This is a quickload program. It is comprised of a short speed loader in normal ZX81/TS1000 format followed by the actual program in a format similar to the Spectrum and TS2068 tape format.
- STOCK1.z81 is an EightyOne emulator snapshot of the first program.
- STOCK1.wav is the file directly from the tape with fades and dropouts corrected.
- STOCK1E.wav has been edited to remove noise and provide more of a square wave signal.
- STOCK1.b81 is an EightyOne emulator text listing of the first program.
- STOCK2.z81 is an EightyOne emulator snapshot of the second program.
- STOCK2.wav is the file directly from the tape with fades and dropouts corrected.
- STOCK2E.wav has been edited to remove noise and provide more of a square wave signal.
- STOCK2.b81 is an EightyOne emulator text listing of the second program.