5 2K Family Pack |
Five programs for day to day tasks. Memoboard; Serves as family message center. Checkbook Balancer: Simplifies reconciling your check book. Recipe Recorder: Stores up to 60 recipes on a C-60 cassette for easy recall at any time. Mini Money Manager: Helps you plan and track your household budget. Homework Helper: Turns your computer into a |
Timex/Sinclair 1000 |
5 2K Games |
Spider Sam: Try to climb the building without falling off. Artist: Draw your own pictures and save them on tape. Labyrinth: Find your way through the maze. Mine Field: Locate the land mines. Galactic Scout: Find your way through the meteors, then battle the enemy to save the galaxy. Full graphics and various skill levels |
Timex/Sinclair 1000 |
Beginning Game Design |
Game design of “Lunar Lander,” a challenging space game. Kit shows in detail what should go into a good game pro- gram; covers display, design, and animation. Based on 8 step procedure of a “top down” design approach: general concept, displays, flow chart, algorithms, writing the program, type in the program, debug the program, modify |
Timex/Sinclair 1000 |
Cave of the Word Wizard |
On a routine mineral survey of the Planet Spolig you stumble into a mysterious unexplored cave. If your oxygen runs out, you will join the Wizard’s bone collection. The Wizard will confront you and give you a word. You must determine if it is spelled correctly or not. When you are right, the Wizard gives |
Timex/Sinclair 1000 |
Collector's Companion, The |
Organize and catalog your collectibles by description (name, serial number, code number), cost, current value, insured amount, and purchase date. Automatically calculates appreciated value and tells you which items are under-insured. 16K. |
Timex/Sinclair 1000 |
Control Center |
Desk work station for Sinclair/Timex computers. On/off switch, accommodates all brands and sizes of RAM packs. Pocket for tapes and openings for printer and cassette connections. 3 5/8″ high, 20″ long and 14 1/2″ wide, constructed from molded polystyrene. Will accommodate a 13″ video monitor. |
Timex/Sinclair 1000 |
Data Master |
General information storage and retrieval system. Store information on such subjects as: Christmas card lists, recipes, club lists, client lists, vendor lists. For reference, information can be recalled by name, date, amounts, etc. 16K. |
Timex/Sinclair 1000 |
Dungeon of the Algebra Dragons |
You must escape from the infamous Dungeon of the Algebra Dragons. You need to find the two magic keys. When a dragon finds you, he will give you an algebra problem to solve. He will add to your gold reserves if you are correct, or take some of your gold if you are wrong. When |
Timex/Sinclair 1000 |
Electronic Checkbook, The |
Organize and record checking transactions: check or deposit number, description or comment, date, classification code (groceries, entertainment) and amount. Checking balance is computed. Sort and recall transactions by date, description, and classification. 16K. |
Timex/Sinclair 1000 |
Forget-Me-Not |
Birthdays, anniversaries, and special occasions are important to remember. Record a dentist appointment, project deadline, or your boss’s birthday to be recalled daily, weekly, or monthly. 16K. |
Timex/Sinclair 1000 |
Insurance Property Record, The |
Organize and catalog your possessions. Information stored includes item description, serial number, cost, purchase date, store where purchased, and location of item. Items can be recalled by any of these categories. 16K. |
Timex/Sinclair 1000, Downloadable |
Intermediate Data Handling |
Design a fundamental data base that can be used for anything from a mailing list to a date reminder. Uses the “top down” design approach; covers information entry and retrieval, tape stor- age, string arrays, and sorting techniques. 16K. |
Timex/Sinclair 1000 |
Intermediate Game Design |
Game design of “Slot Machine,” a game of skill and chance. Kit shows in detail how to design a more sophisticated game. This is not, however, a typical slot machine program. A few surprises are thrown in. Uses the “top down” design approach; covers use of arrays, FOR- NEXT loops, subroutines, and how to make |
Timex/Sinclair 1000 |
Presidential Campaign |
You have been nominated for the office of the President of the United States. Now the work begins. You must conduct a nationwide campaign to win the confidence and support of American voters. Will you be the next Commander and Chief? A game of skill and strategy for 1-4 players. 16K. |
Timex/Sinclair 1000 |
Programming Kit 1 |
Practical “how-to” learning approach to BASIC programming. 16K. |
Timex/Sinclair 1000 |
Robbers of the Lost Tomb |
As a special archeological consultant to the CIA, your mission is to recover four sacred tablets from a lost 100-room tomb in Egypt. Inside the tomb you will be confronted by snakes, ghosts, bottomless pits, and mummies, with only determination and cleverness to make your mission a success. 3-D graphics, ten skill levels. 16K. |
Timex/Sinclair 1000 |
Scyon's Revenge |
From the command deck of the Starship Columbia you flash through space as hundreds of stars appear ahead of you and part before you. The infamous Scyons are again crossing the Galaxy, and you must stop them at all costs. You have 3 onboard navigational systems, new super-charged phasers, hyper warp drive, and the most |
Timex/Sinclair 1000 |
Star Battle |
As captain of the Starship Columbia, you must save Earth from the infamous Scyons. Your ship is equipped with warp and hyper light drive, phasers, and photon torpedoes. Their capabilities are reduced each time your ship is hit by enemy fire. Can you stop the enemy cruiser before the Scyons plunder Earth? 16K. |
Timex/Sinclair 1000 |
The Money Manager |
Sixteen budget and actual categories on a monthly basis for a 12-month period. Full analysis is provided including budget and actual comparisons, and detail by individual items. Bar charts provide graphic representations of budget and actual amounts for each period. Store information on tape for updating, revision or reference. 16K. |
Timex/Sinclair 1000 |
The Quiz Kit |
Construct your own quizzes for any subject in which multiple choice or true/false questions can be used. “Video game” atmosphere is achieved through the scoring to give the player the attitude of “me against the computer.” Players cannot cheat because only you know the secret password to recall the answers. 16K. |
Timex/Sinclair 1000 |
Wall Street |
You are a savvy Wall Street investor speculating in stocks, real estate, precious metals, minerals, and the money markets. You have limited dollars to invest which will put you on Easy Street or into the Poor House. A financial advisor is available to assist you but he is not always right, and he is expensive. |
Timex/Sinclair 1000, Downloadable |