A complete table of the possible combinations of PAPER and INK attributes available on the 2068. Entered from Roger Valentine’s book The Timex Sinclair 2068.
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Capital Area Timex Sinclair User Group’s Library Tape.
One of a series of library tapes. Programs on these tapes were renamed to a number series. This tape contained programs 20083 to 20120. These tapes were compiled by Tony Willing.
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Source Code
1 REM 2 REM 3 REM ATTRIBUTES TABLE 4 REM FOR THE TIMEX 2068 6 REM TAKEN FROM THE BOOK 7 REM "THE TIMEX 9 REM SINCLAIR 2068" 10 REM 11 REM BY ROGER VALENTINE 12 REM ENTERED BY 13 REM G.F. CHAMBERS 14 REM 15 BRIGHT 1: CLS : PRINT TAB 15;" PAPER "'''''''''"I"''"N"''"K" 20 FOR j=0 TO 7 30 PRINT AT 2,j*3+6; PAPER j; BRIGHT 0;CHR$ 32;CHR$ 32 40 PRINT AT j*2+5,2; PAPER j; BRIGHT 0;CHR$ 32 50 FOR k=0 TO 7 60 LET a$=STR$ (8*j+k): IF LEN a$=1 THEN LET a$=CHR$ 32+a$ 70 PRINT PAPER j; INK k; BRIGHT 0;AT k*2+5,j*3+6;a$ 80 NEXT k 90 NEXT j 100 STOP 9998 SAVE "ATTR TABLE" LINE 10 9999 VERIFY ""