Wilf Rigter

Wilf Rigter was born in Valkenswaard, Netherlands and moved to Canada with his family in his youth. Wilf lived for most of his early life in Richmond, before settling in North Delta to raise his family.

Wilf was passionate about electronics and robotics, even designing his own computer, the ZX97 (based on the ZX81). These designs were made free for anyone to make, build, and learn with. Wilf also developed new and interesting circuits in the area of BEAM robotics. These inexpensive, simple robots were based on environmental feedback rather than complex computing systems making them easily accessible to kids and hobbyists alike.

Wilf worked at BC Hydro for most of his professional career, working in the High Power Lab at Powertech Labs Inc., until his retirement.

Wilf passed away in 2024.

Location: Canada




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