SRAM Hi-Res Extended BASIC

Developer(s): Fred Nachbaur, Gregory Harder
Date: 1987
Type: Cassette
Platform(s): TS 1000

This is the full SHREB package, written by Fred Nachbaur and Greg Harder. Fred wrote the core routines (parser, tape routines, that sort of stuff) and Greg specialized in the cool graphics commands. Contains the latest version of the core only, plus a couple demos.

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Thirty-eight new commands extend graphic capabilities of ZX81/TS 1000 in 4K machine-code routine package. Features include upper/lower case, 64-column mode, user-defined graphics, sprites, plotting commands, windows and faster tape speeds/load. Incorporates Wilf Rigter’s WRX16 routines. Requires 8K RAM in the 8-16K region.
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