Dale Lipinski Software
2737 Susquehanna Rd, Roslyn, PA 19001
Dale F Lipinski
Checkbook for 200-400 transactions. Automatic check number and date entry. Listing of items by outstanding items, name, date or check number either to the screen or printer. With simple reconciliation you get the bank statement balance. Includes print options and allows correction of entry errors. 16K.
Downloadable TS 1000
Menu-driven checkbook. Enter data into your electronic checkbook, including check number, payee, amount, and an optional memo, look for a particular transaction, display or print all of the entries, locate and changeany entry, balance (reconcile) your checkbook, delete reconciled entries, and SAVE program and data.
TS 2068
Income and expense sheet style program for purchases, payment, interest, beginning balance and current balance. More than 99 user accounts including standard deductions, net pay and total income. Add/delete account names, list to screen or printer, transfer balances to set new account period. 16K.
TS 1000
Total inventory accounting program. Quantity purchased, sold, balance on hand, cost, replacement costs and accrued values. Search or change item by description, category or stock number. A description of 32 characters and stock number of 3 digits has 103 entries in 16K.
TS 1000
Double entry journal and ledger; single entry to both a credit and debit account. Date, check number, amount, credit and debit accounts, memo; define and classify your accounts; self-expanding to RAM over 16K. 100 transactions to 50 accounts in 16K; over 700 in 32K. In Basic for user modification.
TS 1000
A data entry and retrieval program for groups of information. List up to 4 categories of your choice. View, add, delete, print or mass search any info in any and all categories. A 16K RAM will yield 150 entries with 8000 characters in the field but may be expanded with more memory.
TS 1000
Money and Interest, two programs to perform multiple financial calculations.
Downloadable TS 1000
Keep count of items. Add, delete, search, change items by description, item number or category. Complete list to screen or printer. With 16K RAM & having an average description of 32 character and a 3 digit item number you would have 197 items. A 20 character average would be 265 items.
TS 1000
A quiz-making program to help others learn. You tailor the quiz to your student. You may enter text and questions or just questions in multiple choice, true-false or direct answer. Included is a subroutine to organize your inputs so they are readable when displayed. Self expanding to the available memory.
TS 1000 TS 2068
Contained more than 120 suppliers of Sinclair-Timex products from the ZX-80 to the QL and the TS-1000 to the TS-2068. More than 800 software titles are listed along with more than 100 books and hardware items.
ZX80 TS 1000 TS 2068 QL
- Bits and PiecesAERCO FD-68 disk drive interface; A & J Model 2000 stringy floppy; RAMEX offers Millenia K disk interface/package; T/S Smart Terminal Telecommunications guide; ZX81 software; Knighted Computers obtains Quicksilva software rights; new buyer’s guide from D. Lipinksi; other updates.
- Bits and PiecesNews from the UK; Mini Xmod communications package; additions to user group list; repair changes; Oliger/Kingsley disk system; TI 99/4A keyboard for the 1000 and other updates.
- Check-BReview of a menu-driven checkbook balancing program.
- DLS Buyer's Guide
- Editors NotesUpdate on products from DAMCO, T.E.J. Computers; new books and guides.
- Filing and Inventory SystemsReview of database programs The Organizer (Timex), Home Inventory (Orbyte), Data Storage and Display System (ZX-Panding), Business Inventory Control (Mindware), Inver Inventory Accounting (D. Lipinski) and ZX Pro/File (Thomas B. Woods).
- For Your SupportProduct announcements from Barry Carter, Aerco, Zebra Systems, Pete Petri, JRC Software, Chia-Chi Chao, Poretsky & Poretsky, D. Lipinski Software, K. D. Lewis, American Surplus Trading, Toronto Software World, John Oliger, Rick Munday, A.F.R. Software, Sum-Ware, Al White and WMJ Data Systems.
- For Your SupportProduct availability announcements from Imre Auersbaucher (educational software), Hawg Wild Software (2068 fig-Forth, CP Spectrum Forth, EMU-1 Spectrum emulator, User Design Graphics toolkit), Dale Lipinski Software (5 new programs for the 2068, and 8 new ones for the 1000 and 1500, dealing with accounting and file management), Sinware (updated HotZ 2068), Games to Learn By…
- Letter: Buyer's GuideDale seeks assistance in compiling updated information for his buyer’s guide to Sinclair/Timex products and services, to be published in 1985. Contained 120 suppliers and more than 800 software titles.
- New Product NewsAnnouncements of ROMSWITCH, DLS Buyer’s Guide, A&J Micro Drive, Textwriter software and Fastfile.
- New Product News, Old Product OffersUpdates on products from Budget Robotics and Computing, ROMPAK, Hunter, Oliger, Compusa, Softmark, W. T. Associates, Markel Software, D. Lipinski, Siriusware and Ace Software.
- New Products and Services (Syntax v3 n12)New products from Matthew Zenkar, G. Russell Electronics, MicroSync Services, Stephen Adams, E. Alvarez, Norris Electronics, Gladstone, Kopak, M.C. Hoffman, Stuart Software, Dale Lipinksi, TSG Enterprises, QZX Newsletter, Intercomputer, Lamo-Lem, JACYN Electronics.
- New Products and Services (Syntax v4 n1)New products from KSOFT, D. Lipinksi, ZX Software Team, M.C. Hoffman, Run-it Software Club, Startext, Expense Cutters Products, Computa-Dek, Bytesize Computer Products, Computer Continuum, Martin Irons, Rose Aircraft. Charles Durang will not publish ZX Newsletter, focus on books instead.
- New Products and Services (Syntax v4 n7)New products from Tom Woods, Kopak, L. Harmon, f/22 Press, 2-Bit Software, Barlog Software, Celestial Software, SyncMaster, CRC Software, Timeworks, K.D.V.H.E. Publishers, Starburst Software, Intercomputer, Hawg Wild, D. Lipinski Software, Polymath, Russell Brewer, Bob Fingerle.
- New Products and Services (Syntax v5 n11)Tom Woods sells enhanced Mscript; Byte-Back offers new A/D converter; Tom Bent’s 8K ROM; Powerful Projects with Your Timex/Sinclair; D. Lipinski’s buyer’s guide; Spec-Tax; control your computer with brain waves; green screen monitors.
- New Products and Services (Syntax v5 n2)New products from Pheonix Enterprises, D. Lipinski Software, Robert Fingerle, A&J Microdrive, Maples Enterprises, Cottage Technology, JK Audio, Interface Design, Apropos Technology.
- Resources (Sync v3 n5)Listing of new user groups, books and other resources.
- Six Timex-Sinclair ProgramsProduct announcement for programs from D. Lipinski Software.
- The February Report
- Timex/Sinclair SelectionsProduct announcement for Tutor, List, Check, Index, Stock and Inven from D. Lipinski Software.