program
Timex Withdraws From Home Computer MarketTS 2068 Timex announced they were abandoning their computer product line as of February 22, 1984.
Try ThisTS 1000 Type-in program Entering line numbers greater than 9999.
- User's Groups
- User's Groups
- User's Groups
- User's Groups
View of VU-CalcTS 1000 Software review Review and tutorial.
What can the 2000 do for you?TS 2068 Brief overview of 2068 features.
What the TS 2068 Owner Won't Be Able to GetTS 2068 Peripherals planned but not launched.
- Would You Like to Write for Synchro-Sette?
Publisher: S & S Company, The
Started in April 1982, Synchro-Sette published monthly with a cassette included every other month. It was published until October 1984.