BCS Sinclair-Timex User Group Newsletter v7 n2

BCS Sinclair-Timex User Group Newsletter v7 n2
Date: March 1988
Volume: 7
Issue: 2


  • Editor's Notes
  • Letter to the Editor
    South Bay Computer Club TS Meeting Notes:
  • Sinclair User Profile
    MIKE MITCHELL works for RICHARD DANA Corp as a mechanical engineer. The company designs and builds automatic assembly equipment which need custom cams. Mind you that I never intended to marry it but like many of my projects, it began with the thought that I could do something better than someone else and has progressed
  • T/S 1000 Corner
    Here’s another game for your TS 1000 or ZX81. I call it “MARBLES”. It uses the same screen-reading technique as my last program (“MINES”). This program is a pinball-like marbles game. The object of the game is to score the most points by dropping your marbles into the high-scoring Slots. At the beginning, you are
  • S/T 2068 Bug
    If you try to SAVE, LOAD, VERIFY, or MERGE with an improper filename: E.g. SAVE “file Without a closing quote, line editor rejects structure as being illegal. Keep trying to enter the illegal structure 9 times and the ROM crashes.
  • Hardware Tips for the QL
    Does your OL sit here and stare at you on power up, just daring you to press F1 or F2? Remembering that the OL has a MEMBRANE KEYBOARD and that kevs can stick. run the back of a finger nail over all the keys (special notice to space bar and ENTER key, please).
  • File Transfers QL to IBM
    Moving a file from the QL to an IBM-XT and reverse is really quite simple.
  • QL Programming Tips
    I never saw it mentioned anywhere specifically, but I have found that in SuperBASIC you run into trouble if you have too many LOCAL variables.
  • Sir Clive's Z88
  • SuperBASIC for Beginners
    BoSTUG members Peter Hale and Mike Mitchell are collaborating on a book of the 20 most useful QL SuperBASIC keywords for non-programmers.
  • IDing QL File Types
    There is nothing quite so frustrating as to get a disc or microcartridge full of programs and not know where to start in order to make the programs work.
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