William J. Pedersen

Bill Pedersen was very active in the Timex/Sinclair community, developing hardware and software solutions for all kinds of challenges.

According to one user group member Bill visited:

He is indeed a character…a fascinating one. I tend to believe all of his claims with regard to the 2068. His setup for bankswitching involved two CORE memories each measuring 18″x10″ and requiring +/- 5v and +/- 15v in the amperes range. Also a “back plane” to hold a mess of other boards. No wonder he couldn’t demonstrate it in the outside world. Incidentally, his primary affliction is Lupus with arthritis and emphysema as secondary manifestations. How he manages to get around is a wonder. Any exertion at all has him wheezing and gasping. He is most entertaining when he is sitting down but rather disconcerting when he has to move.




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