Forth Dimension

1451 Union St., Middletown, PA 17057

Also known as The Fourth Dimension and Stratos Corporation. Not only did they share the same address; the only thing that differed between their two ads in November/December 1982 issue of Sync was the name of the company.


Name Description Computers
ZX-FORTH Full implementation of FORTH for the ZX81/TS1000. Runs up to 10 times faster than Basic. ZX-FORTH complies with the FORTH-79 standard, with the exceptions of replacing the # sign with the British pound symbol, the @ sign with a question mark, the exclamation point with *, an apostrophe with the word “tick”, and “[” and Timex/Sinclair 1000, Downloadable






Title Description Computers
To Buy or Not to Buy? Reviews of ES-II system switch box by Electronic Shop, ZXFORTH by the Forth Dimension, Memotech keyboard. Timex/Sinclair 1000
Unknown Tongues Alternative Computer Languages Alternatives to BASIC: Forth (Tree-Forth, X-Forth, ZX-Forth) and Partial PASCAL. Timex/Sinclair 1000

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