1988 Midwest Regional Timex-Sinclair Conference

Date: August 28, 1988
Location: Cleveland, Ohio
Some of the users who attended this show.

August 28 and 29, 1988, held in Cleveland, Ohio. The Greater Cleveland Sinclair Users Group, headed by Andy Kosiorek, hosted the event.

Along with the Cleveland group, the Capital Area T/S Users Group, Indiana Sinclair Users Group, SAF (Michigan) Users Group and Southwest Pennsylvania Users Group had displays.

Seminar presenters included Tom Bent, Nigel Searle, Bruce Taylor, James DuPuy, Frank Davis, Gary Ganger, Basil Wentworth, David Hoshor, Ron Lutz, Bill Bell and Ken Wildman.

Nigel Searle’s presentation was “Sinclair History: ZX80 to Z88.” It traced the evolution of the ZX80 and ZX81 computers.

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