Products: Morse Code Translator
Developer(s): Paul Thomson
Date: 1984
Type: Cassette
Platform(s): TS 1000
Load program, select speed, play morse code into EAR jack. Play Morse Code Example.wav for an example of expected input. Morse Code Example.wav works at 9 WPM.
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Reads Morse code through cassette port and scrolls translated message across screen. Translates code off the air through earphone jack. Generates code from a character string for recording or hearing through TV speaker. Enter message in English and out comes Morse code. 2K.
Source Code
1 REM \76\76\2A\10\40\23\23\23\3E\7F\DB\FE\1F\D0\7E\FE\80\C8\23\E5\B7\28\1C\21\B8\41\BE\28\08\34\35\28\12\23\23\18\F5\23\4E\CD\BE\40\21\01\50\CD\E7\40\E1\18\D5\21\01\F0\CD\E7\40\E1\18\CC\AF\CB\19\C8\CB\17\CB\17\3C\5F\2E\A2\CD\D5\40\21\01\28\CD\E7\40\18\E9\53\D3\FF\CD\F1\40\DB\FE\CD\F1\40\15\20\F3\2D\20\EF\C9\2B\00\00\00\00\7C\B5\20\F7\C9\3E\50\3D\20\FD\C9\00\21\24\00\11\00\12\0E\80\CD\9A\41\38\FB\CD\2E\41\26\00\CD\9A\41\30\F6\B7\7C\17\BD\38\F5\CD\4E\41\0E\80\CD\69\41\CD\9A\41\30\E3\B7\7D\1F\85\BC\30\F4\CD\81\41\18\D2\7C\17\BA\30\07\54\1E\00\A7\CB\19\C9\7A\CB\17\BC\30\08\54\6C\1E\01\37\CB\19\C9\7B\1F\30\E7\18\F0\37\CB\19\30\FC\E5\21\B8\41\23\79\BE\28\09\23\7E\B7\20\F6\3E\17\E1\C9\2B\7E\E1\C9\E5\C5\D5\2A\0C\40\11\22\00\19\54\5D\23\01\1F\00\ED\B0\2B\77\D1\C1\E1\C9\3E\00\CD\69\41\C9\C5\06\50\0E\00\24\DB\FE\B1\4F\10\FA\79\CB\17\38\F0\C1\C9\3E\7F\DB\FE\1F\1F\38\02\E1\C9\E5\26\00\CD\87\41\7C\FE\06\38\03\33\33\C9\7C\E1\84\67\37\C9\26\06\27\11\28\15\29\09\2A\02\2B\14\2C\0B\2D\10\2E\04\2F\1E\30\0D\31\12\32\07\33\05\34\0F\35\16\36\1B\37\0A\38\08\39\03\3A\0C\3B\18\3C\0E\3D\19\3E\1D\3F\13\1C\3F\1D\3E\1E\3C\1F\38\20\30\21\20\22\21\23\23\24\27\25\2F\13\2A\0D\68\BC\22\BA\28\1B\6A\19\55\0E\47\1A\73\0B\52\C0\52\0F\4C\0C\5E\16\61\18\29\10\6D\11\6D\83\6C\14\31\08\32\12\35\00\00\00\00\00 10 FAST 15 CLS 20 PRINT "ENTER SPEED IN WPM (9 TO 100)"; 25 INPUT Q 30 IF Q<9 OR Q>100 THEN GOTO 15 35 CLS 37 PRINT "SPEED=";Q;" WPM",""""" TO RECEIVE" 40 POKE 16558,720/Q 50 POKE 16567,2160/Q 60 POKE 16585,1461/Q 70 POKE 16591,360/Q 75 CLEAR 80 INPUT A$ 90 IF A$="" THEN GOTO 120 100 RAND USR 16516 110 GOTO 80 120 CLS 130 FOR F=0 TO 2 140 PRINT "% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % " 150 NEXT F 160 PRINT "PRESS . TO GENERATE" 170 SLOW 180 RAND USR 16640 190 RUN 200 SAVE "MC%T" 210 PRINT TAB 5;"MORSE CODE TRANSLATOR" 220 PRINT TAB 5;"(C) 1984 PAUL THOMSON" 230 PAUSE 200 240 GOTO 120