HOT Z-II User Manual

Author(s): Ray Kingsley
Pages: 53
Date: 1983



Copyright 1983, Ray Kingsley
Box 8032
Santa Fe, NM 87504


READ mode commands are listed at the top of the keys in the
top of the two layouts below. Single-step commands are listed
on the same layout below the corresponding keys.

WRITE mode commands are listed on the lower layout. FUNCTION
key commands are not listed. Refer to your command list for

type address to set cursor. Commands are SHIFTED.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0


   A     S     D     F     G     H     J     K     L     N/L
         SET               GO


A,E: goto WRITE modes D – Back to data mode

very useful in Edit or Assembly -> INSRT 1

Single-stepper -> 1 BACK

back to BASIC -> 3 QUIT

3 – enter decimal address to se

Set regs. in Single-step mode

NEW LINE – Enter: page through memory

H – swap name files

R – back to BASIC or exit single-step


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0


   A     S     D     F     G     H     J     K     L     N/L


A,E toggle between modes
T transfer cursor to END to DEST
Y Copy screen (dis-assem mode) or to END (write modes)
G Assign a name (must be in ASSEM mode!)
3 Zap a name ” ” ” ” “
4 Set END (very important command in Hot Z!)

The enclosed cassette contains the following:

16K HOT Z followed by Big REM followed by a NAME list. These are named HOT Z, BIGREM, and NAMEs. The NAME list requires more than 16K. Load it from 2EB2 to 4000 or from BEB2 to A000, for example. Then enter values at ALNA: 82-2E-B2-2E-FE-3F; hit shift-H. 64K HOT Z followed by a NAME list for that version. These are named HOT Z and NAMEs. A printed annotation or the NAME list will be available at nominal cost in the near future. LOAD the NAME list from E000 to F184 or any comparable memory space; values to set at FEE0 would then be 00-E0-06-E0-B2-F1; then press shift H.

See the notes on loading for loading and backing up the tape.

In “Hi-Z”, names table already included. You have
room for a few additional names (temporary),
but for more names you should set up alternate names file


The enclosed tape holds versions of HOT Z-II for 16K and for
64K machines. However. HOT Z-II allows you to create your
own, customized version from the original: The only difference
between The two copies on the tape is their memory occupation;
the 16K tape has all of the commands available to the 64K
user. but of course much less workspace. If your projects
with HOT Z ere always cramped, then you should consider
expanding your memory end installing one of the modifications
that allows you to run code above the 32K boundary. (Use the
16K version as the simplest starting point for the relocations
described in the later section on Relocating HOT Z.)

Those of you with 16K can only run the 16K version from the
tape. However, you can test-load the 64K side to be sure that
the cover comes un undistorted, which indicates a good load.
(After you hit a key, the 64K version will crash in 16K.) With
64K you use either version or create your own version to
give you access to memory currently occupied by HOT Z.

We will assist those of you who have loading problems by
exchanging your tape for an alternative dubbing. However,
please do not make things difficult for all of us by using the
Oldest cassette machine in the house and sticking with it.
They need constant cleaning end occasional adjustment of the
head. Irv borrowing another recorder before returning the tape.
It is true that irregularities in tape and cassette
cases do make some tapes unloadable, and we ask for no
apologies when you return a tape. We have exchanged tapes
widely and throughout the world, and about all we can say of
the medium is that anything can happen.

HOT Z-II combines a line-by-line assembler, a labelling
disassembler, a single-stepper and a simple editor. The
purpose of HOT Z is to give you a reasonable degree of direct
control of your computer, as well as to assist you in writing
assembly language programs to extend your control.

HOT Z will cohabit with a BASIC program, although BASIC is a
foreign language to HOT Z and must be read as data when HOT Z
is in command. Standard versions of HOT Z reside in high
memory but below RAMTOP. so if you plan to work extensively
with both HOT Z end BASIC you should use the command provided
by HOT Z to move RAMTOP below HOT Z.

A minimum requirement far running HOT Z is some knowledge of
the hexadecimal (hex) number system, which uses the characters
0-9 and A-F as its 16 digits, These instructions were written
with the assumption that you know the fundamentals of Z80
machine code. If you do mot, you should acquire a Z80
programming book. The one by Zaks (from Sybex) is useful, but
those written specifically for the ZX are generally more
simple. If you ere learning, then use HOT Z as a blackboard
to work out the exercises.


    It is possible to ruin a data cassette in the same way as a
    floppy disk can be ruined. A low-quality or poorly maintained
    cassette player can impose glitches on a tape and make it
    unloadable. Dirty cassette players will eat tape. Don’t take
    the chance. Make a back-up copy first and save this original
    for the day when the back-up fails.

    LOAD your original tape with LOAD “”, (LOAD “HOT Z” will work
    too.) With the 16K version, when the cover comes up and asks
    you to “PRESS ANY KEY TO REGIN”, you can make a copy by
    starting a fresh cassette on RECORD and pressing the S key.
    Your computer will output a backup copy to tape if you have it
    running. Any other key will start the program.

    In more than 16K. you should be aware of the following method
    for duplicating any ZX tape that loads according to the ROM’s
    BASIC protocol. That protocol requires that the data segment
    (as opposed to the name header) begin loading at address 4009
    (VERS) and load as far as the address that comes up in 4014-5
    (ELIN). With that knowledge., you can LOAD any tape as data,
    provided you LOAD to an offset from the intended area of the
    ROM’s system variables (4009—407C).

    For duplicating HOT Z or any long program, you need an extra
    16K, that is at least 32K of RAM. Then get HOT Z running and
    learn how to use its commands. LOAD the original HOT Z tape
    via the HOT Z LOAD command with the cursor set at address 8009
    and with END set to, say 8080H just for practice, then stop
    your recorder with the PAUSE key if you have one, but stop it,
    and rewind it immediately so that you don’t forget and start it
    in the middle, which is one way to ruin a tape.

    Now your memory should read out an an offset set of system
    variables, the ones that will be coming in from the tape, and
    the address at 8014-5 (lo-hi) will give you one more than the
    last address to be loaded from the tape. Take that value, add
    the offset, and enter it as prescribed to set END (the TO key,
    as in TO the END), then start recording the tape from its
    beginning again. This time you will load a full copy, as
    data. of the tapes contents. If you just SAVE the same
    memory contents to another tape, then you have a backup tape
    that will LOAD in the normal manner from BASIC. You have also
    become a copier, and if you persist in that wantonly you will
    cause the extinction of programmers in your species of
    computer, which might foreshadow the ultimate disaster of
    model extinction.

      The more important thing you can do with this technique is to
      change the program you have loaded and to save the new
      version. If you learn how to manipulate the system variables,
      you can create self-loading tapes of great variety. For
      example. you can direct where the ROM looks for its first
      BASIC line by setting the start address of that BASIC line
      into 4029-8 (NXLN). If you are writing machine code for a USR
      call and if your routine sets NXLN before it does its RET to
      BASIC. then your reentry to BASIC will begin with the line
      whose address is in NXLN. Self-starting tapes also begin
      with the line that NXLN points to.

      If NXLN points to VARS memory space, then the BASIC
      interpreter asks no questions but jumps up among the VARS and
      tries to read what is there as tokenized BASIC code. If you
      oblige it with a properly formatted BASIC line, then it does
      what you ask (e.g. RAND USR etc.) The important thing about
      introducing a machine routine from the variables block is that
      you can wipe away all your initialization code by a call to
      CLEAR, which is 149A in hex. HOT Z’s initializer jumps into
      the memory space in the printer buffer (403C) to do that
      CLEAR, and then starts the program.

      We are frequently asked how to get a copy of HOT Z onto a disk
      Or a fast~-load format. The ZXLR8 fast-load program has a data
      mode, which is ideal for saving HOT Z. You can even hook up
      the USR call that enters the ZXLR8 command mode as a HOT Z
      command, so that there is no need to go back to BASIC to use
      it. However, ZXLR8 returns in FAST and HOT Z requires SLOW,
      so wheat you need is an intermediate routine like CALL ZXLR,.
      CALL SLOW, RET. (SLOW is 0F2B.) Then put the address of this
      routine into a dead key slot in the command file and use the
      corresponding key for the command.

      With a data SAVE, you should save the entire HOT Z program.
      excluding the variables block, and then start HOT Z with its
      USR cell after reloading. With the 64K version, you would
      have to save the HOT Z program and file blocks separately, so
      you would be better off loading the tape to 8009H, as
      described above, and data saving that block, and then trick
      your system into reloading to 4009 when you want to use it.
      We regret that we have not had the opportunity to experiment
      with the variety of systems that are now available for the
      ZXLR8, but if your system lacks a data SAVE, then you should
      stamp your feet at the door of the producer of that system.


        Brief memory maps of the versions on tape are as follows:

        16K Version

        4009 407D 4396 4400 4E00 504B 517B 5B00 7F20 7FB0 8000
        System Display Calculator Your Work Area NAMEs HI Jump HZ Files HZ Program Stack HZ Variables
        Variables File Stack Tables

        64K Version

        4009 407D 4396 4400 5B00 7F20 F3A0 F64B F77B FE00 FE60 FF00
        System Display Calculator Your Work Area HZ Program Work area NAMEs HZ Jump Files Stack HZ Vars
        Variables File Stack Tables

        In 64K, the last 256 bytes above FF00 are unused.


        The following section provides an introductory tour of HOT Z.
        The experienced and the adventurous among you may want to
        plunge right in. If so, arm yourself with the short command
        lists and the keyboard map and try your luck. Details of the
        various commands are available in the later sections of these

        If you use HOT Z-II to best advantage, you will discover that
        it gives you a personal command of the machine (the Z80)
        itself, with a few exceptions that stem from your hardware.
        If those exceptions bother you then you might find it
        advantageous to improve your hardware. The most interesting
        hardware add-ons that we know of are currently coming from
        John Oliger, 10115 Nassau Lane, Indianapolis, IN 46229.
        These include a display board that turns your ZX/TS into
        a conventional Z80 computer with use of a full 64K memory.

        RAMTOP 80A8 81DC BF20-C000
        \ | | |free space| | |
        stack |vars|JP table|files|for names |names|pgm code|blank
        ——| | | | | | BF?F |
        8000-809F 81F? 885F 9552 97FE C000-FFFF not used
        \ /
        2000-7F00 resident
        your work area (!) NAMEs “HI-Z” map


        The cover occupies the initial display file and evaporates
        when you press a key. Then you should see the first screen
        “page” of disassembled ROM. Down the left side of the screen,
        you will see the memory-address column, to which everything in
        HOT Z is keyed. These addresses are in hexadecimal and in the
        format accepted as input by the program. In other words, all
        addresses are four hex digits and include leading zeroes but
        no identifying symbols either before or after. The format is
        always there for you to consult as you make entries to HOT Z.

        The address system runs from 0000 to FFFF, although the 16K
        memory goes only to 7FFF. In a standard 16K memory. you may
        find various parts of memory reflected into unused address
        areas, as for example a repeat of the ROM code at 2000, 8000,
        and/or at A000. This is hardware-caused, the result of
        incomplete address decoding. In 64K, you are liable to find
        that unused addresses above 8000 are cluttered with initial
        garbage, which HOT Z can clean up for you.

        The second column of the disassembly display lists the
        contents of each memory byte, again in hexadecimal, two digits
        per byte, packed together with no spaces between. These
        numbers occur strictly in the order they occur in memory,
        which is not necessarily an easy order for reading. This
        column is raw data, as it were, against which any
        “interpretation” can be checked. Z80 instructions can be from
        one to four bytes in length. A HOT Z routine gets the length
        of any instruction and parses the bytes into instruction-
        length clusters, but it cannot decide whether those bytes hold
        true Z80 code, as here, or simply numbers used as data. That
        decision in the end is up to the reader. On this first page
        of ROM, the first instruction is two bytes long, the second
        three, etc.

        The next column. the NAME column. will hold user-entered
        labels for the corresponding address, along with a few labels
        provided in a permanent file on your original tape. After
        you have annotated a program with these labels, you can SAVE a
        NAME file separately from HOT Z, to be loaded again with
        whatever program the labels pertain to.

        The fourth column presents those particles of electronic
        poetry known es assembly mnemonics. Relative jumps (JR’s) are
        listed, as in the sixth line, with their destination address
        (or NAME) rather than the single displacement byte with which
        they are coded. System variables for the ROM are listed by
        an abbreviated name, as in lines 4 and 5.

          You are probably familiar with these first bytes of ROM
          through various PEEKs or publications. The first three
          instructions turn off the nonmaskable interrupt that makes
          SLOW mode work, load BC to count up to 16K of memory, and jump
          to the initialization routine at 03CB. .The fact that only 16K
          is cleared by initialization is very useful if you have a
          larger memory and a reset button.

          The rest of the screen is taken up by RST routines. RST 10
          prints the character whose code is in A,RST 08 handles BASIC
          error reports, RST 18 and 20 help with interpreting BASIC, and
          RST 28 is the entry to floating-point operations, which are a
          separate sub-language in the ZX. RST 08 and 28 are always
          followed by one or more (for 28) bytes that serve as data
          rather than as machine code. The meaning of such bytes is
          listed in the mnemonics column.

          The current HOT Z display is referred to in these notes as
          READ mode or disassembly. The commands in this mode are
          mainly for moving the display around to give access to
          different parts of memory. The page flip, for example, is the
          ENTER key: hit it to continue the disassembly with the
          instruction following the one at the bottom of the screen.

          For distant moves. you can enter a four-digit hex address to
          the ADDR cursor at the upper-left screen corner. For example,
          try 03CB to see the memory count and the initial loading of

          During address entry, you can backspace to correct an error by
          using the DELETE key. which works about the same way as it
          does in BASIC. The difference is that DELETE doesn’t blank
          out the entry and that you can’t back out of the whole entry
          routine that way. To back out, use the ENTER (NEWLINE) key,
          which works as an escape key in this situation. ENTER is not
          needed after the last hex address digit.

          In READ mode, you can also get to a named routine by entering
          the four letters of an assigned NAME. Try KEYB. You will see
          that the NAMEs appear in both the NAME column (referring to
          the current address) and in the mnemonics column (referring to
          the target address of CALLS or jumps).

          In general, you can use a NAME in the file as a proxy for its
          address in the READ, WRITE, or One-Step modes of operation.

          Now try the shift-D command from READ mode. This is the
          display switch, and successive strokes of the the same key
          will take you back and forth between the data and the
          disassembly displays. The data display is for examining those
          parts of memory that are used as files of data rather than for
          ZB0 code. The first and second columns contain the single
          address and its content in hex, values that are reflected in
          decimal in columns four and five. (Use it as a conversion table.) The far right column gives the CHR$ of the contents of
          the address and will turn up any BASIC programming or message
          files. Enter. for example, the address 007E to see the
          keyboard file. Flip through using ENTER to see how the
          keywords are stored, with their final characters in inverse.
          Switch beck to disassembly while you’re still looking at the
          keyboard file for a taste of what disassembled data (sometimes
          called nonsense) looks like. It’s up to you to distinguish
          sense from nonsense when reading a strange program: the
          display switch is there to help you do it.

          The NAME column in the data display functions differently from
          the column with the same heading in the disassembly. The
          NAMEs in the data display are those that correspond to any two
          successive byes, taken in lo-hi order, in the second column.
          (The disassembly displays NAMEs assigned to the addresses in
          the first column.) Some NAMEs in the data display can crop up
          by chance: for example, two NAMEs immediately together mean
          that at least one is spurious.

          Use the T command in READ mode to go to the beginning of the
          NAME file. The NAME file grows downward like a stack, which
          it is not, as you add new NAMEs to memory addresses. Turn on
          the data display to see the structure of the NAME file. Each
          NAME takes six bytes: the first two hold the address to which
          the NAME is assigned, hence the listing in the NAME column,
          and the next four hold the NAME itself, which shows in the
          CHR$ column. Other odd CHR$ symbols will appear at random for
          some of the address bytes, signifying nothing.

          The data display is also useful for looking at or creating
          display files.

          You can enter decimal addresses to the ADDR cursor, but these
          must be prefixed by the shift-3 (THEN) command, which
          will put up a D after ADDR. Try it with 16384, which may be
          familiar. Check the conversion with the data display. If you
          enter a decimal address of less than five digits, then you
          have to press ENTER to tell HOT Z that you’ve finished. If
          you enter a decimal higher than 64K, the program will subtract
          64K end give you what’s left.

          Now get into disassembly and go to 1CAA, which is where the
          ROM begins the BASIC function LN. Hit shift-W to turn on
          the floating-point interpreter. You will see here and
          on succeeding page flips some of the floating-point calculator
          language. which is described in another section of these
          notes, At 1CAF you will see a rendition of a BASIC error
          report after RST 08, in this case for a negative argument to
          the logarithm. You can switch off the f-p interpreter by
          hitting shift-W again, but you will have a more accurate
          rendition of the ROM if you leave it on.

            The last display on the tour is the Z80 register display or
            Single-Stepper. It is one of the quirks of bilinguality that
            this display must be entered from an area where the floating-
            point interpreter is not switched on, so first enter an
            address above 4000, say. Then use the shift-S command from
            the disassembly.

            The register display occupies the top three quarters of the
            screen. The left column lists the various Z80 registers;
            please refer io a good Z80 reference book if you need an
            explanation of the register names. The double prime, or quote
            sign, is the only symbol available in the ZX character set to
            denote the exchange registers. The exchange flags are listed
            es EXFLAGS.

            The second column lists the hex values of the registers’
            contents., Values for the accumulator (A) are listed at the
            left of the column to remind you that A is the high half of
            the AF register pair, along with H, D and B. The third column
            either converts the second column value to signed-decimal
            according to the two’s complement convention, or, if the
            second column holds an address that has been NAMEd, then that
            NAME is listed in the third column. The fourth column, headed
            by the open parentheses, dives the hex value of the byte
            contained in the address formed by the register-pair values.
            (E.g. across from HL you will find the byte (HL).) The right
            column gives the CHR$ of the byte in the fourth column (for
            the register pairs) or of the byte in A.

            The box below the one containing the exchange registers holds
            details on the one-step user’s stack and the state of the
            flags registers. The user’s stack is separate from the main
            machine stack so that the system can absorb a few stack errors
            without crashing the program. The top four pairs of bytes on
            the user’s stack are shown at the right, along with the NAMEs
            for any addresses they might hold, so that you can check to
            see whether your test routines leave anything behind. The
            main flags are listed below the exchange flags for easier
            visual association with the conditionals in the program steps
            below. Standard conditional mnemonics are given for the four
            programmer’s bits.

            The inverse-printed address at the left in line 18 serves both
            as a cursor and to mark the address of the next step set up to
            be executed by the single-stepper. You can enter any address
            into that cursor just as you would in READ mode, or you may
            also use a NAME. The ENTER key still serves as an escape
            during address or NAME entry. but it has another more
            important function as well, which is to run the next single

              If it’s not already there, enter 0808 to the NEXT slot, and
              then notice the contents of the A and D registers just before
              end after you press the ENTER. This is a fairly safe area and
              you can experiment with a few more steps. (The things you
              must be careful about are loading into some system variables,
              either ROM’s or HOT Z’s, and some flag sets. LD (DF_CC),HL is
              usually program hari-kari, for example. The SPACE key allows
              you io skip the step at NEXT. The top line of Z80
              instructions represents the previous step executed, and the
              three steps following the one in NEXT are those that will be
              reached if there is no branching. A branched-to step appears
              directly in the NEXT slot; a skipped step disappears from the

              For faster debugging. you can set breakpoints (shift-4 and
              shift-3 commands) end use the shift-G command to step through
              the code as far as the first breakpoint encountered. Two
              breakpoints are provided so that your can cover both sides of
              a conditional branch. You must take care to set breakpoint
              addresses that the code will actually encounter, since
              stopping depends on finding a breakpoint exactly. The BREAK
              key will stop the shift-G command if used quickly enough. You
              can display the current breakpoints with the shift-2 command.

              Learners might consider mastering the use of the Single-Step
              first and then using it to see how the various instructions
              and a few resident routines work. A lot of bugs can be
              avoided by testing every routine you write with this device.

              Hit shift-Q (Quit) to get back to the main READ display. You
              will arrive at a screen page that starts with the address that
              was in the NEXT slot of the Single-Stepper. If you spot an
              error coming up at the bottom of the Single-Step display, you
              can quit the display, EDIT the error on the disassembly
              display, and get back to where you were in the Single-Step by
              using the shift-S command from READ mode.

              Writing and Editing Z80 Code

              The READ mode is a essentially passive, allowing you to page
              through the memory and examine its contents. The WRITE or
              EDIT modes are there to let you make chances in the memory
              content, provided that memory is RAM.

              There ere essentially three WRITE/EDIT modes. With the
              disassembly display, you can press shift-A and a cursor will
              appear at the top line of the edge of the right column. This
              is the assembly mode. Once you turn on the cursor, you change
              the entire command system of HOT Z. The commands available to
              you with the cursor on are listed as the WRITE-mode commands
              on the command lists. Hitting ENTER with the cursor in its
              “home” column will quit the WRITE mode and return you to READ,
              where you can readjust the screen to another part of memory.

                In addition to the command set, the up and down cursor
                controls allow you to move the cursor to a given line or to
                scroll the display page one line up or down by moving the
                cursor up from its top position or down from its lowest
                position. Up scrolling is automatic when you ENTER a line
                that is third from the screen bottom.

                You may also enter a new Z80 instruction to replace the one
                listed on the cursor line. Just start typing and the existing
                line will disappear. As you type, the delete key and the left
                and right cursor controls will function as you expect them to.
                If the cursor is over the top of a character, your next
                keystroke will replace that character. If you want to insert
                a character, press the EDIT key (shift-1) and a space will be
                created at the cursor position, with all characters to the
                right of the cursor being shifted one space right. The
                rightmost character in the line (usually a blank) is destroyed
                by this insert command. You cannot jump to another line with
                the up or down cursor command while you are in the middle of
                editing a given line.

                When you have entered the intended Z80 instruction, hit the
                ENTER key to put the proper code into memory. If your entry
                is in the proper format, the cursor will return to the left
                edge of the column and move one line down, ready to edit the
                next line. If the cursor stays put in the line you are
                working on, then it indicates a format error in the mnemonic

                HOT Z-1I follows the format of the mnemonics listed in the
                Zilog Z80 technical manual. This format is essentially the
                same as that listed with the character set in your computers
                instruction manual, with the following exceptions: the RST’s
                are followed by a hex byte (08,10,18,20,28,30,38) rather than
                decimal and the OUT (N).A and IN A, (N) use the parentheses
                shown here. (N is always a two-digit hex byte.) As a general
                rule, the open parenthesis is always preceded by either a
                space or a comma, and spaces are always important.

                When HOT Z fails to accepts your entry, it locates the line
                cursor at the first position that does not match its template
                for a proper instruction. Sometimes, however, as with an
                omitted space or an unassigned label, the cursor may appear
                earlier than your particular format error. (For example, it
                will flag the first letter of a label even if only the fourth
                letter is “wrong”. )

                If you get stuck and can’t get HOT Z to accept what you’ve
                entered, you can abandon ship and restore the original
                mnemonic by hitting the FUNCTION key. Your recourse then is
                to look elsewhere in the disassembly for the format of the
                instruction you have been trying to enter, or to look up the
                hex code for that instruction and to enter that in the hex
                column (See below.) to discover how HOT Z lists the mnemonic.

                  If you try to back out of a line with the cursor-left key, HOT
                  Z will act as if you have tried to ENTER the line. If you
                  write all the way to the end of the line an ENTER will also be
                  automatically appended. This occurs with some of the IY+N
                  instructions. which just fit in the alloted space.

                  You can use a preassigned NAME in an instruction anywhere that
                  a l6-bit (four hex digits) number occurs. For example,
                  LD HL. (RMTP) is equivalent to LD HL, (4004). You must give a
                  NAME to a particular address (shift-G command in WRITE) before
                  you attempt to use it in an instruction.

                  Relative jumps (JRs and DJNZ) are normally entered with the
                  destination address or NAME. However, for the JRs only (not
                  DJNZ) a second form is available for short forward jumps where
                  you haven’t yet assigned a NAME but know how far forward you
                  want to jump. JR +5 will jump ahead over five bytes. The
                  plus sign is required and the displacement is in decimal
                  with a range from 0 to 127. Backward jumps are not catered
                  for in this way: it is easier to look back for the address you
                  want to get to.

                  Provided you do not want one of the last four conditional
                  expressions (M, P, PO, or PE), you can use relative jumps all
                  the time, and if the destination address is too far away HOT Z
                  will convert your JRs to JPs (absolute jumps) rather than
                  report an error. The reverse is not true: if you enter a
                  very short absolute jump, HOT Z will take your word for it.
                  This conversion works well for entry of new code, but you must
                  beware when editing in the middle of an existing routine,
                  because if a two-byte JR is edited and becomes a three-byte
                  JP, then the first byte of the following instruction will be

                  There is no ORG command because you are doing the ORG yourself
                  with HOT Z. However, direct data entry is possible in the
                  assembly-edit mode through use of the DB pseudo-op. DB may be
                  followed by a quoted string (DB “ABCDE”) or by an even number
                  of hex digits (Db 090F 0D3A). Spaces are ignored in reading
                  the hex digits, except for the required space after the DE.
                  Each pair of hex digits is read as one byte, and a single
                  digit left over will be ignored. You can write a string or
                  series of digits all the way to the end of the line.

                  When you hit the end, HOT Z will add the quote if necessary
                  end enter the line. Upon entry, the editor enters one
                  character (for a string in quotes) or two hex digits per byte
                  startling with the cursor address for as many bytes as it takes,
                  then resets the screen layout so the next cursor address is at
                  the top of the screen. The reason for this is that the data you
                  have enter ed would be disassembled by HOT Z, producing a
                  nonsensical listing. You can look back with the data display to
                  assure yourself that what you have entered is indeed there.

                    The DB is simply a means of entering data without leaving the
                    assembly-edit mode. You should still assign NAMEs to your
                    strings or variables and use them in referencing the data.
                    The insert command is recommended when you enter data into an
                    existing code block.

                    If you want to use the RELOCATE command (described below),
                    then you should not mingle small blocks of code and data.
                    Keep them in large blocks and keep track of what is where.

                    In addition to string entry with DB, you may also enter quoted
                    non-inverse characters for direct eight-bit register loads or
                    for direct arithmetic/logic operations. LD A,”A” will
                    assemble as LD 6,26 and CP “Z” as CF SF. Sixteen-bit (double)
                    register loads are not treated in this way.

                    Hex Edit Modes

                    Hit the shift-E key with the disassembly display to get into
                    the main hex edit mode. The “home” column for the cursor in
                    this case is between the address and hexcode columns at the
                    left of your screen. Cursor controls work as with the
                    assembly-language editor.

                    To change the hex content of memory, you may either move the
                    cursor over with the cursor-right key or retype the line,
                    using the keys from 0 to F. With the disassembly display,
                    each line holds the correct number of bytes for a single Z80
                    instruction. If you write a one-byte instruction, the cursor
                    will jump to the next line immediately: for multi-byte
                    instructions, the cursor waits on the line until the required
                    number of bytes have been entered, then jumps automatically.
                    The purpose of this feature is to allow you to copy hex
                    listings from printouts or magazines. You can just type away
                    without worrying about hitting ENTER at every line, and the
                    screen will scroll along with your entries.

                    With the edit mode, what you see in the hex column is what you
                    get when you make an entry, byte for byte. Edit does not use
                    NAMEs and you have to calculate the displacements for any
                    relative jumps you enter.

                    All of the WRITE-mode commands are available with the hex-edit
                    cursor on screen. There is, however, no character insert
                    while you are editing a line, and the escape key in the middle
                    of a line is ENTER rather than FUNCTION. If you need to
                    change the first byte of a line after you have started editing
                    it, you should escape by hitting ENTER and start over.

                      You can hit the shift-D (display switch) key either before or
                      after you have gone to the hex-edit mode in order to obtain
                      the data-edit mode. This mode lets you change one byte at a
                      time by writing a new value over the top. This is the mode
                      that you would use for entering hex data files, addresses and
                      the like. (Use the DB command from the assembly mode for
                      entering text files.) All write commands are available from
                      this mode as well. except the NAME (shift-G) command functions
                      differently than it does with the disassembly display.
                      Shift-G will no longer assign a new NAME, but can be used to
                      write a preassigned NAME to the NAME column, and the address
                      to which that NAME belongs will then appear at the cursor
                      address and the byte following. The intended use is for
                      creating address files (jump tables).

                      Inserting end Deleting Lines (All WRITE/Edit Modes)

                      What happens when you press ENTER after writing an instruction
                      is that HOT Z reads the address of the line you are working
                      on. looks up the the numeric code of the instruction. and
                      enters that code into as many bytes as it takes. Then control
                      goes back to the disassembler, which reads back your code into
                      Z80 mnemonics and revises the screen page accordingly. An
                      important consequence of this is that when you are editing an
                      existing block Of code you must be careful not to overwrite
                      more lines than you intend to (by entering a four-byte
                      instruction over a two-byte instruction, say) and to watch out
                      for new instructions that crop up when you overwrite a long
                      instruction with a short one (one-byte over a three-byte
                      instruction. for example).

                      If you don*t know the byte length of Z80 instructions. the way
                      around the above problem is to use the line-insert (shift-1
                      or EDIT) and line-delete (shift-H) commands whenever you are
                      editing an existing block of code.

                      When you insert or delete a line, a block of code is moved
                      either to make room or to close up the empty space. One end
                      of that block of code is datamined by the cursor: the other
                      end must be datamined by you before you start your editing
                      session. Whenever the WRITE cursor is on. a variable called
                      END is displayed in the upper right corner of your screen.
                      END marks the other end of the active memory block for an
                      insertion or a deletion or indeed for any block operation,
                      such as a clear, a fill, a SAVE, or a transfer. END is set
                      with the TO key (as in TO the END) followed by four hex digits
                      or a NAME. On some types of entry errors, you may be asked
                      twice for the proper value.

                        You should set END whenever you begin an editing session. END
                        Should be within your workspace and not overlap with the HOT Z
                        program, lest you move sections of HOT Z around and lose
                        control of your computer. For the insert-line and delete-line
                        commands, a special restriction has been. added to the value of
                        END. For those operations, END must be within 256 bytes of
                        the cursor address, or else you will be asked (automatically)
                        to enter a new value of END when you give the insert or delete
                        command. At that point, HOT Z will accept any value you enter
                        for END and perform the operation. The purpose of this
                        behavior is io catch those times when you have forgotten to
                        set END. and io save you from a possible crash.

                        For insertions end deletions, END can be either above or below
                        the cursor address. The “usual” value would be for END to
                        point to an address higher than the cursor address, in which
                        case an insertion would push all values to higher addresses to
                        make room for the new instruction. For example. if you insert
                        a two-byte instruction at 4C10 with END set to 4C80, then all
                        instructions from 4C10 will be moved two bytes higher until
                        4C7E. which will go into 4080, and the original contents of
                        4C7F and 4C80 will be destroyed. A deletion of a two-byte
                        instruction would move all instructions to lower addresses,
                        and the contents of 4C7F and 4C80 would be duplicated in 4C7D
                        end 4C7E.

                        Oi the other hand, if the address in END is lower than the
                        cursor address, then an insertion will leave the following
                        addresses undisturbed but will push the contents of preceding
                        addresses to lower addresses as far as END. For example, with
                        END set to 4C00 and the cursor at 4C10, insertion of a
                        three-byte instruction would destroy the contents of 4C00,
                        4C04 and 4C05 by overwriting them with the contents of 4C00,
                        4C04 and 4C05, respectively. Analogously, a deletion would
                        duplicate the first three (or N) bytes in the next three. The
                        insertion itself will in this case go into the address
                        preceding the cursor address. This feature is useful when
                        you are editing in a constricted memory block with blanks that
                        may be either above or below.

                        After insertions or deletions. the cursor position may have to
                        be adjusted for your next entry. (The preceding discussion
                        uses “above” and “below” to refer to numerical values of
                        addresses, not to screen position, where addresses get higher
                        as you go down the screen.)

                        When a NAME is assigned within a block where you are inserting
                        at deleting lines, the NAME will move with the instruction to
                        which it is assigned. The displacement assigned to relative
                        jumps is not adjusted, so JR TARG may read JR 4C22 after an
                        insertion that pushes TARG from 4C22 to 4C23. Be sure and
                        label all JR destinations and then check that the labels are
                        still correct after an editing session. If you use labels all
                        the time. then an error will stand out clearly.

                          When you are editing the data displav, all insertions and
                          deletions affect one byte at a time.

                          Using WRITE Commands

                          Many of the WRITE commands affect a block of memory and
                          require that the END variable be set first to a proper value.
                          Use the TO key to set it. Aside from its use for insertions
                          end deletions of lines, END is generally set to denote the end
                          Of a block of code. whereas the cursor marks the beginning.
                          If END is less than the cursor address, the block is generally
                          taken to be null. though sometimes the operation will still
                          affect the very first byte. Most operations include the END
                          address; the exceptions are SAVE and LOAD, which finish one
                          byte before. (This makes it effectively impossible to LOAD or
                          SAVE address FFFFH, since the next address is 0000, which is
                          less then any cursor address.)

                          The block commands are LOAD, SAVE, FIND, transfer, clear,
                          fill. print, readdress and relocate, in addition to the line
                          insert and delete described above. The simpler commands are
                          shift-A and shift-E. which toggle the cursor across the screen
                          between assembly-edit and hex-edit; shift-D, which toggles the
                          display between disassembly and data and works only in
                          hex-edit because you can’t assemble data; shift-G and THEN,
                          which allow you to assign or delete a NAME at the cursor
                          address: shift-S, which takes you to the single stepper;
                          shift-R, which transfers control to the program beginning at
                          the cursor (Novices beware!); and FUNCTION followed by the
                          2-kev. which moves RAMTOP and the stack to the cursor address
                          and those below.

                          The two cassette commands (LOAD and SAVE) allow you to move
                          the contents of individual blocks of memory back and forth to
                          end from tape. Such tapes will only be loadable by the
                          corresponding BASIC command if the bytes of memory are in the
                          form of a BASIC program, as explained in the earlier section
                          on copying tapes. However, you can Save your machine-code
                          program drafts and your NAME files with HOT Z, and then load
                          them again to continue working on or testing them. The LOAD
                          and SAVE addresses do not have to correspond, but you must
                          have the same block length from cursor to END if you want to
                          preserve the whole tape. (This is why you can load BASIC
                          tapes at an offset.) If you LOAD a tape that is too long for
                          the assigned block. the extra part is cut off; if you attempt
                          to LOAD a tape that is too short for the assigned block, you
                          will get the familiar “searching” pattern on screen when the
                          live part of the tape ends: hit BREAK to restore HOT Z and the
                          portion of memory loaded. If you BREAK during the active
                          portion of a SAVE, HOT Z will restart itself, losing the value
                          assigned to END and initializing the stack, the NAME file, and
                          any values held in the register display. (Your NAME file can
                          be recovered. See the section on NAMing.)

                            LOAD and SAVE both take tape names, which are entered without
                            quotes after you give the command and before you press ENTER.
                            Maximum length for such tape names is the length of the
                            command line (top) on which they appear: If you exceed that
                            length, HOT Z reads an ENTER and begins to execute the

                            The TRANSFER command allows you to move the contents of one
                            block of memory io another block. The first thing to do is to
                            make sure that your destination block will hold the source
                            block without overwriting something you want to keep (or HOT
                            Z). You have the option of copying just the code (shift-T) or
                            of copying the code and moving the NAMEs assigned to it as
                            well (FUNCTION-6). The original o* the code will not be
                            erased by this command. You can copy from ROM but of course
                            not into it.

                            To use the transfer command, set END and hit the appropriate
                            command keys, This will bring up a DEST cursor at the upper
                            left, which asks you for the destination address of the block.
                            HOT Z will wait for you to hit ENTER after that address, and
                            if you change your mind or find you’ve entered it incorrectly
                            you can bail out by hitting the SPACE key instead of ENTER.
                            After the command has executed, the display will move to the
                            address you gave to DEST.

                            The FIND command has a similar protocol to that of transfer.
                            In this case. set the cursor to the beginning of a block of
                            memory for which you want to find a match. Set END to the
                            last byte of your template. Hit shift-F. An address cursor
                            labelled LOOK will come up at the upper left. Enter the
                            address at which the search should begin; hit ENTER to proceed
                            or SPACE io back out. HOT Z will search 16K (4000H) bytes for
                            a match to the memory from cursor to END: if a match is found,
                            the display moves to it: if there is no match, the display
                            remains et your template in READ mode. If you find one match
                            and want to search for another, set the cursor again (shift-A
                            or shift-E), move the cursor down a line or two so it doesn’t
                            point to the beginning of the found match, and use the
                            FUNCTION-F command. If a second match is found, the display
                            will move to its if not, the display stays put. (NOTE: If you
                            ere searching for a block of 8 zeroes, say. and you find a
                            block of 12, then io continue the search you should move the
                            cursor down so that there are 7 zeroes or less below it, or
                            else you will find the same string all over again.

                            The CLEAR command (FUNCTION-0) will put zeroes in all bytes
                            from cursor io END. The FILL command will first ask you for a
                            keystroke and then fill the block with the code for the
                            character assigned to that key. If you clear or fill a block
                            of HOT Z or the stack, you are likely to crash.

                              The PRINT-SCREEN command in WRITE will send the contents of
                              the screen, starting with the cursor line, to your 2040
                              printer or to the Memotech parallel interface. Printing will
                              continue, interrupted by page flips of the display, until the
                              bottom of the screen that contains the END address. If you
                              forget to set END, you can BREAK to save paper.

                              There is also a hex-arithmetic command, which, though not a
                              block command, uses both the cursor address and END. The
                              Command is shift-D, and the result is the hex sum and
                              difference (END minus cursor address) of the two values, which
                              ere displayed in the command (top) line.

                              The Readdress (for jump tables) and Relocate (for programs)
                              commands are described in a later section of these notes, due
                              to their complexity.

                              A detailed description of all the HOT Z commands is also
                              included as a later section intended for occasional reference.
                              For normal use. you may want to detach the brief command lists
                              and the keyboard map included at the beginning of these notes.
                              Other sections will give you details on naming and NAME files,
                              the floating-point language interpreter, and the program
                              relocator. If there are specific commands which you find
                              absolutely opaque or unusable, please write to us for details.

                              HOT Z’s Flags

                              HOT Z uses the byte at 4021 in the ROM’s system variable space
                              as 8 bit-flags, so you could crash the system if you try to
                              load that byte. The significance of the bits is as follows:

                              0 Set for disassembly of RST 08h
                              1 Set for disassembly of RST 28h
                              2 Set for an INSERT in progress
                              3 Set by an input NAME, reset by an ADDR
                              4 Set for data display
                              5 Set for EDIT, reset for WRITE
                              6 Set for a scroll
                              7 Set for window in register display

                              HOT Z also uses 4078 and 407C to hold a restart address in
                              case you fall into a BASIC error trap (RST 08). Occasional
                              use is made of the system variables PPC, OLDPFC and STRLEN,
                              but this use does not, to our knowledge, affect the operation
                              of a co-resident BASIC program.

                                DISASSEMBLER FEATURES

                                The HOT Z disassembler has been specially programmed for the
                                ZX 8K ROM. The special features that are catered for are the
                                system variables, the BASIC error reports, and the floating-
                                point operations. which make up the ‘calculator language” of
                                the ZX.

                                Abbreviations of system variable names are included in the
                                permanent NAME file that loads with the program. The HOT Z
                                disassembler always uses the name for a system variable
                                whether it is referred to by absolute address (e.g. 400C) or
                                by a displacement from IY (IY+0C). However, if you want the
                                IY form from the assembler, you must write it out, since the
                                assembler will always substitute an address (two bytes) for an
                                entered NAME. We have added DBNC (debounce) for 4027 (decimal
                                16423) and HZFG for 4021 (16417), which is used as a flag byte
                                by HOT Z. Since these system variable names are part of a
                                NAME file, you can change the abbreviations to suit your own
                                taste by entering a new NAME over the top of the old one
                                (shift-G command in WRITE).

                                HOT Z-II also uses the system variables PPC, OLDPPC and
                                STRLEN, but this should have no serious on a BASIC program in
                                memory with HOT Z. CALLs you make to ROM routines should not
                                fail for incorrect system pointers. If you use the floating-
                                point routines, you should load HL’ with 10D2 before making
                                the CALL.

                                When an RST 08H is executed, the byte following the RST is not
                                code but is used as data to generate the BASIC error report.
                                HOT Z reads these bytes as ERROR 9, etc., rather than
                                generating Z89g mnemonics for them. If you are running the
                                disassembler over a block of data, you may see some queer
                                results, like ERROR Z.

                                An RST 28 is the ZX ROM’s entry into the floating-point
                                language, which is normally disassembled by HOT Z. If you
                                find this second language distracting, you can switch off the
                                f-p language interpreter with the shift-W command (READ).

                                If you want to know what is really going on in the floating-
                                point routines, then consult appendix A of these notes.

                                  THE COMMAND SET

                                  All commands are on shifted keys in order to allow all of the
                                  alphabet for assembly editing. Following is a description of
                                  each command. Remember to use the shift key with all commands
                                  except ENTER and SPACE.

                                  READ Mode

                                  Key Description

                                  A Sets the cursor to the top line and switches to the
                                  assembly-edit mode. The same keystrokes will get you
                                  from hex-edit to assembly edit. This command works
                                  only when the disassembly display is on.

                                  AND (Shift 2) Switches on or off a display of the stack-
                                  pointer address in the upper right screen corner. The
                                  default is Off, because it isn’t pretty. but you
                                  should turn it on when you are test running your own
                                  routines. There is a small amount of shock absorption
                                  in the HOT Z stack, but if you should see it changing,
                                  you should reset it with the R command (Read) and then
                                  look very carefully at what you are doing to the stack
                                  with the routine you are testing.

                                  D The display switch from disassembly to data display or
                                  back again. The same command works with the hex-edit
                                  cursor on but not from assembly-edit.

                                  E Sets the cursor to the top line and switches to the
                                  hex-edit mode. This command also works from assembly-
                                  edit mode without resetting the cursor line.

                                  F Fix display file. Combs the display file and sets all
                                  the line endings. Use it when one of your experiments
                                  messes up the display. If you are in READ mode, This
                                  command should work even without an ADDR cursor.

                                  H NAME file switch. If you are using only one file, the
                                  NAMEs are switched off or on. If you have two files
                                  in memory, the command will switch from one file to
                                  the other. The point of the double NAME file is for
                                  revising a program under development, so that you can
                                  use the same NAMEs at two different addresses.

                                  Q Quit HOT Z for BASIC. HOT Z remains resident and can
                                  be recalled with RAND USR 22528. If you want to
                                  protect HOT Z, move RAMTOP first with FUNCTION-2 (Write).

                                    R Restarts HOT Z. Reinitializes variables and resets the
                                    stack. Purpose is to clear clutter from the stack.

                                    S Switch to single-stepper. The address in the NEXT and
                                    LAST slots will be last ones used there. Use this
                                    command to get back after you have spotted and
                                    repaired an error in the upcoming code. All old
                                    single-step register values are preserved.

                                    T Move the display to the start of the NAME file and
                                    switch to the data display. Use this command as
                                    preparation for SAVing a NAME file. (Turn on the
                                    cursor, set END, and SAVE.)

                                    THEN (Shift-3) Indicates decimal address to follow. The
                                    command will add another inverse block to the ADDR
                                    cursor. If the decimal address is less than five
                                    digits long. hit ENTER after the last.

                                    TO (Shift-4) Floating-point disassembler switch. This
                                    is a flag switch (NOT an on-off switch) which
                                    switches interpretation of a byte from Z80 language
                                    to floating-point language. This command is necessary
                                    for certain embedded sections of floating-point code
                                    that are mot preceded by an RST 28 but are jumped to
                                    from some other portion of floating-point code. This
                                    command will not function if the W switch has been set
                                    to off. If it doesn’t work, hit shift-W and try

                                    W Switch the on-off state of the floating-point dis-
                                    assembler. If turned off, then the TO (Shift-4)
                                    command will have no effect. If on, then every EF
                                    (RST 28) will switch to the floating-point disassem-
                                    bly and every 34H will switch off the floating-point
                                    disassembly. If you have a stray EF on screen while
                                    you are in an edit mode, you may get a messed up
                                    display when you enter code. If so, exit (ENTER) from
                                    edit mode. use this shift-W command, and go back into
                                    the active mode without fear. Default state is ON.

                                    Y Prints the screen. Useful for small routines. Gives
                                    you headings and all. Consider using the same command
                                    from an edit mode for no headings and variable length.

                                      WRITE Mode Commands

                                      A Switch to assembly-edit mode. Works only when dis-
                                      assembly display and edit mode are on. Moves the
                                      cursor horizontally.

                                      AND LOAD from cursor to END. Works exactly like the HOT
                                      Z-1 command. If you enter a tape name (no quotes),
                                      then the tape is searched for a header with that name.
                                      If no name is entered, then the first band on the tape
                                      is loaded. The first byte after the tape name is
                                      loaded to the cursor address and the rest follows.
                                      Loading stops at the byte before END. if the tape
                                      does not contain sufficient data to fill memory to
                                      END, then the familiar “waiting” pattern comes up on
                                      screen. You may BREAK from this command. BASIC tapes
                                      begin at 4009H and will load from HOT Z if there is
                                      space in memory.

                                      D Display switch, data/disassembly. Works only from
                                      hex-edit mode.

                                      E Switch to hex-edit mode from assembly edit. Moves the
                                      cursor horizontally.

                                      EDIT Sets the Insert mode for the next instruction (only)
                                      to be entered. If END is less than the cursor
                                      address, then instructions are pushed to lower
                                      addresses (up the screen) as far as END: if END is
                                      greater than the cursor address, then instructions are
                                      moved to higher addresses (down the screen) as far as
                                      END. Any NAMEs assigned to shifted memory area will
                                      also be shifted so that they stay with the instruction
                                      to which they were assigned. Relative jumps to or
                                      from the shifted area are not corrected and may
                                      require a fix-up. If END is 256 bytes or more from
                                      the cursor. address. you will be required to confirm
                                      the END value before the operation proceeds.

                                      ENTER Quit to READ mode when cursor is in “home” column.
                                      During hex entry, ENTER escapes and leaves the
                                      original memory contents intact. During mnemonics
                                      entry, ENTER sends the line contents to the assembler
                                      for entry into memory.

                                      F Find the string marked by the cursor (first byte) and
                                      END (last byte). Sets the display to start with the
                                      found string. If no match is found, then the display
                                      remains et the template string. To find the next
                                      match without going back to the template, use
                                      FUNCTION-F. Do not use other commands between
                                      the F command and FUNCTION-F.

                                        FUNCTION During mnemonics entry, escapes and leaves the
                                        original memory contents intact. When cursor is in
                                        the “home” column, FUNCTION changes the cursor to
                                        inverse F and acts as a prefix to the FUNCTION
                                        commands listed below.

                                        G NAME command, This command has two separate effects,
                                        depending upon whether it is used with the disassembly
                                        display or the data display. With the disassembly
                                        display, the effect is to christen that instruction
                                        with the NAME that you enter to the screen following
                                        the command. As with HOT Z-1, a NAME is four letters
                                        with at least one beyond F in the alphabet.
                                        With the data display, the NAME you enter following
                                        the command must already be assigned to some address.
                                        HOT Z then looks up the address for that NAME and
                                        pokes that address to the byte at the cursor address
                                        end the byte following. then moves the cursor down two
                                        bytes. Use this form for entering tables of

                                        H Deletes the instruction at the cursor and closes up
                                        the code between the cursor and END. END may be
                                        either lower or higher than the cursor address. If
                                        END is less than the cursor address, then code is
                                        moved from lower addresses to close the spaces; if END
                                        is greater than the cursor address, then code is move
                                        from higher addresses to close the space. Code at the
                                        END address and beyond (moving away from the cursor)
                                        is preserved. If END is 256 or more bytes away from
                                        the cursor, then you will be asked each time to verify
                                        the END value before the command is executed. The
                                        purpose of this is to prevent your messing up the
                                        entire memory by forgetting to set END properly.

                                        Q Does hex arithmetic. Takes the cursor address (K) and
                                        END (E) and displays on the top line the sum (E+K) and
                                        difference (E-K) in hexadecimal.

                                        R Runs code beginning at the cursor address. Returns to
                                        HOT Z with the first RET. If you do an extra FOF and
                                        destroy the return address, then you are on your own.
                                        (This command differs from the similar one in HOT 2-1,
                                        which requires a JF back to HOT Z.) Recommended pro-
                                        cedure is to test your routines first with the single-
                                        stepper before attempting the R command.

                                        S Single-steps the instruction at the cursor address and
                                        switches to the single-step display with the result of
                                        of that instruction in the register values and the
                                        following instruction in the NEXT slot.

                                          T Transfers code between the cursor address and END
                                          (inclusive) to a destination (DEST) that you enter
                                          following the command. ENTER after DEST executes the
                                          Command: SPACE after DEST cancels the command: TO
                                          (shift 4) after DEST lets you reset END before the
                                          command is executed. Does not transfer NAMEs. To do
                                          that, use the FUNCTION-6 command. which is otherwise
                                          identical} to this one.

                                          THEN (Shift 3) Deletes the NAME at the cursor address from
                                          the current NAME file. This command will only affect
                                          the NAME that you see on screen with the disassembly
                                          display, so it is best not to use it with the data

                                          TO Brings up the END? cursor that allows you to reset the
                                          END variable. Whenever a block of code needs to be
                                          marked, it is generally delineated by the cursor
                                          address and the address assigned to END. Always use
                                          it to block out a segment of memory for Insert and
                                          Delete commands before beginning to edit. END should
                                          be set within 256 bytes of the cursor for editing. but
                                          that restriction can be overridden in any particular
                                          case. (See Insert and Delete instructions.)

                                          W SAVEs code from cursor to END-1. Enter a tape name
                                          without quotes. This is a data SAVE. If you want to
                                          reload such tapes from BASIC, they must begin with a
                                          proper set of system variables. (First byte loads to
                                          4009H in BASIC.) If you load in a BASIC tape anywhere
                                          in memory and change it judiciously, then SAVE the
                                          same block with this command. you should be able to
                                          reload the result from BASIC.

                                          Y Outputs the screen without headings from the cursor
                                          address to END to your ZX printer or Memotech I/F.
                                          Will print slightly beyond END to fill out the screen
                                          on which END occurs. A variant of the COPY command.

                                          FUNCTION Commands: Hit FUNCTION first. then the second charac-
                                          ter listed below. (F stands for FUNCTION. )

                                          F-1 Clears memory from cursor address to END. Take care
                                          not to erase HOT Z or your own programs.

                                          F-2 Fills memory from cursor address to END with the code
                                          for a key that you specify in response to the KEY?

                                            F-3 Moves RAMTOP to the cursor address and moves the
                                            machine stack to the addresses just below. Be sure
                                            there is enough clear memory in the new location
                                            before moving the stack. (Turn on the SP display from
                                            READ (AND key) and look at RAMTOP (4004-5): subtract
                                            for the stack size and allow an extra 40 bytes for
                                            stack excursions,)

                                            F-4 Dead key.

                                            F-6 Transfer memory contents and assigned NAMEs from a
                                            memory block (cursor address to END, inclusive) to an
                                            area beginning with an address entered in response to
                                            the DEST prompt. (See shift T command. )

                                            F-7 Readdress a jump table (address file) between the
                                            cursor address and END by a 16-bit displacement value
                                            entered in response to the DISP prompt. Takes the
                                            address (lo-hi order) at each pair of memory locations,
                                            adds the displacement, and re-enters the sum to the
                                            same locations.

                                            F-8 Relocates 78% code between the cursor address and END.
                                            Readdresses all CALLS or JRs. Allows a three-way par-
                                            tition of code, variables and (constant) files.
                                            Requires nine addresses to be first entered at TEM1
                                            through TEM9. See the special instruction sheet on
                                            this command.

                                            F-9 Initializes display window for single stepper. Set
                                            the cursor to a block of 768 bytes of clear memory and
                                            give this command. Then go to Single-Step mode and
                                            use the shift-W switch to see the result of those
                                            steps that put a character on the screen.

                                            F-F Continues the search for the string specified in the F
                                            command. Starts searching from the current cursor
                                            position. (If, for example, you are searching for a
                                            block of six empty spaces and you find a block of
                                            nine, then you should move the cursor down four spaces
                                            or more, so you don’t refind the last eight spaces,
                                            then the last seven, etc., of the same block.) Uses
                                            temporary variables that could be overwritten if you
                                            stop in between for other operations.

                                              SINGLE-STEP MODE

                                              Key Function

                                              AND Display breakpoints. Lists the current setting of the
                                              two breakpoints on the line below the flags display.

                                              EDIT Backs up. On its first use, this command takes the
                                              instruction from the LAST slot at the top of the
                                              disassembly listing and puts it in the NEXT slot
                                              (second line). Repeated use with no intervening
                                              commands will back up one more byte for each keypress.
                                              Intended use is just to get the last step back.

                                              ENTER Runs the instruction in the NEXT slot and reports the
                                              resulting register values.

                                              G Go (run) to breakpoint. Causes the test routine to run
                                              from the address in the NEXT slot to either of the two
                                              breakpoints, which must be set in advance of this
                                              command. Breakpoints must be set to an address that
                                              starts a command and not to a byte embedded in a
                                              command. The GO routine checks the BREAK key after
                                              executing each line of code, SO you can recover from
                                              endless loops and sometimes from runaway routines (if
                                              you’re quick) by hitting BREAK. If you are using the
                                              window, it should be switched off for this command.

                                              Q Quit single-step and return to READ. Return address
                                              is the address in the NEXT slot of the single stepper.
                                              Register values will be preserved if you reenter from
                                              READ mode.

                                              R Run a CALL or RST 18. It is your responsibility to
                                              know that the called routine will not crash and not to
                                              send RST 10 any unprintable characters. The purpose
                                              of this command is to shorten the time needed to step
                                              through complex routines.

                                              S Set register value. The response to this command will
                                              be REG? in the NEXT cursor. You should respond as
                                              follows for the various registers:

                                                           A for the A register
                                                           B for the BC pair
                                                           D for the DE pair
                                                           F for the Flags register
                                                           H for the HL pair
                                                           S for the user's Stack Pointer
                                                           X for the IX pointer
                                                           Y for the IY pointer

                                                (S) Note that all settings are 16 bits (two bytes) except
                                                for the one hex byte for A and the mnemonic setting
                                                for F. The specific flag bits are set or reset
                                                with the same mnemonics as are reported (M, P, Z, NZ,
                                                PO, PE. C, NC). Use this command to set up initial
                                                conditions for testing your routines.

                                                SPACE Skip the step in the NEXT slot and advance to the next
                                                instruction. Skipped instructions are not listed in
                                                the LAST slot at the top of the disassembly segment.

                                                T Twin the breakpoints. Sets Breakpoint2 = Breakpoint1.

                                                THEN Set Breakpoint2. Breakpoints are set just as register
                                                pairs are, with a NAME or address entry into the NEXT
                                                cursor. You must set the breakpoints precisely to the
                                                beginning of the instruction at which you want the
                                                single-step to stop, because the stop depends on the
                                                address of the next step being exactly equal to the
                                                breakpoint. If the breakpoint points to the second
                                                byte of a two-or-three-byte instruction, you routine
                                                will never stop until you crash or hit BREAK.

                                                TO Set Breakpoint1. Breakpoints are set just as register
                                                pairs are, with a NAME or address entry into the NEXT
                                                cursor , You must set the breakpoints precisely to the
                                                beginning of the instruction at which you want the
                                                single-step to stop, because the stop depends on the
                                                address of the next step being exactly equal to the
                                                breakpoint. If the breakpoint points to the second
                                                byte of a two-or-three-byte instruction, you routine
                                                will never stop until you crash or hit BREAK.

                                                W Window switch. Switches the optional full-screen
                                                display after each step. The first time you hit
                                                shift-W switches the display in, the second time
                                                switches it out, etc. Before you use this command,
                                                you must first have used the FUNCTION-9 command in
                                                write mode to set up an alternate display file.

                                                Y Print screen. Copies current screen to printer.

                                                  ON NAMES AND NAMING

                                                  HOT Z labelling or NAMing system is intended to make the
                                                  programs you are reading or writing more comprehensible when
                                                  they are listed. The four-letter limit is imposed by the
                                                  32-column ZX display. A space is not a legal character in a
                                                  HOT Z NAME, so use a dash or other punctuation if you want
                                                  fewer than four letters.

                                                  The NAMEs themselves and the addresses they assigned to are
                                                  contained in a special file. referred to as the NAME file. A
                                                  NAME file is an ordered list beginning with the highest
                                                  address to which a NAME is assigned (two bytes), then the four
                                                  letters of that NAME, then the next highest address, etc.
                                                  After the last NAME in a file. there must be two zero bytes.
                                                  HOT Z takes care of ordering the NAMEs for you.

                                                  A small NAME file is loaded every time HOT Z is loaded. and
                                                  that file contains four-letter abbreviations of the system
                                                  variables as well as HOT Z’s variables. You will find a few
                                                  extras in the crowd from 4000 to 407D. LINK, TADD, and ASIM
                                                  are used by the single stepper. TEM1 through TEM9 are slots
                                                  for temporary 16-bit variables for various HOT Z routines.
                                                  (You may use them for any of your own routines for values that
                                                  are not required once the routine is over, provided your
                                                  routine does not call the floating-point calculator.) HZET
                                                  (407B-C) holds HOT Z’s restart address for those cases when
                                                  you (or HOT Z) are using ROM routines and stumble into one of
                                                  the BASIC error traps.

                                                  The permanent NAME file that loads with HOT Z can be expanded
                                                  to hold any NAMEs you add in a session of using HOT Z, or you
                                                  have the option of starting a new file from scratch. In the
                                                  Standard 16 and 64K versions, the permanent NAME file is
                                                  located just above a large work area. and as you add NAMEs the
                                                  file expands downwards in memory (to lower addresses).

                                                  Add a NAME to the file with the shift-G command in WRITE mode
                                                  with a disassembly (not data) on screen. The command will
                                                  give you a cursor in the NAME column and allow you to enter
                                                  or replace the NAME for that address. A legal NAME is made up
                                                  of any four single non-inverse characters with the restriction
                                                  that at least one character must be beyond F in the alphabet.
                                                  If you forget that rule, HOT Z will refuse to accept your new
                                                  NAME and will ask you for another. A space in a NAME will be
                                                  accepted and the disassembler will list the NAME, but you will
                                                  not be able to use such NAMEs when working with the assembler,
                                                  which parses according to spaces and punctuation. Take care
                                                  that your NAMEs are unique, or HOT Z will always find only the
                                                  one at the higher address when you refer to it. (If you enter
                                                  a NAME to the ADDR cursor before you assign it, then the NAME
                                                  file will be searched and the display will move to that NAME
                                                  if it is already there; otherwise the display stays put.)

                                                    The THEN key (WRITE) will delete a NAME at the cursor address
                                                    from the screen and from the NAME file.

                                                    The shift-T command (READ) is there to let you find the start
                                                    Of your current NAME file. You may want to check up on it if
                                                    your are working under crowded memory conditions to be sure
                                                    the file doesn’t overwrite some valuable code. This command
                                                    switches the display to data and moves to the lowest address
                                                    of the NAME file. Since the NAME column in the data display
                                                    lists NAMEs assigned to addresses formed by pairs of bytes in
                                                    the hex column, the NAME appears horizontally across from the
                                                    first address byte and then vertically opposite the last four
                                                    data bytes. (Be aware that chance occurrences of data can
                                                    look like addresses and cause spurious listings in the NAME
                                                    column of the data display.)

                                                    You should also use the shift-T command when it comes time to
                                                    SAVE the NAMEs you have entered in a session. However, you
                                                    will also need to know the end address of your file in order
                                                    to SAVE it. You can call up that end address by entering NEND
                                                    io the ADDR cursor; the end address of the NAME file is listed
                                                    lo-hi there. You can either add 2 to that address to include
                                                    the two zero bytes that act as a terminator, or you can
                                                    remember to zero those two bytes after you reload the tape.
                                                    If you choose the first option, hit shift-T, turn on the
                                                    edit cursor, set END to NEND+2, and SAVE. Record the
                                                    addresses for use when you reload.

                                                    When you reload a NAME file, you must install the start and
                                                    end addresses so that HOT Z will know where to look for that
                                                    file. This is done at the six-byte block labelled ALNA
                                                    (alternate NAMEs) in the permanent NAME file. With the data
                                                    display and the edit mode, write the start address twice
                                                    (1o-hi) followed by the NEND address: don’t forget to subtract
                                                    2 if you have included the terminating zeroes. (If you have
                                                    not included them, make sure they are there first.) If
                                                    you don’t do these settings correctly, you will hang up the
                                                    program when you try to switch the new file on.

                                                    The NAME-file switch command is shift-H in READ. It will
                                                    switch from the permanent NAME file to the one you have
                                                    loaded. after you have installed the file parameters at ALNA.
                                                    If you use shift-H without installing the new parameters, the
                                                    effect will be to switch off the NAMEs entirely and you will
                                                    not be able to add new ones.

                                                    You can amalgamate NAME files only if they pertain to separate
                                                    blocks of memory, with the addresses in one block all higher
                                                    than those in the other. Then just load the two files end to
                                                    end in the proper order and save them as a single file.

                                                      HOT Z NAMES IN PERMANENT FILE

                                                      AFEX 7FD0 Store for AF’ register pair in single-stepper
                                                      BERG 7FDC Store for AF register pair in single-stepper
                                                      ALNA 7FF0 Alternate NAME file descriptors. Six bytes.
                                                      ASIM 4076 Single-step simulation area. Five bytes.
                                                      BCEX 7FCE Store for BC’ register pair in single-stepper
                                                      BCRG 7FDA Store for BC register pair in single-stepper
                                                      BPT2 7FBC Breakpoint #1 address
                                                      BPT2 7FBE Breakpoint #2 address
                                                      CADR 7FFE Current address for disassembly
                                                      CBFL 7FF5 Flag for a bit-op prefix (CB)
                                                      CHOO 6AB9 Selects and updates Read mode display
                                                      COUN 7FB6 Counter for printing register values
                                                      DEEX 7FCC Store for DE” register pair in single-stepper
                                                      DERG 7FD8 Store for DE register pair in single-stepper
                                                      EDDQ 7FF4 Flag for ED prefix
                                                      EOPA 7FEA The END address
                                                      FCBQ 7FF3 Flag for prefixed bit ops
                                                      FENS 7F9E Single-step window switch: holds CRUN if off
                                                      FILC 7FB4 Fill character, normally zero for screen clear
                                                      HLEX 7FCA Store for HL’ register pair in single-stepper
                                                      HLRG 7FD6 Store for HL register pair in single-stepper
                                                      IXRG 7FD4 Store for IX register pair in single-stepper
                                                      IYRG 7FD2 Store for IY register pair in single-stepper
                                                      KADD 7FFE Address pointed to by the cursor
                                                      KEYB 737E Gets code of keystroke into A: preserves other
                                                      KLIN 7FF2 Line number with cursor
                                                      KPOS 7FF0 Screen address of the cursor
                                                      KRED 7DE3 Puts cursor address into HL and KADD
                                                      LENI 7FE6 Length of current instruction in disassembly
                                                      LFPO 7FB0 Stores address for floating-point interpreter
                                                      LOSI 7FC4 Last one-step instruction
                                                      NADD 7FFC Next address for disassembly
                                                      NASW 7FF8 Switch for NAME lookup
                                                      NEND 7FFA End of NAME list
                                                      NOSI 7FC6 Next one-step instruction
                                                      NTOP 7FF6 Most recent leading (low) address of NAME file
                                                      OSDF 7FC2 One-step display file for extra window
                                                      OSDF 7FC0 one-step—display point for window, as DFCF
                                                      OVER 7EF0 Overflow warning for User’s stack
                                                      POIN 7FBA Pointer used in building register-value display
                                                      PRIM 7FBB Space or prime for register display
                                                      SPBI 7FDE Stack-pointer storage bin for stack switches
                                                      UNDR 7F98 Underflow warning for User’s stack
                                                      USRS 7FCB Single-step user’s stack pointer. Sets with S.

                                                      NOTE: The high byte of variables for the 64K version
                                                      is FE rather than 7F. Low byte is the same.
                                                      All other addresses are identical.

                                                        THE BIG REM

                                                        There is a REM generating program that was published in
                                                        a back issue of SYNTAX, and those of you who have it may want
                                                        to install it and use that to create a BASIC line to hold your
                                                        machine code routines. However, you may find the following
                                                        approach more instructive on how to manipulate BASIC from the
                                                        machine level. We have taped Big REM and included it after
                                                        the 16K version of HOT Z on your master tape. Big REM fills
                                                        all of the available workspace in a 16K memory.

                                                        Big REM can be used with either version of HOT Z-II, although
                                                        it can only be joined together on a single tape with the 16K
                                                        version. First LOAD HOT Z. You can LOAD Big REM without
                                                        exiting HOT Z by setting END to 4DC0, putting the cursor at
                                                        4009, and giving the LOAD command. You can also exit HOT Z
                                                        with the Q command, LOAD Big REM from BASIC, and return to HOT
                                                        Z with the appropriate RAND USR command. One thing you cannot
                                                        do (with 16K) after loading Big REM is to add BASIC lines in
                                                        the conventional way, because your memory is essentially full
                                                        and you will start overwriting parts of the HOT Z files.

                                                        With Big REM loaded, you can start writing your machine-code
                                                        routines at 4082, which contains the character zero (1C) as a
                                                        marker. as does the last usable byte (4AA4). When you finish.
                                                        then you will want to cut off the REM statement so that your
                                                        code just fits. The necessary information to do that is
                                                        contained in the chapter on BASIC line formats in your BASIC
                                                        manual. If you look at 407D and following with Big REM
                                                        loaded, you will see the line number in high-low order (0001H)
                                                        end then the line length in low-high order in addresses
                                                        407F-80, That length is 0A25H, If you add that value to the
                                                        next address, 4081 (the address of the token for REM (EA))
                                                        then the sum equals the location of the display file (0A25 +
                                                        4081 = 4AA6).

                                                        You should use this relationship to “clip off” the BASIC REM
                                                        with your routine in it. If, for example, your last byte of
                                                        code is at address 4400, then you will need a line ending
                                                        (76H) at 4401, and a line number at 4402 and 4403. If you
                                                        want that line number to be a 2, then put 00 at 4402 and 02 at

                                                        1. (For higher line numbers, remember that this is a hex
                                                          value, not decimal.) Now you need a line length at 4484-5 and
                                                          e REM token (EA) at 4496. The line length will be the
                                                          difference between this address (4406) and the display file
                                                          address (4AA6 – 4006 = 06A0). so put the low byte (A0) into
                                                          4404 and the high byte (06) into 4405. That will create a
                                                          second BASIC lines however, the first line is still specified
                                                          as being the full length, so you must go back and change the
                                                          length of the first line.

                                                        In this case, the line length plus the address of the first
                                                        token (here REM) must sum to the address of the first byte of
                                                        the next line number, which is 4402 in our example. Since
                                                        4402 – 4081 = 03B1, put B1 in 407F and 03 in 4080. You can
                                                        now switch into BASIC with the Q command and delete line 2 in
                                                        the normal way, then SAVE line 1 for later merging with your
                                                        BASIC program.

                                                        Using HOT Z NAMEs with Big REM requires one of two approaches.
                                                        You could start by shortening the REM statement before you
                                                        write your code in order to leave room for the resident NAME
                                                        list to expand. Just clip off a suitable portion as described
                                                        above and come beck to HOT Z with the USR call. A more
                                                        convenient approach would probably be to locate the NAME file
                                                        for your routine et the high end of the big REM statement.
                                                        (See the notes on NAMEs and Naming.)

                                                        You can do that by just writing the address 4AA2 into the
                                                        three address slots at ALNA, then using the H command (Read)
                                                        to switch to the empty NAME file. Or you might want to
                                                        transfer all or part of the permanent list into the REM before
                                                        you do the switch. (Re careful not to transfer over the end
                                                        of the REM statement. which would destroy the line end and the
                                                        beginning of the display file.)

                                                        if you put the NAMEs for your routine in the top of the REM,
                                                        then after you split the REM you will have your routine in
                                                        line 1 and the NAMEs in line 2. You should then SAVE both
                                                        lines as & working copy for future revisions, then delete the
                                                        second line end SAVE again for merging with a BASIC program.

                                                        Combining Big REM and the 16K HOT Z

                                                        You can combine the 16K version with Big REM so that they LOAD
                                                        as a single program. LOAD the two programs as described
                                                        above. Write an 80H at 7F1F to indicate the end of a
                                                        variables area, then go to the systems variables area and
                                                        charge ELINE, STKBOT, and STKEND so that each holds 7F20
                                                        (low-high order !). Then SAVE the whole thing from BASIC.
                                                        When you reLOAD, you will have to start HOT Z with a direct
                                                        RAND USR call. You cannot write any BASIC or declare any
                                                        BASIC variables with this version, and you should decouple the
                                                        two parts after starting HOT Z by restoring ELINE, STKBOT, and
                                                        STKEND io hold 4DCO. What this linking does is to make HOT Z
                                                        look like the variables area of a BASIC program.

                                                        If you own Z-TOOLS co a comparable utility program. you can
                                                        merge the 1 REM’s created in this wav with BASIC programs that
                                                        lack a line 1.

                                                        If you are not using Big REM, or if you have completed the
                                                        line-chopping described above, and want to write a BASIC
                                                        program of some size with HOT Z still resident, then you
                                                        should move RAMTOP and the stack below HOT Z before you use
                                                        shift-Q to go off and write BASIC. In 64K, put RAMTOP below
                                                        5800H to protect HOT Z; in 16K, put it below 4E00.

                                                          USING THE RELOCATE COMMANDS (F-8,F-9)

                                                          The Relocate command is rather complex in order to provide you
                                                          a degree of flexibility in relocating your routines. A set of
                                                          nine addresses must be entered before using the F-8 command,
                                                          and a certain amount of planning and knowledge of the subject
                                                          program is required to derive the correct addresses. Simple
                                                          programs with one or two calls or absolute jumps are best
                                                          labelled, moved with the Transfer-with-NAMEs (F-6) command,
                                                          and then fixed up by hand.

                                                          A program of reasonable complexity will have a block of code,
                                                          a block of data (which may include address lists or jump
                                                          tables), and a block of variables. Good programming form
                                                          would recommend that you keep these blocks separate and
                                                          distinct rather than, say, mingle data and variable storage
                                                          in the crannies between your subroutines. If you are
                                                          programming with HOT Z, you can separate the blocks generously
                                                          as you develop your program and then use the Relocate command
                                                          to close the gaps when you finish. Separation of code and
                                                          data also allows you to make efficient use of the ZX memory
                                                          architecture, since there is generally some block of memory
                                                          that can be used far data or variables but not to run code.
                                                          (Above 8000H in unmodified machines. above C000H with the
                                                          Oliqer modification and the standard screen driver.) So don’t
                                                          clutter up you active memory with data files if you have more
                                                          than l6K of RAM.

                                                          HOT Z’s Relocate command will work on program blocks where
                                                          code, data and variables are separate and distinct. If you
                                                          have embedded patches of data, the command may still work, but
                                                          you should check the data after the relocation to make sure
                                                          that it has not been changed under the guise of readdressing
                                                          code. Programs such as the 8K ROM, where jump tables lie
                                                          around like empty beer cans, would have to be broken up into
                                                          segments and relocated piecemeal.

                                                          The Relocate routine readdresses and moves Z80 code. However,
                                                          the command does not take account of overlapping segments
                                                          between source and destination blocks. so you cannot directly
                                                          relocate a program to addresses already occupied by that
                                                          program. (In such cases, you should use the transfer command
                                                          first and then readdress in place with the relocate command.)

                                                          Jump tables have to be revised with the F-7 command, which
                                                          first asks you for a displacement and then adds that
                                                          displacement to each address in the file, starting at the
                                                          cursor and ending at the END address. (If you moved your code
                                                          from 4100H to 4400H then the displacement would be 0300H: from
                                                          4400H to 4100H would be a displacement of FD00H.) Jump tables
                                                          end data blocks should be moved with the Transfer command
                                                          prior to using the relocate command.

                                                            The F-8 command (Relocate) allows you to move the code block
                                                            by one displacement, the data block by another, and the
                                                            variables block by a third displacement. (Any other three-way
                                                            separation should also work.)

                                                            ADDRESS ENTRY FOR RELOCATING

                                                            The variables TEM1 through TEM9 are used to set the nine
                                                            address parameters for relocation. The nine addresses are
                                                            three sets of three addresses. Each set of three addresses
                                                            indicates the start and end of an address range to be changed
                                                            and the start address of the new address range. For example,
                                                            suppose your program to be relocated fit the following memory

                                                                         44D0-44EB Variables 
                                                                         44F0-44FF Data
                                                                         4500-4680 Program 

                                                            Suppose you heave 32K and want to put the variables and data
                                                            at 8100H and the program at 4C40. First. transfer the
                                                            variables block to 8100H: it will run to 8118, so transfer the
                                                            data block to 8119-8128. You want to move the program from
                                                            4500 up to 4C40, so any addresses of jumps or calls that lie
                                                            between 4500 and 4680 should be changed to lie between 4C40
                                                            and 4DC0. (You don’t need that last number.) So enter the
                                                            original range in TEM1 and TEM2 and the first address of the
                                                            new block in TEM3, thus:

                                                                        TEM1 4500 
                                                                        TEM2 4680 
                                                                        TEM3 4C40 

                                                            These first three TEM values always hold the parameters
                                                            relating to the program (code) block. Variables and data
                                                            parameters can go interchangeably into TEM4-TEM6 or TEM7-TEM9.

                                                            Addresses of variables, which were at 44D0-44E8. must be
                                                            changed to start at 8100, and addresses of data, formerly at
                                                            44F0—44FF, must be changed to begin at 8119, so fill in the
                                                            remaining TEM slots as follows:

                                                                Variables                       Data 
                                                                TEM4 44D0                       TEM7 44F0 
                                                                TEM5 44EB                       TEM8 44FF 
                                                                TEM6 8100                       TEM9 8119 

                                                            TEM4-6 are one block, TEM7-9 the other. Now set the cursor at
                                                            4500 (start of the code segment) and set END to 4680, then
                                                            give the FUNCTION-8 command. The code will be copied to the
                                                            new location and readdressed to run with the new variables,
                                                            new data block, and any relocated subroutines in the code
                                                            block. The original code will remain unchanged at its
                                                            original location.

                                                              You may also use the Relocate command to split a code block
                                                              into two or more separate blocks, but you must apply it
                                                              repeatedly. once for each of the end-product blocks, and
                                                              readdress for the blocks that are not being moved as if those
                                                              blocks were variables or data.

                                                              If you lack variables or data blocks, then use a single
                                                              non-zero dummy value for all three of the second or third set
                                                              of TEM values, i.e., make them all three the same.

                                                              The relocator leaves unchanged any ROM calls or any loads to
                                                              or from the systems variables area (4000-407C).

                                                              RELOCATING HOT Z

                                                              In 1óK

                                                              Relocating the program that does the relocating is a special
                                                              case of using the Relocate command. Lack of space in 16K
                                                              prevents any useful relocation of the entire program. You
                                                              could, however, clear away some of high RAM by moving the
                                                              part of HOT Z that occupy those addresses into the work space
                                                              below 4E00. This would allow you to write and debug a routine
                                                              intended to run above RAMTOP with a BASIC program.

                                                              To do that. begin by moving the stack with the FUNCTION-2
                                                              command. Set the cursor to 4D80 and give the command. (There
                                                              will be no visible on-screen effect unless you have set the SP
                                                              display (shift-2 in READ)). Next move the HOT Z variables,
                                                              which occupy 7FB0-7FFF, by using the Transfer-with-NAMEs
                                                              command (FUNCTION-6). Set the cursor to 7F80, set END to 7FFF
                                                              and give the command, followed by 4D80 as DEST. This copies
                                                              the variables to 4D89-4DFF, but it does not yet readdress the
                                                              HOT Z code to use variables at the new location. To do that,
                                                              set the following TEM values:

                                                                   Code               Data           Variables 
                                                                   TEM1 5800,     TEM4 4400,       TEM7 7FB0
                                                                   TEM2 7EFF,     TEM5 4400,       TEM8 7FFF
                                                                   TEM3 5800,     TEM6 4400,       TEM9 4D80

                                                              The data entries are dummy values intended to have no effect,
                                                              since the data tables stay put. Finally, set the cursor to
                                                              5800, set END to 7F20 and give the FUNCTION-8 command. After
                                                              that. you may clear 7F20-7FFF with the FUNCTION-0 command and
                                                              use it as workspace.

                                                              If you are more ambitious still and hungry for high memory, it is possible to move a part of HOT Z from the high addresses to your low workspace, (If not, skip the next few paragraphs.) You need to pick a point in the code across which there are no relative jumps: 7870 is one such. Since this is not a simple relocation but a splitting up of the program. several extra steps are necessary. Assuming you have already moved stack and variables, as described above, first relocate the code from 7870-7F20 to 4670. Next. we will readdress code left behind (5800-786F) to send its calls and jumps to the transferred block: finally, a small fix to the jump tables is necessary.

                                                              For the initial relocation, set the following TEM values:

                                                                  TEM1    7870,   TEM4    4400,   TEM7    4400
                                                                  TEM2    7F20,   TEM5    4400,   TEM8    4400 
                                                                  TEM3    4670,   TEM6    4400,   TEM9    4400

                                                              Sei the cursor to 5800, END to 786F, and give the FUNCTION-8
                                                              command. The first column leaves the original code in place
                                                              and produces a relocated and readdressed version at the new
                                                              location (4670-4D20). The remaining columns hold dummy values
                                                              and produce No effect. The original section of the code will
                                                              still make its calls and jumps to 7870 and above, so it is
                                                              necessary to readdress that block too.

                                                              Again, set the TEM values:

                                                                  TEM1    5800,   TEM4   4400,    TEM7    7870 
                                                                  TEM2    786F,   TEMS   4400,    TEM8    7F20 
                                                                  TEM3    5800,   TEM6   4400,    TEM9    4670 

                                                              Set the cursor to 5800, END to 786F and give the FUNCTION-8
                                                              command. The first column leaves the code in place and the
                                                              third changes any references to the high addresses to the new
                                                              code block. The jump tables still contain a pair of
                                                              references to the moved code, however. Change the two 78’s at
                                                              50EB and 50ED to 46’s. (1f you moved a bigger chunk, you
                                                              would have to search through the jump tables and change each
                                                              reference to the moved block.) Now you can clear memory from
                                                              7870 to 7FFF and use that as work space.

                                                              Since the above relocation hems in the NAME file, you must
                                                              either forego using labels or relocate the NAME file into your
                                                              new workspace, which is relatively simple.

                                                              Larger Memories

                                                              If you should expand your RAM or install one of the
                                                              modifications that allow you to program parts of high RAM,
                                                              then the following relocations may be useful.

                                                              From 16K to 32K (unmodified computer): This case allows you
                                                              to move files and variables to high RAM, but the program must
                                                              still be located below 8000H in order to run. The files of
                                                              the l6K version are located at 5048-57FF; let’s move them to
                                                              B748-BEFF, leaving BF00-BFFF for variables, which are
                                                              currently at 7F00-7FFF. Set the following TEM values:

                                                              • 35 – Code Data Variables TEM1 5800, TEM4 504B, TEM7 7F70 TEM2 7EFF, TEM5 57FF, TEM8 7FFF TEM3 5800, TEM6 B748, TEM9 BF00

                                                              It is important first to copy the files and variables up to
                                                              their new locations. so first transfer the data and variables
                                                              blocks to their respective new locations, leaving the old
                                                              copies temporarily intact. Transfer the variables
                                                              (7F00-7FFF) first, using the Transfer-with-NAMEs command
                                                              (FUNCTION-6). This will change the NAME file for the new
                                                              version. Then use the shift-T command to get to the start of
                                                              the NAME file (4E0C). Turn on the cursor, set END to S7FF,
                                                              and transfer to B50C. (That puts 504B into B748, etc.)

                                                              Now set the cursor to 5B80, set END to 7EFF, and give the
                                                              FUNCTION-8 command. After the return from that command, you
                                                              may erase the original data and variables areas for your own

                                                              This relocation requires no readdressing of jump tables
                                                              because the code is left in place, but there is one
                                                              small block of single-step code which is embedded in the data
                                                              end copied out whenever the single-stepper is used. This
                                                              block originates et 570F-572B and will have to be readdressed
                                                              by hand if the code block had been moved. Details of this fix
                                                              are in the next example.

                                                              There is just one change to be made in the data section to
                                                              initialize to the new NAME file location on loading or
                                                              restarting. The initial file location is set from the six
                                                              bytes at BEF4 and following. Change BEF5 and BEF7 from 4E to
                                                              B6 and BEF9 from 50 to B7.

                                                              Having done this readdressing. it is useful to make yourself a
                                                              loader, so that you can load in the new version directly and
                                                              don’t have to relocate every time. The easiest way to make a
                                                              loader is to modify the existing one by loading the entire HOT
                                                              Z-II tape into memory and modifying it. For the example
                                                              relocation., you can load the HOT Z-II tape as a data tape from
                                                              8009H to B4E5. The code that loads HOT Z to the proper
                                                              addresses will be at 83AB and will have to be modified.

                                                              First, however, the readdressed program segment from 5800 to
                                                              7EFF should be copied into the loader with the transfer
                                                              command. Set the cursor and END to these two addresses and
                                                              transfer to 8DC4. Next, set the cursor to B50C and END to
                                                              BEFF and transfer to 83D0. This moves the files into place.

                                                              Now modify the code at 83AB to read as follows:

                                                                          LD HL,43D0 
                                                                          LD DE,B50C 
                                                                          LD BC,09F4 
                                                                          LD HL,74E3 
                                                                          LD DE,7F1F 
                                                                          LD BC,2720 
                                                                          CALL 0F23 
                                                                          JR 403C 

                                                              1f you use the insert command (EDIT) before each of the first
                                                              four instructions, you can preserve and use what is already
                                                              there, but change the LD BC to 2720.

                                                              Ready at last. SAVE from 8009 to B4E5 and the resulting tape
                                                              should load normally and initialize the relocated version.

                                                              One of the hazards of loading a large program such as this is
                                                              the possibility of writing over the machine stack when you
                                                              copy up the program. In this case, the stack is in the
                                                              eventual workspace (7F00-7FFF) and is safe. However, if you
                                                              engage in non-standard addressing or have a revised ROM in
                                                              your machine, then be sure the stack is in a sate place before
                                                              loading HOT Z.

                                                              Moving HOT Z to High RAM

                                                              If you have a suitable memory for the project (Oliger or
                                                              Memotech or possibly another: not a Byte-Back M-64 or a Super
                                                              Z.) and make the Oliger modification to your computer (See SQ
                                                              v2.n2.), you can run machine code in the 32-48K block
                                                              (8000H-BFFF), or if you have a separate display board, you may
                                                              be able to use the entire 64K for programs. In that case, you
                                                              should convert HOT Z to run entirely in another block of
                                                              memory. Here’s how to move the 64K version to 9B00H, keeping
                                                              the variables and files in the top 16K of a 64K memory.

                                                              (You ought to test your modification first by using HOT Z to
                                                              write a simple little routine like CALL 0A2A, CALL 737E, RET
                                                              somewhere in the newly opened-up memory area. This just
                                                              clears the screen, waits for a keystroke, and comes back to
                                                              HOT Z. but you can’t normally run it at, say, 8100H. Set the
                                                              cursor to the first instruction and give the shift-R command
                                                              to Run it. If it doesn’t work, then either your mod is
                                                              incorrect or your memory has some prevent circuit in it.)

                                                              Load the 64K version. Set the following TEM variables:

                                                                      Code           Data           Variables 
                                                                   TEM1   5B00,   TEM4 5000,      TEM7    5000
                                                                   TEM2   7F1F,   TEM5 5000,      TEM8    5000
                                                                   TEM3   9800,   TEM6 5000,      TEM9    5000

                                                              This will cause the program code to be rewritten at 9800 and
                                                              following addresses with all calls and jumps readjusted but
                                                              with the same variable and file addresses. (Values in TEM4
                                                              through TEM5 are dummy values that prevent anything from
                                                              happening. Use any one non-zero value for these, but keep
                                                              them all the same.)

                                                              Set the cursor to 5800 and END to 7F1F and give the FUNCTION-8
                                                              command. If you have done things correctly to here, you will
                                                              find the readdressed program beginning at 9800. Don’t try to
                                                              run it yet. Unlike the earlier example, the jump tables must
                                                              be readdressed because the program itself has been moved.

                                                              The jump tables for the standard 64K version begin at F648 and
                                                              end at F76D. Since both copies of the program ere in memory,
                                                              vou can just readdress the labels in place. Use the
                                                              FUNCTION-7 COMMAND to change the jump tables. (Cursor at
                                                              F648, set END to F76D, hit FUNCTION, then 7, set DISP to 4000,
                                                              because the move from 5800 to 9800 is a displacement by that
                                                              amount, ENTER.) Now check the address at F754 and change it
                                                              back io 4076; since that address is in the systems variables
                                                              area, it does not change.

                                                              At this point, you are running commands in one version and
                                                              control in the other, Now switch to the new version by
                                                              setting the cursor to 9800 and giving the shift-R (Run)
                                                              command. That should bring up the 0000 address as the program
                                                              restarts in the new version.

                                                              The single-stepper requires one more set of changes. There is
                                                              e small patch of code embedded in the data section that is
                                                              copied out for single stepping. You will find it at FD0E to
                                                              FD2B (FD2C isn’t!) There are seven JP’s and one CALL in that
                                                              area. It is generally quicker to revise those eight addresses
                                                              than to use the FUNCTION-8 command, though you could use it by
                                                              setting TEM1 = FD0E, 2 = FD2B, 3 = FD0E, 4 = 5800, 5 = 7F1F,
                                                              6 = 9800, and the other three with a dummy, say 5000. If you
                                                              revise the addresses by hand, just add 4000 to each.

                                                              Don’t change the JR. (The new addresses will all begin
                                                              with either A9 or AA.) You should now have a fully converted
                                                              version that runs in the 32-48K block of your modified
                                                              computer’s memory.

                                                              To make a loader for this new version, load in the original
                                                              tape from 4409 to 794F. (You may first want to erase the old
                                                              version at .5800-7F20 with the FUNCTION-0 command.) Now all
                                                              you have to do is to copy the various blocks into the
                                                              appropriate spots in the loader, change a few loading
                                                              addresses, and resave the same block to make a loadable tape.
                                                              (Addresses 4409-447C will contain the system variables that
                                                              normally load to 4009-407C.)

                                                              At 47Bó, change the LD DE,7F1F to LD DE,BF1F. That will load
                                                              the program to its new memory residence. At 443F, change the
                                                              CALL 737E to CALL B37E. That calls the relocated keyboard
                                                              scan while the cover is on screen. At 4442. change the LD
                                                              BC,146B to LD BC,3B6B. That clears away the loader after it
                                                              has done its job. Change the JP at 444F to JP 9900. That
                                                              starts the program.

                                                              Now set the cursor at 9800, END to BF1F, and Transfer
                                                              (shift-T) to 47D0. Next. cursor at F3A0, END set to FDFE, and
                                                              Transfer to 6F00. If you want to change the version number
                                                              end memory-occupation listing on the cover, look at 466F and
                                                              following with the data display and make the changes in the
                                                              Edit mode. Finally. record over the initial address space
                                                              (4409-794F). The resulting tape should load from BASIC,
                                                              install HOT Z, and jump to the cover, just as your original
                                                              version does.

                                                              THE ONE-STEP WINDOW

                                                              The Single-Step display. window requires a second full display
                                                              file for the cumulative screen print of the routine you are
                                                              stepping through. Since such a display file takes up 768
                                                              bytes of memory that you might otherwise use for programming,
                                                              the program requires you to specify where you want to put the
                                                              second display file. Such a file can be anywhere in memory
                                                              since it is moved into the proper location at each step. Just
                                                              assure that the following 768 bytes contain nothing you want
                                                              to keep. Then set a cursor to the start of this area and give
                                                              the FUuUNCTION-9 command to initialize the file and hook the
                                                              window into the single-step routine.

                                                              After you have initialized the second display file. you can
                                                              switch the single-step display window in or out with the shift
                                                              kd command ingle-Step). If the window is “on”, the screen
                                                              will come up with a pause tor a keystroke at every step.

                                                              Since only a few steps will actually print to the screen, you
                                                              may want to keep the window off and refer to it only
                                                              occasionally. Restart HOT Z (shift R in READ) to get rid of
                                                              the window entirely and reclaim the memory space.

                                                              The window will normally flash on screen for each step, but
                                                              there will be no pause unless you first give the W command,
                                                              then hit ENTER to run a step. Any key will take you back to
                                                              the register display, but note that the V key is also a CLS
                                                              command for your window display. A CLS puts the print
                                                              position back to the top left screen corner.

                                                              If you use RST 18 to print to the display window, you can run
                                                              the whole RST 10 routine in the same way you would a CALL to a
                                                              subroutine, by hitting shift-R in single-step mode.

                                                              NOTES ON MAKING EPROMS

                                                              At the moment, the only possibility of putting HOT Z-II on
                                                              EPROM is to use two 2764’s (or a 27128) or the equivalent with
                                                              some kind of modified memory system. This means you will have
                                                              Some extra space for your own routines as well, and you may
                                                              want to hook up some of them to HOT Z.

                                                              The commend lists have two kinds of user-slots for extra
                                                              commands, marked as “Dead keys” and “User hookups”. If you
                                                              work entirely in RAM, then treat both categories as equal.
                                                              Just replace the current address in that jump-table slot with
                                                              the address of the routine you want to run as a command for
                                                              the corresponding key.

                                                              If you make your own EFROMs of HOT Z, then you have to treat
                                                              Dead keys and User Hookups as quite separate opportunities.
                                                              Dead keys will be truly dead in EFROM unless you enter an
                                                              address before you burn an EFROM. If you have space for your
                                                              favorite routines on the same EPROM with part of HOT Z, then
                                                              you should book up those addresses before you burn the
                                                              EPROM. User hookups are still available atter you burn the
                                                              EPROM because they allow you to hook in routines you have just
                                                              written into address slots in the variables area. Addresses
                                                              for these slots ere listed on the command sheets. it is often
                                                              handy to look new routines of any sort into HOT Z and to run
                                                              them as commands.

                                                              Most available slots have been left among the Write commands
                                                              because those commands allow the greatest flexibility. If you
                                                              want to add to that flexibility, write your own command
                                                              processor and make the entry into that a HOT Z command. That
                                                              is roughly how HOT Z ties together the Read command mode with
                                                              the Write modes and the single-step. I use a jump table for
                                                              all command-processing loops and advise anyone using HOT Z to
                                                              take the same approach because there is a lot there that you
                                                              can borrow. (For example, a CALL to this versions KEYBoard
                                                              routing will preserve all register values except for the
                                                              accumulator, which comes back with the code of the first key
                                                              pressed. It does use the EXX registers.)

                                                              With a Write command. you should have the cursor address
                                                              available to you as well as the END address. The END address
                                                              is always available by loading from the HOT Z variable E0FA.
                                                              which is included in the permanent NAME list. The cursor
                                                              address should be read at the start of a routine with a CALL
                                                              ERED (cursor-address read), which brings back the cursor
                                                              address in HL and updates it in the HOT Z variable KADD.
                                                              (cursor address). ERED is the address in the first CALL for
                                                              the H kev routine. tor example, which is listed on your
                                                              Command Sheet, KRED puts the cursor address in HL and into
                                                              the HOT Z variable KADD.

                                                              If you have a routine that you want to make into a Write
                                                              command. then you should decide what mode of HOT Z you want to
                                                              return to. even if only eventually. A routine that ends in a
                                                              RET must not destroy the existing screen, or it will have no
                                                              context to return to. (It will come back, though, to an
                                                              anonymous address and in Write mode but with no cursor, at
                                                              which point you should press ENTER.) If you want to use the
                                                              screen then you should choose to return to Read mode, which is
                                                              the “home base” of HOT Z. To do that, you should POP the
                                                              first RETurn address and dispose of it, then load HL with the
                                                              address CHOO and do an EX (SP),HL. If you do that, you can
                                                              even control the address to which the HOT Z display returns by
                                                              loading CADR before you RETurn.

                                                              In other words, if you want to use the screen, and to know the
                                                              address et which the command was issued. prefix your routines

                                                                          POP HL 
                                                                          LD HL. CHOO 
                                                                          EX (SP),HL 

                                                              and end them with a RET.

                                                              Commands that do not use the screen can restore the cursor
                                                              position with a CALL KRES. You can move the cursor one line
                                                              down with CALL KDWN or move it up with CALL K-UP, either just
                                                              before the RET.

                                                              Commands appended io the single step may need to use the
                                                              address in the NEXT slot, which is stored in the variable NOSI
                                                              (next one-step instruction).

                                                              THE FLOATING-FOINT INTERPRETER

                                                              RST 28H is the entry into the ROM’s floating-point operations,
                                                              which are coded in the bytes between an RST 28 and the
                                                              following 34H. There is a good explanation of this second
                                                              language (Or is it third?) of the ZX in Dr Logan’s article in
                                                              SYNC 2.2. (But beware of the two sign tests, which aren’t
                                                              jumps, as labelled in SYNC.)

                                                              HOT Z will read this floating-point language, but only after
                                                              you turn on the floating-point interpreter (shift-W in READ).
                                                              If you leave the floating-point interpreter turned on, you
                                                              will get a true reading of the ROM, but problems can arise
                                                              elsewhere in memory when you encounter an EF that functions as
                                                              date rather than an RST 28. You may get locked into the
                                                              floating-point interpreter mode, without a 34H. the END
                                                              Character, in sight. The way out from this barrage of
                                                              gibberish is the shift-W command again, which switches out the
                                                              floating-point interpreter entirely. Other times you may want
                                                              to read it, because this extra language is really one of the
                                                              treats of the Sinclair-calculator heritage.

                                                              The f-p interpreter is also turned off by entry of a numerical
                                                              address, but not by a page flip or a NAME, so use the last two
                                                              when you’re working with f-p. In addition, there is a special
                                                              key command, TO in READ mode, which switches the flag that
                                                              tells the disassembler which language it’s in.

                                                              The TO command (READ) has a dual purpose. It will get you out
                                                              of floating-point mode (without turning off the interpreter)
                                                              if you need to and can’t, or it will get you in when you want
                                                              to be but aren’t. You may get stuck in that mode through
                                                              addressing yourself into the middle of a Z80 instruction, for
                                                              example. Since floating-point operations include jumps and
                                                              loops, there are also inclusions of f-p code that do not begin
                                                              with am RST 28, branches of jumps. The TO command will get
                                                              you into those branches. However, the command is just a bit
                                                              switch and it doesn’t function when the screen page itself
                                                              switches from one language at the top to the other at the
                                                              bottom. The cure, when the TO command doesn’t function is the
                                                              cute trick of hitting the shift-D key twice. This picks up
                                                              the language mode from the bottom of the page to the top and
                                                              reverses the reading of any bytes from one language to the

                                                              You will also encounter some queer behavior if there is f-p
                                                              code at the bottom of the screen and you try to write or go to
                                                              the One-Step. This is not generally fatal and can be cured by
                                                              going back to disassembly and setting the screen so that it
                                                              ends in Z80 disassembly. If you want to write f-p code, the
                                                              only manageable way is to go into EDIT mode (shift-E).

                                                              Another consequence of jumps in the f-p language is that an
                                                              RST 28 may be embedded in a run of f-p language as a second
                                                              entry point. In these cases, EF gets misread as GET F, which
                                                              is a particle of nonsense, but it really is an RST 28. and
                                                              would reed as such if you called it by address to the top of
                                                              the screen.

                                                              Floating-point operations are FORTH-like stack manipulations
                                                              and easy to follow if you know something about that language.
                                                              They use the MEM area of the systems variables as storage
                                                              slots for six floating-point numbers. (Each is five bytes.)
                                                              The f-p operations that transfer between the calculator stack
                                                              and MEM are called GET and STOR and are followed by a single
                                                              digit from 0 to 5 to indicate the slot used. Numbers or
                                                              letters higher than 5 generally indicate a patch of nonsense
                                                              with GET, STOR and STAK as well.

                                                              Many of the possible f-p operators do not occur in the coding
                                                              of the ROM, where you are likely to encounter them with HOT Z.
                                                              They occur instead during the ROM’s reading of BASIC programs,
                                                              and they ere generally identical with a BASIC instruction.

                                                              You could learn to write floating-point code with these and
                                                              the purely machine-code f-p operators if you wanted to; it
                                                              would be similar to BASIC and a little faster. The ‘entry
                                                              point’ of these BASIC f-p operators into the real machine
                                                              world is through the operation labelled RAFF (Run A as
                                                              Floating-Point). However, you need only use the command
                                                              numbers listed as the first column of the instruction list to
                                                              perform those BASIC functions on whatever floating-point
                                                              numbers are on the calculator stack. From the perspective of
                                                              a HOT Z user, RAFF would be used only to run an operation that
                                                              resulted from some calculation, whose result was a code in A.

                                                              Two of the f-p operations deliver data directly from the code
                                                              listing to the calculator stack. They generally do this in an
                                                              efficient way, using fewer than five bytes, if possible, to
                                                              encode the five-byte floating-point number. HOT Z prints the
                                                              encoded floating-point number in the NAME and mnemonics
                                                              columns of the disassembly listing. Since the interpreter
                                                              doesn’t know where any number will end, it is necessary to
                                                              begin all of them slightly out of column, or the longest would
                                                              poke out the line-ends in the display file. The f-p
                                                              interpreter also reads the full five hex bytes that go onto
                                                              the f-p stack, rather than the condensed version that actually
                                                              occur in the ROM. The ADDR column keeps accurate track, and
                                                              you can work out the extra bytes, which are generally trailing
                                                              zeroes, from that column.

                                                              HOT Z prints floating-point data by using the same ROM
                                                              routines that handle that data, so the disassembly slows down
                                                              and becomes jerky when it has to print those huge numbers, or
                                                              their single-digit versions.

                                                                The two data-stacking operations are labelled STFP (stack
                                                                floating point) and SAPP (successive approximator: we’ve ail
                                                                met one). The first of these puts one five-byte number on the
                                                                calculator stack, the second a series of one to 31 (whatever
                                                                is left when you AND the low nibble of the instruction byte
                                                                with 0F) five-byte f-p constants. (That’s 5 to 155 bytes.)

                                                                When either of these operations gets stuck near the bottom of
                                                                the screen without enough space to display all its floating
                                                                points, then that same operation will begin again after the
                                                                next page flip (F command) and boringly redisplay its whole
                                                                repertorv of numbers. The successive approximator in the ROM
                                                                uses anything from six to a dozen floating point constants to
                                                                get to a value for Chebyshev polynomials to approximate the
                                                                transcendental BASIC functions.

                                                                  FLOATING FOINT OPERATIONS

                                                                  Code Op Addr Description
                                                                  00 JRT 1C2F Jumps if stack top holds a true
                                                                  01 SWOP 1A72 Exchanges the top and second 5-bvte stack entry
                                                                  02 DROP 19E3 Throws away top stack entry
                                                                  03 SUB 174C Subtracts top stack from second stack entry
                                                                  04 MULT 17C6 Multiplies top two stack entries and leaves product on stack
                                                                  05 DIV 1882 Divides second entry by top stack and leaves quotient on stack
                                                                  06 PWR 1DE2 Raises 2nd on stack to power of stack top
                                                                  07 OR 1AED Performs BASIC OR on two top stack entries and leaves result
                                                                  08 AND 1AF3 Performs BASIC AND on two top stack entries. leaves result
                                                                  09 N<=M 1B03 Numeric inequality test 0A N>=M 1B03 Numeric inequality test
                                                                  0B N<>M 1B03 Numeric inequality test
                                                                  0C N>M 1B03 Numeric inequality test
                                                                  0D N= 1B03 String inequality test
                                                                  13 $<> 1B03 String inequality test
                                                                  14 $> 1B03 String inequality test
                                                                  15 $< 1B03 String inequality test
                                                                  16 $= 1B03 String equality test
                                                                  17 $TR+ 1B62 Concatenates the strings addressed by the two top stack entries
                                                                  18 NEG 1AA0 Changes the sign of top stack entry
                                                                  19 CODE 1C06 Replaces top stack entry with its Sinclair CODE
                                                                  1A VAL 1BA4 BASIC function
                                                                  1B LEN 1C11 BASIC function
                                                                  1C SIN 1D49 BASIC function
                                                                  1D COS 1D3E BASIC function
                                                                  1E TAN 1D6E BASIC function
                                                                  1F ASN 1DC4 BASIC function
                                                                  20 ACS 1DD4 BASIC function
                                                                  21 ATN 1D76 BASIC function
                                                                  22 LN 1CA9 BASIC function
                                                                  23 EXP 1C5B BASIC function
                                                                  24 INT 1C46 BASIC function
                                                                  25 SQR 1DDB BASIC function
                                                                  26 SGN 1AAF BASIC function
                                                                  27 ABS 1AAA BASIC function
                                                                  28 PEEK 1ABE BASIC function
                                                                  29 USR 1AC5 BASIC function
                                                                  2A STR$ 1BD5 BASIC function
                                                                  2B CHR$ 1B8F BASIC function
                                                                  2C NOT 1AD5 BASIC function
                                                                  2D DUP 19F6 Duplicates top of stack (5 bytes)
                                                                  2E QREM 1937 Replaces number pair with quotient on stack top, remainder below

                                                                  2F JRU 1D23 Unconditional relative jump
                                                                  30 STFP 19FD Composes and stacks number from following data bytes
                                                                  31 LONZ 1C17 Loop jump as DJNZ with BERG as counter
                                                                  32 N<00 1ADB Tests sign of stack top and replaces with true if negative 33 N>00 1ACE Tests sign of stack top and replaces with true if positive
                                                                  34 END 002B Ends and RST 28 routine
                                                                  35 ADDJ 1D18 Adjusts angle values modulo 2 pi for trig functions
                                                                  36 ROUN 1BE4 Rounds down to integer
                                                                  37 RAFP 19E4 Uses byte in A as f-p op code and runs it; for BASIC functions
                                                                  38 DEXP 155A Decimal exponent processor
                                                                  BA SAPP 1A7F Successive approximator; stacks and processes constants
                                                                  A0 STAK 1A51 Stacks 0.1,0.5,PI/2,or 10 depending on 2nd nibble
                                                                  C0 STOR 1A63 Recalls stored entry from calculator MEM slot in 2nd nibble
                                                                  E0 GET 1A45 Stores entry in calculator MEM slot given by 2nd nibble

                                                                  READ Mode Command File

                                                                  File Key Routine Function
                                                                  (64K) (16K) (Shift)

                                                                  F65E 505E A 7E30 Turn on assembly editor
                                                                  F64C 504C AND 63DE Stack pointer display switch
                                                                  F660 5060 D 6A74 Switch to data display
                                                                  F65B 5058 E 60C5 Switch to edit
                                                                  F662 5062 F 63C4 Fix display file
                                                                  F65C 505C G Dead key
                                                                  F648 5048 H 5D53 Switch NAME file
                                                                  F664 5064 Q 5D68 Quit to Basic
                                                                  F64E 404E R 5800 Restart HOT Z (also RAND USR 22528)
                                                                  F65A 505A S 65E4 Switch to Single-Stepper
                                                                  F652 5052 T 5C5F Display top of NAME list
                                                                  F654 5054 THEN 5BC1 Decimal address to follow
                                                                  F656 5056 TO 63E7 Switch floating-point display
                                                                  F64A 504A W 5CEC Switch off floating-point interpreter
                                                                  F650 5050 Y 63F0 Print screen

                                                                  F666 5066 F-1 Dead key
                                                                  F668 506B F-2 “
                                                                  F66A 506A F-3 5D71 User hookup (Routine addr at 7FA9/FEA0)
                                                                  F66C 506C F-4 6088 User hookup (Routine addr at 7FA2/FEA2)

                                                                  Single-Step Command File

                                                                  File Key Routine Function
                                                                  (64K) (16K) (Shift)

                                                                  F6DA 50DA A Dead key
                                                                  F6CB 50CB AND Display breakpoints
                                                                  F6DC 50DC D User hookup (Routine addr at 7FAA/FEAA)
                                                                  F6D4 50D4 E Dead key
                                                                  EDIT Back up one byte
                                                                  ENTER Run one step
                                                                  F6DE 50DE F User hookup (Routine addr at 7FAC/FEAC)
                                                                  F6D8 50D8 G Go to breakpoint
                                                                  F6C4 50C4 H Dead key
                                                                  Q Quit single-step for disassembly
                                                                  F6CA 50CA R Run CALL or RST
                                                                  F6D0 50D6 S Set register value
                                                                  SPACE Skip step
                                                                  F6CE 50CE T Twin breakpoints
                                                                  F6D0 50D0 THEN Set breakpoint 2
                                                                  F6D2 50D2 TO Set breakpoint 1
                                                                  F6C6 50C6 W Window switch
                                                                  F6CC 50CC Y Print screen

                                                                  WRITE Command File

                                                                  File Key Routine Function
                                                                  (64K) (16K) (Shift) Addr

                                                                  F684 5084 A 5F5A Assembly mode
                                                                  F672 5672 AND 5A61 LOAD from cursor to END
                                                                  F686 5086 D 5EZ7 Display switch to DATA
                                                                  F67E 507E E 5F63 Edit mode
                                                                  F688 5088 D 5C64 FIND string marked by cursor and END
                                                                  F682 5082 G 5B4B Christen with NAME
                                                                  F66E 506E H 5F7D Delete instruction at cursor
                                                                  F6BA 508A Q 5B1E Hex sum and difference of cursor and END
                                                                  F674 5074 R 5D47 RUN code at cursor (RET to READ)
                                                                  F680 50B0 S 65E0 Single step instruction at cursor
                                                                  F67B 5078 T 5847 Transfer
                                                                  F67A 507B THEN 5DD6 Delete NAME
                                                                  F67C 507A TO 6076 Set END variable
                                                                  F670 5079 W 5A62 SAVE from cursor to END
                                                                  F676 5076 Y 5D04 Print from cursor to END

                                                                  EDIT Set INSERT cursor ENTER Quit to READ mode

                                                                  F68C 50BC F-0 5EC4 Clear memory from cursor to END
                                                                  F68E 50BE F-1 5EB1 Fill memory with specified character
                                                                  F690 5090 F-2 5CCA Move RAMTOP to cursor, stack just below
                                                                  F692 5092 F-3 Dead key
                                                                  F694 5094 F-4 “
                                                                  F696 5096 F-5 “
                                                                  F698 5098 F-6 584D Transfer code and NAMEs to DEST
                                                                  F69A 509A F-7 5937 Readdress a jump table by displacement
                                                                  F69C 559C F-8 5980 Relocate code from cursor to END
                                                                  F69E 569E F-9 63AF Initialize window for single-stepper
                                                                  F6A0 56A0 F-A Dead key
                                                                  F6A2 56A2 F-B “
                                                                  F6A4 56A4 F-C “
                                                                  F6A6 56A6 F-D “
                                                                  F6A8 56A8 F-E “
                                                                  F6AC 506B F-F 5C56 Find next occurrence of string
                                                                  F6AC 50AC F-G Dead key
                                                                  FCAE 50AE F-H “
                                                                  F6B0 50B0 F-I “
                                                                  F6B2 50B2 F-J “
                                                                  F6B4 50B4 F-K “
                                                                  F6B6 50B6 F-L “
                                                                  F6B8 50B8 F-M “
                                                                  F6BA 50BA F-N “
                                                                  F6BC 50BC F-O “
                                                                  F6BE 50BE F-P 61A3 User hookup (Routine addr at 7FA4/FEA4)
                                                                  F6C0 50C0 F-Q A3F5 ” 7FA6/FEA6)
                                                                  F6C2 50C2 F-R A66D ” 7FAB/FEAB)

                                                                  handwritten page, pasted in back of Hot Z-II USER’S NOTES

                                                                          Hot Z-II Commands:

                                                                  Read mode command are listed at the top of the keys in the top of the two layouts below.
                                                                  Single-step command are listed on the same layout below the corresponding keys.

                                                                  Write mode commands are listed on the lower layout. Function key commands are not listed.
                                                                  Refer to separate list for those.

                                                                  | |
                                                                  | INSRT SPON DEC FPFLG <- L ^ -> GRAPH Rubout |
                                                                  | +—+ +—+ +—+ +—+ +—+ +—+ +—+ +—+ +—+ +—+ |
                                                                  | | 1 | | 2 | | 3 | | 4 | | 5 | 6 | | 7 | | 8 | | 9 | | 0 | |
                                                                  | +—+ +—+ +—+ +—+ +—+ +—+ +—+ +—+ +—+ +—+ |
                                                                  | BACK BPTS BPT2 BPT1 | Read
                                                                  | |
                                                                  | BASIC FPOFF HEXED RESET NTOP PRSC | and
                                                                  | +—+ +—+ +—+ +—+ +—+ +—+ +—+ +—+ +—+ +—+ |
                                                                  | | Q | | W | | E | | R | | T | Y | | U | | I | | O | | P | | single-step mode
                                                                  | +—+ +—+ +—+ +—+ +—+ +—+ +—+ +—+ +—+ +—+ |
                                                                  | QUIT WNDOW RUN TWIN PRSC | commands –
                                                                  | | —————-
                                                                  | ASEM 1STEP DATA FIXDF ALNAM FUNC |
                                                                  | +—+ +—+ +—+ +—+ +—+ +—+ +—+ +—+ +—+ +—+ |
                                                                  | | A | | S | | D | | F | | G | H | | J | | K | | L | ENTER |
                                                                  | +—+ +—+ +—+ +—+ +—+ +—+ +—+ +—+ +—+ +—+ |
                                                                  | SET GO |
                                                                  | | |
                                                                  | +—+ +—+ +—+ +—+ +—+ +—+ +—+ +—+ +—+ +—+ |
                                                                  | SHIFT | Z | | X | | C | | V | B | | N | | M | | . | SPACE |
                                                                  | +—+ +—+ +—+ +—+ +—+ +—+ +—+ +—+ +—+ +—+ |
                                                                  | Skip |
                                                                  | |

                                                                  | |
                                                                  | INSRT LOAD DENAM END <- L ^ -> GRAPH Rubout |
                                                                  | +—+ +—+ +—+ +—+ +—+ +—+ +—+ +—+ +—+ +—+ |
                                                                  | | 1 | | 2 | | 3 | | 4 | | 5 | 6 | | 7 | | 8 | | 9 | | 0 | |
                                                                  | +—+ +—+ +—+ +—+ +—+ +—+ +—+ +—+ +—+ +—+ |
                                                                  | |
                                                                  | |
                                                                  | NEXT SAVE HEXED RUN TRAN LLIST | Write
                                                                  | +—+ +—+ +—+ +—+ +—+ +—+ +—+ +—+ +—+ +—+ |
                                                                  | | Q | | W | | E | | R | | T | Y | | U | | I | | O | | P | | mode
                                                                  | +—+ +—+ +—+ +—+ +—+ +—+ +—+ +—+ +—+ +—+ |
                                                                  | | commands –
                                                                  | | —————-
                                                                  | ASEM 1STEP DATA FIND NAME ZAPP FUNC |
                                                                  | +—+ +—+ +—+ +—+ +—+ +—+ +—+ +—+ +—+ +—+ |
                                                                  | | A | | S | | D | | F | | G | H | | J | | K | | L | ENTER |
                                                                  | +—+ +—+ +—+ +—+ +—+ +—+ +—+ +—+ +—+ +—+ |
                                                                  | |
                                                                  | | |
                                                                  | +—+ +—+ +—+ +—+ +—+ +—+ +—+ +—+ +—+ +—+ |
                                                                  | SHIFT | Z | | X | | C | | V | B | | N | | M | | . | SPACE |
                                                                  | +—+ +—+ +—+ +—+ +—+ +—+ +—+ +—+ +—+ +—+ |
                                                                  | Skip |
                                                                  | |

                                                                                  FUNCTION KEY COMMANDS:

                                                                  Read mode – +———————————————————–
                                                                  ———- | ADDITIONAL INFORMATION
                                                                  F-3 ZX-File interrupt | ———————-
                                                                  driver routine | Version 2*2I-1
                                                                  | memory use $4E00-$7FFF (19968-32767)
                                                                  F-4 ZX=FILE entry | Rand USR 22528 (5200H) restarts HOT Z (also SHIFT+R
                                                                  | in READ mode)
                                                                  | Ramtop = 32640 ($7F80)
                                                                  Write mode – | ZX-FILE dependent version
                                                                  ———– | Set Ramtop to 19968 + load as data
                                                                  F-0 Clear | HOT Z-II is 12800 bytes long (12-5 to) ($3200)
                                                                  F-1 Fill |
                                                                  F-2 Set ramtop | ZX-FILE – free from 13690 – 16383 (35A7H – 3FFFH)
                                                                  F-6 Transfer with names | = 2694 (0A86H) bytes free
                                                                  F-7 Re-address | REM – 4082 – 4AA4 (useable)
                                                                  F-8 Relocate |
                                                                  F-9 Initialise window | Name file (start)=SHIFT+T(read) END=NEND(lo-hi)+2
                                                                  F-F Next find | ALNA start(lo-hi)+2 and NEND address, then SHIFT+H(read)
                                                                  F-P user hookup (7FA4) |
                                                                  F-Q user hookup (7FA6) | VOL. FOR ZX-FILE = 100% (FULL)
                                                                  F-R user hookup (7FA8) |


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