Disables the single-stroke keyword system and allows one to type in Basic commands directly from the keyboard.
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Capital Area Timex Sinclair User Group’s Library Tape.
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This program allows you to enter the TIMEX BASIC keywords, one letter at a time. This is useful to those who have custom keyboards without legends. You can toggle this feature on and off with a PRINT USR statement.
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- Keyword v5 (computer_media)
Source Code
1 REM KEYWORD 2 REM by Glyn Kendall 3 REM from YOUR COMPUTER,6-84 4 REM adapted for 2068 by Jack Dohany (415)321-7684 10 CLS : PRINT TAB 5;"KEYWORD INSTRUCTIONS" 12 PRINT '"1. KEYWORD allows two modes of BASIC program entry: the normal single-keystroke entry, with KEYWORD off, and ""typed-keyword"""'"entry with KEYWORD on." 13 PRINT '"With KEYWORD on, program lines"'"can be entered without using"'"SYMBOL SHIFT or Extended Mode." 14 PRINT '"2. KEYWORD can be turned off or"'"on by GOing TO 9900." 16 PRINT '"3. KEYWORD should be loaded onlyinto a ""clean machine""- that is,one that's just been turned on." 18 PRINT '"4. For technical reasons,"'"KEYWORD can only be saved right"'"after loading. Details later." 20 GO SUB 100 22 PRINT "5. RAMTOP is now ";PEEK 23730+256*PEEK 23731;"."''"The 224 bytes of KEYWORD code"'"are safely tucked away within"'"the operating system."''"KEYWORD can only be hurt by"'"the commands NEW or RAND USR 0." 24 PRINT '"BASIC or ML programs can now be"'"LOADed or MERGEd,and the presentBASIC lines can all be deleted."'"BUT if you delete lines 9900"'"-9999, then you can only switch"'"KEYWORD on or off as follows:" 26 PRINT '"ON:"'"POKE 26690,208: POKE 26691,92"''"OFF:"'"POKE 26690,14: POKE 26691,12" 28 GO SUB 100 30 PRINT "6. ***USING KEYWORD***"''"-A special cursor ( > ), is usedwhen KEYWORD is on, replacing"'"the normal K and L cursors." 32 PRINT '"-You can do everything with"'"KEYWORD on that you can with"'"it off. The only difference is"'"that keywords (such as LOAD,"'"REM, RANDOMIZE) are typed out"'"IN FULL, IN CAPS, SEPARATED BY"'"A SPACE." 34 PRINT '"-CAPS LOCK works; use it!" 36 PRINT '"-If you run into problems, try"'"CAPS SHIFT-1 (EDIT)." 38 GO SUB 100 40 PRINT "7. NOTE: Even with KEYWORD on,"'"Extended-Mode and Symbol-Shiftedkeywords can be entered as"'"single keystrokes. They can"'"also be typed out." 42 PRINT '"8. TECHNICAL DETAILS:"'"-305 bytes of ML code are first"'"loaded at 40000. The tail end"'"of that code is then called"'"(via RAND USR 40275) to move"'"the 51-byte STARTUP routine to"'"23300 (in printer buffer)." 44 PRINT '"-The STARTUP routine is then"'"called, only once; it can later"'"be destroyed, when the printer"'"is used. This routine makes"'"room for the MAIN program at"'"26730, and sets up the Channel"'"Information Area (26690,1) to"'"divert input control." 46 GO SUB 100 48 PRINT "TECHNICAL DETAILS: (Continued)" 50 PRINT '"-The 224-byte MAIN program is"'"then moved from 40051 TO 23760,"'"where it will be accessed if"'"the Channel Info Area has its"'"address." 52 PRINT '"-The original code from 40000"'"to 40305 is now dead weight."'"So it is removed, along with"'"the BASIC lines that called"'"it. This can be seen by"'"loading KEYWORD and hitting"'"BREAK during a SAVE." 54 PRINT ''TAB 9;"***THE END***" 55 PRINT ''"PS:"'"Dead Weight should be deleted." 56 GO SUB 100 58 CLS : GO TO 9964 100 INPUT "COPY? "; LINE q$: IF q$="y" OR q$="Y" THEN COPY 101 IF q$=" STOP " THEN STOP 102 CLS : RETURN 9900 REM KEYWORD 9901 REM by Glyn Kendall (YOUR COMPUTER 6-84); adapted for 2068 by Jack Dohany (415)321-7684 9902 INPUT "KEYWORD ON? (y/n)"; LINE q$ 9904 IF q$="y" OR q$="Y" THEN POKE 26690,208: POKE 26691,92: POKE 23658,8 9906 IF q$="n" OR q$="N" THEN POKE 26690,14: POKE 26691,12: POKE 23658,0 9910 INPUT "SAVE KEYWORD? (y/n)"; LINE q$ 9912 IF q$="y" OR q$="Y" THEN SAVE "KEYWORD" LINE 9950: BEEP .01,25: CLS : PRINT "PLEASE PRESS A KEY.": SAVE "KWCODE"CODE 40000,400: GO TO 9910 9914 IF q$="n" OR q$="N" THEN GO TO 9920 9916 GO TO 9910 9920 INPUT "DELETE DEAD WEIGHT? "; LINE q$ 9922 IF q$="y" OR q$="Y" THEN GO TO 9940 9930 STOP 9940 REM DELETE DEAD WEIGHT 9942 CLEAR 65337 9944 DELETE 1,200 9946 DELETE 9910,9922 9948 DELETE 9940,9999 9950 CLEAR 40000: BORDER 0: PAPER 0: INK 7: CLS : PRINT "LOADING KEYWORD MC": LOAD ""CODE 40000,400 9960 REM INSTALL KEYWORD 9962 CLS : RANDOMIZE USR 40275 9964 INPUT "INSTRUCTIONS? ";q$ 9966 IF q$="y" OR q$="Y" THEN GO TO 10 9968 GO TO 9902