Turner, Elcy & Com.

Port Huron, MI 48061


The professor’s Beautiful Young Daughter has been captured by the Maltraxians and imprisoned in the dreaded Detention Station Intrag. You must enter this orbital prison, find BYD and free her. Then, most difficult of all, you must escape with her from the alerted station. This is no task for the fainthearted; only you, Bart Trueheart,
TS 1000
You, Bart Trueheart, along with the Kindly Old Professor and his Beautiful Young Daughter have been marooned on a space-lifeboat in the fearsome DarkSystem. Your only hope is to boldly land where no man has landed before on Nekros, a little green men colony planet and to steal one of their starships. You must evade
TS 1000
Part 1 of the adventure of the wand of Kormantu.
TS 1000
Bug Eye Monsters have entered the life support dome of Earth’s first interstellar colony. You, Captain Trueheart, must lead the few space marines stationed on Alpha. If the invaders are not repelled, Earth’s colonization program will end. Fighting under the dome, you must clear the colony of invaders but be careful, if the dome is
TS 1000
In the Space Opera series games you are Bart Trueheart, the greatest genius hero of Earth. With your companions, the Kindly Old Professor and his Beautiful Young Daughter, you travel the spaceways in your faithful ship, The Rover of Space.But this idyll cannot last . . . you have enemies. The cunning Little Green Men
TS 1000
Part 2 of the adventure of the wand of Kormantu.
TS 1000



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