Mindware, Inc.

15 Tech Circle, Natick, MA 01760

President: Mike Levy


A good introduction to chess. Full graphic representation of the chess board is included. Single level of play. Does not accept castling or en-passant moves. Source code was published as a series of articles in Your Computer.
Downloadable ZX81 TS 1000
Try to put the scrambled words back in order.
TS 1000
Electronic worksheet with an almost unlimited range of applications. 16K.
Downloadable TS 1000
Convoy in distress. As you send your advanced class starship through hyperspace, you learn that vicious aliens are attacking an unarmed space convoy. Use your laser guns to blast at the enemy, but they fight back with space mines that can penetrate your force field. 16K.
TS 1000
Picks out the steps in a project that could become bottlenecks, monitors costs, spots effects of delays. Some steps must be completed before the next can begin; others can be delayed without slowing up the project as a whole. 16K.
TS 1000
Create and play your own crosswords.
TS 1000
All-purpose business-oriented filing and reporting database. 16K.
TS 1000
A computerized filing cabinet. Stores, keeps track of, and instantly retrieves all kinds of data, e.g., mailing lists, inventories, personal finances, recipes, collectables, club membership lists. Data records can be updated and searched quickly. 16K.
TS 1000
Takes raw data and projects sales, profits, inflation, and other trends. Computes a moving average that smooths out seasonal and random fluctuations. Stores up to 15 time series of 60 periods each. Analyzes growth rates, correlates two separate trends, computes mean and standard deviation. Results can be displayed in graph form. 16K.
TS 1000
A full 18 hole, championship golf course. You face a brand new set of hazards each time you tee up: trees, bunkers, and gusts of wind. Make a choice of club (wood, iron, putter) and strength of choice. You also aim the shot. 16K.
TS 1000
Fast paced game of chase and escape. Dash through 5 different mazes; pick up points by gulping food along the way. But you share the maze with the hungry ogre, and he is out to gulp you. The more you eat, the angrier he gets, and the faster he will chase you. Nine speeds and
TS 1000
Two programs to track inventory. Stock I: Keeps track of 400 line items, with product names and descriptions, unit prices, supplier codes, stock levels, and reorder points. Changes in prices, codes, and deletions easily done. Provides alphanumeric list of items or breakdown by type of supplier. Stock II: A simpler program that allows for 2000
TS 1000
Pick your maze; from small and simple to complex. The maze is displayed for a few minutes to let you memorize your way through. Then the maze vanishes and you have to find your way just as if you were stuck in a maze. If you get lost, signal for help and the computer will
TS 1000
Enter, run, and debug machine code programs independently of Basic commands. Enter and debug machine code instructions; then test them in operation. Performs hexadecimal arithmetic, copies and moves blocks of data, converts between decimal and hex, examines and modifies locations in memory. Maintains a protected environment for its own system variables and displays. By Taurus
TS 1000
All purpose worksheet for budgeting, job costing, data analysis, business planning, estimating, engineering, and home use. Sets up rows and columns of inter- related numbers, formulas, and words, “what if” questions (e.g., price revisions, lowered tax rates) can be instantly calculated to reflect changes on all variables.16K.
TS 1000
Set up virtually any kind of multiple choice test. You can write as many as 30 different test questions each with 3, 4, or 5 possible answers. Questions are ran- domly posed. A correct answer on the first try earns 2 points; the second try earns 1 point. 16K.
TS 1000
Plain paper, dot matrix printer that printed on 1 3/4 inch paper rolls. Three printing modes:
TS 1000
All purpose mathematical tool for solving equations and plotting graphs. Handles any formula you can enter from the keyboard; plots the graph of any formula; solves simultaneous equations; solves right angles; calculates arithmetic mean and standard deviation for a single list of numbers; calculates means and deviations for two lists of numbers, plus coefficient of
TS 1000
Flight simulator. Learn to take-off, land and direction-find from the safety of your computer. Similar to Nightlite but without high resolution graphics. 16K.
TS 1000
Series of machine code routines for use in Basic programs. Execute complicated operations with a few commands: Draw any size border; clear part or all of the screen; slide screen up, down, right, or left; invert video on part or all of the screen; create a flashing cursor; find how much memory is left; load
TS 1000
Create your own video slide shows for retail displays, seminars, and exhibits. 16 different displays with large and small letters and a wide variety of graphic elements. Display can run continuously. Adjust the length of time each display. 16K.
TS 1000
Space Invaders clone. Defend your position with three laser guns from a 40 alien ship squadron. 16K.
TS 1000
Lets you execute many familiar routines with a single command. Comprehensive LINE RENUMBER including GOSUBs and GOTOs, LOAD, EDIT, and RUN machine code programs; INSPECT the ZX81 and TS1000 system routines; COPY these routines into RAM and PATCH or EXTEND them; FIND a given piece of Basic code and replace all occurrences of it; move
TS 1000
Computer poses in random order a series of up to 30 variations on a general test question, e.g., a question like, “What is the state capital of . . .?” Checks the answers for accuracy and gives 2 points for each correct answer. 16K.
TS 1000
A word processing program to edit your written text. Justifies margins, allows revision and replacement of any part of the text. Displays up to 32 characters per line and 22 lines of text and will move text up and down rapidly. Sets up page formats and searches for key words. 16K.
TS 1000


  • 1983 Winter Consumer Electronics Show
    Mindware MW-100 printer, Data-assette announced add-ons and software packages and the Jupiter Ace was shown. A photo of the Timex Sinclair 2000 (in Spectrum case) also shown.
  • A-maze-ing 3-D overview
    Review of Labyrinth, from Mindware.
  • Bulletins
    Updates from Hawg Wild, Silicon Valley North, Daydesign, T-S Systems, Intercomputer, Mindware, Micro Developments, DK’tronics, MicroSync, Florida Creations, Len Harmon, Filesixty, Data-assette.
  • Eat the dots ... (GULP)
    Review of the Pac-Man clone game from Mindware.
  • Editor Ramblings
    Mistakes in the January 1983 issue. Sidewinder, a new printer from Mindware. Synchro-Sette tapes bulk produced. CFASTDATA, CFASTDUET from Cosmonics. Printer interface from CRC Software. Timex Computer Club; Ramblings newsletter. New user group newsletters.
  • Filing and Inventory Systems
    Review of database programs The Organizer (Timex), Home Inventory (Orbyte), Data Storage and Display System (ZX-Panding), Business Inventory Control (Mindware), Inver Inventory Accounting (D. Lipinski) and ZX Pro/File (Thomas B. Woods).
  • Flying High: Pilot
    Review of the game from Mindware.
  • Gozzip
    Sinclair announces ZX-83, Timex the 2000. Timex plans a 3000 for 1984. Mindware printer back ordered for six months.
  • Hardware Preview: RD8100 System
    RD8100 motherboards and modules are building blocks that plug onto your computer or together to create instant systems.
  • Highlights from the December Meeting
    Mike Levy demonstrated Mindware’s “Quickload” feature. Tim Hartnell, head of the National ZX User Club in the UK, attended. Henry April displayed the production version of the keyboard he designed and is marketing through his company E-Z Key. Dave Wood described the software products he has developed and is selling through his company SiriusWare. Dan
  • How educational are the "educational" programs
    Brief overview of effective educational software and review of educational programs from International Publishing, Mindware, Reston, Softsync and Timex.
  • Ian Logan Wins First Annual Rosetta Stone
  • Let this software help you run your home
    Reviews and compares four programs specifically designed to help manage money; one to set home files straight (birthdays, recipes, phone numbers, and so on) and one full 16K program just for all those bonus coupons that accumulate.
  • Letters to the Editor
    Sinclair Users’ Network no longer published. Mindware printer not compatible with 2068.
  • Letters to the Editor
    Commentary on VU-Calc; Sinclair and Mindware printers; sharing data across programs.
  • Making an Impact
    Review of Mindware’s MW-100 printer.
  • Mike Levy on Board of Directors
    At the general meeting in December, Mike Levy was voted to the Board of Directors of the Boston Computer Society. Mike is president of Mindware Inc., a company marketing hardware and software for the Sinclair and Timex computers.
  • New Products Directory: Printer for Timex-Sinclair
    Product announcement for Mindware MW-100 printer.
  • New software announced for the Timex/Sinclair 1000
    Mindware Incorporated, the first company to market a printer for the Sinclair ZX81 and Timex/Sinclair 1000 computers in the United States, recently announced a series of 20 “quick-loading” software packages for the machine. According to Michael Levy, Mindware president, Timex expects to sell 350,000 Timex/Sinclair computers in the U.S. by the end of 1982.
  • Printer Review
    Sinclair ZX Printer, Mindware MW-100.
  • Quick Tape Loading and Saving by Mindware
    QUICKLOAD software loads/saves 6x faster than current ZX/TS software and verifies whether the program loaded properly.
  • Resources (Sync v2 n5)
    Listing of new user groups, books and other resources.
  • Resources (Sync v3 n2)
    Listing of new user groups, books and other resources.
  • Review of Matrix Planner
    Review of the program from Mindware.
  • Reviews
    Short reviews of Mothership, Gamestape 1, Graphic Golf, Mazogs, Wallbusters, Caves of Zulu, Combat Flight, Vault of the Centaurs, 80 Hours Around Europe
  • Rosetta Stone Nominations Being Accepted
    Nominations are open for the 2nd annual Rosetta Stone award, given for the best independent product (application, software package, peripheral) for ZX/TS computers.
  • Second Annual Rosetta Stone Award
    Sponsored by Mindware Inc. is for outstanding achievement in ZX/TS hardware or software development.
  • The Complete Gamer's Guide for all Timex and IBM PC Users
    Short descriptions of games from Creative Software, HES, Melbourne House, Mindware, Orbyte Software, Reston Publishing, Softsync, Timeworks and Timex.
  • To Buy or Not to Buy? Hardware
    Reviews of Mindware MW-100 printer, Crash Guard from Expense Cutter Products, Power Line Filter from HB Industries.
  • Vendor Report
    Updates about Frog Software, Sinclair Computing, Mindware, Pegasus Microsystems, Memotech, C-20 Magazine, Starburst Software, Kopak.
  • Video-Plan, Computacalc
    Review of two spreadsheet programs.
  • Word Processing on ZX/TS Computers
    Comparison of wordprocessing and text editing programs for the Timex/Sinclair 1000.


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