[Bug Corrections]TS 1000 Type-in program
Corrections to Tholean Web program.
10 REM
Editorial about change of editors.
10 REMTS 2068
Sales of the TS 2068 seem to be good.
10 REM
A good source within Timex reports that “The Timex Computer Corp. is no longer.” The source explains that the TCC has essentially been dissolved and all its functions absorbed into the Timex parent corp. With the departure of VP Ross, the hierarchy seems to be Timex VP Kirk Pond, in charge of three more-or-less equal
- 10 REM
10 REM
More than 1000 people read the newsletter every month.
10 REM: Take the Money and Run
Editorial on Timex and its role in the computer community.
192K ZX/TS LaptopTS 1000 Hardware project
Reprint from ZX-Appeal.
2000 Is A Leap YearTS 1000 Type-in program
Correction to Julian date program for any date since 1592.
2068 WindowsTS 2068 Type-in program
Program to demonstrate “windows” (small, independent areas of the screen) on the TS 2068.
A Basic EraserTS 1000 Type-in program
Short machine language routine to erase a block of a BASIC program, from the current cursor location to the end of the program.
A Bug in TS2068 VU-CALC!TS 2068
Clearing a sheet crashes the the program. Fix to the code.
A Comparator to Use on Bad 2068 TapesTS 2068 Hardware project
Simple comparator schematic to square up signals from a cassette recorder.
A Comparison of Three Recorders
Recorders compared by recording their output to a frequency spectrum analyzer.
A Quick Way to Dispatch the Edit LineTS 1000
Did you ever notice that in department stores which showcase the TS-1000, the edit line is always filled with umpteen lines of garbage? You don’t have to do scores of DELETES to get rid of it. Just press EDIT (shift-1) followed by ENTER.
This meeting marks the first anniversary of the Sinclair/Timex User Group. We are planning a big celebration, and have executives of both Sinclair Research, Ltd. and Timex Computer Corporation coming to our meeting: We are looking forward to what these two have to say about their companies and products. In addition, we have asked representatives
Aids and Hints Compiled by George Mockridge in TimelinezTS 2068
ALTKEY BootQL Type-in program
- An Apology
An Improved Label Maker for Larken SystemTS 2068 Type-in program
Sue Mahoney has accepted the position of Technical Support Manager with the Timex Computer Corporation.
Another Letter to the EditorTS 1000
April, May and June Meeting Highlights
Roy Glaser described series of programs he’s developing to print sideways.
Archive Character CodesQL Reference Type-in program
Arithmetic Discredit
Errors in previous issue corrected.
- BBS Report
Beep NoteTS 2068
Connect a small amplifier to the MIC port for external sound.
Binary on Two HandsTS 1000 Type-in program
Tutorial on binary; includes short program to convert hex number in a string to a decimal.
Book ReviewQL Book review
Taking the Quantum Leap by Mike de Sosa. Taking the Quantum Leap is a professional trainer’s rewrite of the User Guide the way it should have been done the first time.
Book Review: Converting to Timex Sinclair BasicTS 1000 Book review
Brand-XTS 2068
Comparison of Radio Shack MC-10 to TS 2068.
Buffering the Data BusTS 1000 Hardware project
Why it’s necessary to buffer the data bus when adding peripherals and how to do it. How the resistors on the data bus are necessary to the video signal generator.
Buffering the Data BusTS 1500
Update on article in prior issue; notes that TS 1500 uses 74LS245 octal transceiver chip to buffer bus.
Bug #2TS 1000
Newline character in REM statements.
- CATS Capitolfest
CDIR Directory PrinterQL Type-in program
Chicken?TS 1000 Type-in program
This game attempts to answer the question “Why did the chicken cross the road?”
- Clive Sinclair Sponsors Half Marathon
Clouds on a QLQL Type-in program
Al Boehm uses his QL at the Air Force Geophysics Laboratory and takes it on trips to demonstrate the results of his work. He submitted this delightful SuperBASIC program to display mean cloud contours.
Compuserve is Terrific
Overview of Compuserve and what it offers Timex/Sinclair users.
Computer Education: Four Essential ElementsTS 1000
Computer Hint
Resolve interference by covering antenna selector switch with aluminum foil.
Computer in a DrawerTS 1000
- Computer Literacy is a Hit at Timex Sinclair Celebration
Dan Ross - Timex
Mr. Daniel Ross, Vice President of Operations, Timex Computer Corporation, was the second speaker at our Anniversary meeting. He described the Timex company — its relationship with Sinclair Research, its announced computer products, and its plans for a national user group. Timex is the company largely responsible for popularizing the wrist watch. According to Dan,
December Highlights
Sue Mahoney presided over a discussion of the state of the Timex computer commuty and Timex Corp’s marketing strategy. Two vendors demonstrated their programs.
Decimal to FractionsTS 1000 Type-in program
Program to convert decimals to fractions, to the nearest 1/64th.
Def FN Command on the TS2068TS 2068 Tutorial
How to use the command.
Did You Know or Care?TS 1000
Discover “interesting” facts PEEKing into the ROM.
Did You Know or Care?
The first two characters appearing together in the ZX81 ROM are Z and X.
Director's ColumnQL
Maggie Bruzelius, executive VP of the US branch of Sinclair Research, resigned July 20, 1984, to take a position with Alpha Software. Sinclair’s QL is still slated for November release.
Discount on New Magazine
Timex Sinclair User is a 4-color, monthly, people-oriented magazine and will hit the North American market with 100,000 issues in May.
Does Anybody Know What Time It Is?TS 1000 Reference
Analysis of execution times of various functions.
Does Anybody Really Know What Day It Is?TS 1000 Type-in program
Program to convert dates to Julian dates for easier date calculations.
Driving a Monitor From the TS 1000TS 1000 Hardware project
- Editor's Notes
- Editor's Notes
- Editor's Notes
- Editor's Notes
Editor calls for participation.
- Editorial
Educator's Newsletter
The TEC News is a quarterly newsletter to be published by the Timex-Sinclair Educator’s User Group at Texas Wesleyan College in cooperation with the Timex Computer Corporation.
February Meeting Highlights
Henry April demonstrated Upload 2000.
File Transfers QL to IBMQL
Moving a file from the QL to an IBM-XT and reverse is really quite simple.
FireworksTS 1000 Type-in program
Short fireworks display program.
Floating-Point CalculatorTS 1000
Follow-up to Computer in a DrawerTS 1000
Answers to questions other users had about the system. Adhesive key tops for Werner’s keyboard were purchased from Mule Electronics.
Fresh Squeezed Computer DataTS 1000 Type-in program
Technique (and code) to compress data on the Sinclair with the RADIX-50 technique.
Fun Mathematics on Your MicrocomputerBook review
Review of the book.
Gate arrays eliminate TTL glue in high-volume product
Reprint of article about the Ferranti ULA that appeared in Electronic Design News.
Getting More From Each KeystrokeTS 1000 Hardware project
Hints on adding a full-size keyboard.
Getting Serious With Your TS1000 and TS1500TS 1000
Graph 16KTS 1000 Type-in program
Program to draw bar graph.
Hardware Tips for the QLQL
Does your OL sit here and stare at you on power up, just daring you to press F1 or F2? Remembering that the OL has a MEMBRANE KEYBOARD and that kevs can stick. run the back of a finger nail over all the keys (special notice to space bar and ENTER key, please).
Hidden Maze: a game for the TS1000/1500TS 1000 Type-in program
Adapted from Bill Behrendt’s “Maze”, from “30 Games” published by Micro Text Publications.
Highlights from the December MeetingTS 2000
Mike Levy demonstrated Mindware’s “Quickload” feature. Tim Hartnell, head of the National ZX User Club in the UK, attended. Henry April displayed the production version of the keyboard he designed and is marketing through his company E-Z Key. Dave Wood described the software products he has developed and is selling through his company SiriusWare. Dan
Highlights from the November Meeting
Bob Masters talked about using VU-Calc to verify Blue Cross claims forecasts. J. Michael Coughlin described the Hunter board.
Highlights from the October Meeting
Last meeting we celebrated the. first birthday the user group. Ms. Maggie Bruzelius of Sinclair Research, Ltd. and Mr. Dan Ross of Timex Computer Corporation, the top executives of their respective companies in the U.S., each provided a very interesting talk about their company’s history, objectives, and products.
Highlights of the April Meeting
Sue Mahoney demonstrated “Ator the ABC Gator”. Program synchronizes display of letters with song recorded on cassette tape. Al Spencer reviewed The Parrot by R.I.S.T. Mahoney distributed the first issue of Ramblings.
Highlights of the August Meeting
Brint Jefferis gave a review of ToolKit, available from Gladstone. Burt Fisher reviewed VOTEM. Sue Mahoney demonstrated preproduction models of the TS 1500 and TS 2068.
Highlights of the February MeetingTS 1000
Sue Mahoney reported on public library in Sub Oak, NY, that lends TS-1000 computers. Mike Coughlin led discussion on FORTH. Peter Nichols demonstrated Byte-Back modem.
Highlights of the January MeetingTS 2000
Introduction of the TS-2000, the Timex version of the Spectrum. Timex has made formal announcement of the TS-2000 at the Winter Consumer Electronics Show (1983) in Las Vegas.
Highlights of the July Meeting
Sue Mahoney distributed second issue of Ramblings and catalog of software. Irv Frankel and Arman Toorian of Intercomputer demonstrated the Intercontroller. The spring issue of TEC News was distributed.
Highlights of the Last MeetingTS 1500 TS 2000 TS 2068
Sue Mahoney opened the meeting with an update on the status of the new Timex computers. She said the TS-1500 and the TS-2000 series would be shipped to the distributors in August. The TS-1500 is an upgraded version of the TS-1000. It has movable keys and 16K of built-in RAM memory. Sue said she has
Highlights of the March MeetingTS 1000
Bob Masters reviewed the E-Z Key. Will Stackman reviewed MCODER. Larry Becker demonstrated an intelligent lab station terminal he developed based on the TS 1000.
Highlights of the May MeetingTS 1000
Sue Mahoney brought a prototype of the TS-1500. Dan Roy presented a prototype of COLORSIN81 and the CAI/Exatron stringy floppy. An article about the COLORSIN81 will appear in the July/August 1983 issue of Sync. Discussion about the incompatibility of Memotech RAM units and TS 2040 printer.
Highlights of the September Meeting
Frank Kaplan from Compusa Corporation demonstrated a prototype of the FDC-101 floppy disk system. Jeff Parker demonstrated the Byte-Back MD1 and MD2 modems.
History and Background On Our User Group
This month will mark the beginning of our third year as the Sinclair-Timex User Group. The user group is a group of individuals who get together to share information about their Sinclair and Timex computers. During the past two years, we have grown from 18 members to 800 members. This fantastic growth is indicative of
Hypotrochoid, Couldn't You TellTS 1000 Type-in program
Short program by Dave Wood to product hypotrochoid figures.
IDing QL File TypesQL
There is nothing quite so frustrating as to get a disc or microcartridge full of programs and not know where to start in order to make the programs work.
Innocents AbroadQL
Ins and Outs on the Timex ComputerTS 1000
Overview of Z80 input/output.
Inside Info From Zilog
Machine Code Group will host Mitch Russo, a local Zilog representative.
Interfacing a Real Printer to the Timex/Sinclair 1000MicroAce TS 1000 Hardware project
Author uses the CAI/O interface board to connect his upgraded MicroAce to an Okidata Microline 92.
January Meeting Highlights
Surprise snowstorm let to abbreviated meeting. Discussion of status of Timex Computer Corp.
KEYWHIZQL Type-in program
Knowing Left From RightTS 1000
Hints for understanding order of math operations on the TS 1000.
Last Meeting Activities
Dave Wood described the CAI Widget interface. Henry April gave an update on the large keyboard he developed.
Latest News
Don Weiss exhibited his word processing system, which consists of a TS 1500, Compusa disk drive, Memotech Centronics interface and Seikoska printer. Marty Warner demonstrated MSCRIPT and Tasword II.
Letter from the EditorQL
Letter to the Editor
South Bay Computer Club TS Meeting Notes:
Line NumbersTS 1000 Tutorial
How to create line numbers above 9999.
Listing and LLISTing without LIST and LLISTTS 1000 Type-in program
Basic program to print listings to non-2040 printers.
M/C Group HighlightsTS 1000 TS 2068
Presentation of Zeus Assembler for the 2068; demo of Compusa disk system.
M/Term PatchTS 2068 Type-in program
Machine Code Execution Above 32KTS 1000 Hardware project
Execute machine code with addition of one chip to create new logic signal.
Machine Code Group HighlightsTS 1000 TS 1500
Presentation and discussion led by Dave Wood about changes to 1500 ROM.
- Machine Code Notes
Machine Language and Hardware Design Sub-Group
Major presentation was a demonstration of Hot Z.
Machine Language Group ActivitiesTS 1000
Dave Miller demonstrated his computer system and several programs. Dave Wood briefly described word processor he is developing.
Machine Language Group Highlights
Dave Miller talked abou this experiences working with EPROMs. He’s also corrected the bugs in the 1500 ROM and put it in his 1000.
Machine Language Group MeetsTS 1000
Bob Heath demonstrated his system and machine language projects.
Maggie Bruzelius - Sinclair
Summary of her presentation at the user group meeting.
Magic Nexus Stirs Amid Languish
March 12th edition of Electronic News reported that Sinclair signed license agreement with Samsung to assemble and market ZX81 and Spectrum computers in South Korea.
Maintaining a Tape Library
Hints for storage of computer programs and data.
Marathon Operating Times for the Timex-SinclairTS 1000 Hardware project
Techniques for preventing overheading-related shutdown.
March HighlightsTS 2068
Marty Warner-Dubay, formerly of Timex and now with Games to Learn By, reported on the condition of the Timex community. Estimated that 45-50,000 TS2068s had been sold by March 1984, 10-15,000 were in Timex’s warehouses and 90,000 were still at the factory in Korea. Dave Wood’s book was cancelled; thinking of self-publishing.
- Meeting Notes
- Meeting Notes
- Meeting Notes
Call for articles for upcoming issue.
Mike Levy on Board of Directors
At the general meeting in December, Mike Levy was voted to the Board of Directors of the Boston Computer Society. Mike is president of Mindware Inc., a company marketing hardware and software for the Sinclair and Timex computers.
Modem NotesTS 2068 TS 2050
Software supplied with Westridge 2050 modem only acts as a dumb terminal. Smart II has more features.
More 2068 Tips 'n HintsTS 2068
More Fresh Squeezed DataTS 1000 Type-in program
Demonstrates how data compression/decompression routines can be used.
- More on Support
More On-Board Memory For ZX-81/TS-1000TS 1000 Hardware project
Options for internal memory upgrades to these computers.
Multi-Tasking MS-DOSQL
Need a Clock?TS 1000 Type-in program
Program that uses the FRAMES system variable to keep time.
New Improved ROM Bugs - TS1500 Bug #1TS 1500
New bug created when ROM was edited to accommodate the cartridge mechanism. Bug surfaces when LOAD aborts.
News From Timex
Where are the TS2068 manuals? Timex originally produced 200 copies of the manual on a photocopier. As orders outstripped production, the manual was sent to a printer. During the week of July 30, 1000 copies were mailed at bulk rate.
- Newsletter Exchange
Notes from a TravellerQL
November Highlights
Dick Govatski of Memotech spoke of their line of peripherals and their commitment to “continue to support our TS customers. Over 35,000 of them,” even though they have “no plans to add onto the TS line.”
October Meeting Highlights
Group celebrated its second anniversary; an estimated 800 people atttended.
Octopus Credit
The octopus was sketched for the newsletter by Joe Hamel as a favor to member Bob Dyl.
On the Magazine Scene
Overview of contemporary computer magazines supporting Sinclair computers.
On the Timex Printer/Memotech Memory Compatibility ProblemTS 1000 TS 2040
Memotech technician believes problem lies in the 2040 printer, is caused by capacitors C4, C5 and C6.
On the Timex Printer/Memotech Memory Compatibility ProblemTS 1000 TS 2040
Clipping the C4, C5 and C6 capacitor solved the problem.
One-LinersTS 2068 Type-in program
Organizer ApplicationTS 1000
One user built a database of 3500 45 records.
Other Sinclair-Timex Users Groups
List of groups.
Outline of the Sinclair and Timex Computers
Table of the various models.
P-ary "Decimals"TS 1000 Type-in program
Followup to article on binary: program to convert numbers to any base.
Password SecurityTS 2068 Type-in program
Simple security for TS 2068 programs.
PastimeTS 2068 Type-in program
Short program to plot a diagram.
PointersTS 1000
Answers questions from readers.
PolygonsTS 2068 Type-in program
Program demonstrates TS2068 plotting commands by drawing polygons.
Printing QL FontsQL Type-in program
Professional PublisherQL Software review
ProgramTS 1000 Type-in program
The program does nothing very useful, but watching it amuses the hell out of its author.
Psion Productivity TipsQL
Ways to improve your use of the Psion programs that come with the QL.
Public Domain Library for the TS-1000 and TS-2068TS 1000 TS 2068
QL Keyboard Membrane RepairsQL Hardware project
QL Programming TipsQL
I never saw it mentioned anywhere specifically, but I have found that in SuperBASIC you run into trouble if you have too many LOCAL variables.
QLAND_LORDQL Software review
Most QL owners are now aware of QUANTA (QL Users And Tinkerers Association) which publishes a monthly newsletter of software and hardware reviews and worldwide doings with the QL.
Short description and information about QZX.
RAM-Pack WobbleTS 1000
List of solutions to address wobble.
Random PokesTS 1000 Reference
If you don’t want the “side-effect” of changing the random number seed in USR calls, try: IF USR address THEN.
- Repairs
Reserving Space in a REM StatementTS 1000 Type-in program
Machine language routine to create a REM statement to specific size for machine language.
Review of BouncyTS 1000 Software review
Review of video game produced by Infinity Research Development.
Review of DBAddres An Archive ProgramTS 2068 Software review
Review of Graphics KitTS 1000 Software review
Review of the programming kit from Softsync.
Review of Master MathTS 1000 Software review
Review of Matrix PlannerTS 1000 Software review
Review of the program from Mindware.
Review of MCODER, An Integer CompilerTS 1000 Software review
Review of the compiler from Personal Software Services.
Review of The Organizer from TimexTS 1000 Software review
Review of the data base program from timex.
Review of VOTEMTS 1000 Hardware review
Review of ZX Forth from GladstoneTS 1000 Software review
Review of the software, originally available from Artic Computing.
Review: Timex 2068 Color ComputerTS 2068 Hardware review
Reprint of the review that appeared in Infoworld.
ROM Bug #3TS 1000
There is an error in the ROM program in our computer which causes numbers between 0.01 and 0.00001 to be LPRINTed incorrectly. The bug occurs only with printers using the LPRINT command, such as the Timex and Sinclair printers.
ROM Bug #3 RevisitedTS 1000
ROM Bug #3, which causes numbers with leading zeros (i.e., 0.01 thru 0.00001) to be LPRINTed incorrectly, was independently discovered by Robert L. Carter.
ROM Bug #4TS 1000 Type-in program
There is no effective way to clear the stack without executing a NEW or pulling the plug.
ROM TestTS 1000 Type-in program
Program to calculate ROM checksum.
- S.N.U.G.
S/T 2068 BugTS 2068
If you try to SAVE, LOAD, VERIFY, or MERGE with an improper filename: E.g. SAVE “file Without a closing quote, line editor rejects structure as being illegal. Keep trying to enter the illegal structure 9 times and the ROM crashes.
SaverQL Type-in program
- Saving and Loading Programs - Trial and Error?
Security BlanketTS 1000 TS 2068
Ways to bypass copy protection schemes.
- Simple Justice Department
Sinclair QL Presented at BCS General MeetingQL
Nigel Searle spoke about the U.S. introduction of the QL.
- Sinclair Shows
Sinclair Study GroupTS 1000 TS 2000
There are a large number of Sinclair-Timex user groups around the U.S. and Canada. This month we spotlight the Sinclair Study Group of New Haven, CT.
Sinclair User ProfileQL
MIKE MITCHELL works for RICHARD DANA Corp as a mechanical engineer. The company designs and builds automatic assembly equipment which need custom cams. Mind you that I never intended to marry it but like many of my projects, it began with the thought that I could do something better than someone else and has progressed
- Sinclair-Timex Related Books Found in the Greater Boston Area
Sir Clive's Z88Z88
Some Names at Timex
Two remaining contacts at Timex.
- Some Notes on the Unreliability of Cassettes
Two publications for TS users.
Speech Recognition SystemTS 2068 Software review
Review of the program from G. Russell Electronics.
Spyro GyroTS 2068 Type-in program
Program to draw patterns based on two gears.
Stop Me If You've Heard This BeforeQL Reference
Summing Up the 1500TS 1500
ROM checksum value, for comparison to other models.
SuperBASIC for BeginnersQL
BoSTUG members Peter Hale and Mike Mitchell are collaborating on a book of the 20 most useful QL SuperBASIC keywords for non-programmers.
Supplier NotesTS 1000 QL
Henry April, owner of EZ-Key, retires from national retailing. QLs available for $99.
Support for the TS 1000 and the TS 2068TS 1000 TS 2068
T/S 1000 CornerTS 1000 Type-in program
Short minesweeper style program to demonstrate how display files work on the TS1000.
T/S 1000 CornerTS 1000 Type-in program
Here’s another game for your TS 1000 or ZX81. I call it “MARBLES”. It uses the same screen-reading technique as my last program (“MINES”). This program is a pinball-like marbles game. The object of the game is to score the most points by dropping your marbles into the high-scoring Slots. At the beginning, you are
T/S 2068 ROM BugsTS 2068
Five bugs documented.
Sinclair Research established a presence on The Source.
Telecommunications and the Timex/Sinclair ComputerTS 1000 TS 2068 QL
Brief introduction to using modems with Timex/Sinclair computers.
Telecommunications on the QLQL Type-in program
Simple terminal program for the QL.
The Absolute Beginner's Guide to Machine Code Programming on the ZX81/TS1000/TS1500TS 1000 Tutorial
The Answer to Life, the Universe, and EverythingTS 1000 Type-in program
Short program that gives the answer.
The Chess ExhibitTS 1000 TS 2068
Several chess programs were exhibited at the celebration.
The Continuing Adventures of the Flashing Cursor or Highlights from the September Machine Language Group MeetingTS 1000
Notes from the meeting and the failure of hardware preventing demonstration of flashing cursor.
The Demise of Timex Computer Corporation
I was one of the first people to learn that Timex was getting out of the personal computer retail market. A friend of mine, who was working there, called me to tell me the news just minutes after she received the word herself. My first reaction was that it was hard to believe, although Timex
The History of the Sinclair/Timex User Group
Describes starting the user group as a means to bring Sinclair owners together and progress over first year.
The New TS1500 ROMTS 1000 TS 1500
Analysis of differences between 1000 and 1500 ROMs.
The Printer PortHardware review
The Return of 'Val'QL Type-in program
One of Sinclair Basics’ more valuable contributions to the BASIC language were the keyword VAL and VAL$. These permitted formulae to be entered as text strings and then be evaluated.
The Strange OneQL Type-in program
The Tholean WebTS 1000 Type-in program
Short program to display a pattern from the Star Trek TV series.
The Timex/Sinclair as an Intelligent Lab Station TerminalTS 1000
User-developed hardware and software solution to connect up to 16 TS 1000 computers to an Apple II.
The TS-1500TS 1500
Timex announced that the TS-1500 will also feature solid-state cartridge software and 8-bit bank switching to give 64 megabytes of addressability—like the TS-2000 series.
The Worm TurnsTS 1000 Type-in program
Adaptation of the snake game.
They're Out There!TS 2068
Updates, hints and tips from other newsletters.
Three Software ReviewsTS 1000 Software review
Reviews ZX PRO/FILE, Critical Path Analysis and The Fantastic Music Machine.
Time-OutTS 1000 Type-in program
Dave Miller provides correction to Julian date program.
Timex NewsTS 2040
Sue Mahoney reports Timex printer is being shipped. Newsletter is being prepared; will be called Ramblings.
Tiny LOGOTS 1000 Software review
Review of the version of LOGO, implemented in BASIC.
To Err is HumanTS 1000
Bugs in the ZX81/TS-1000 ROM.
Try ThisZX81 Type-in program
Short program to plot Lissajous patterns.
TS 1000 Bug #5 DivisionTS 1000 TS 1500
Floating point bug related to division in the 1000 was corrected in the 1500.
TS 2040 Power CheckTS 1000 TS 2068 TS 2040 Type-in program
Banta Software provides two routines (1000 and 2068) to check if the printer is on.
TS1000 in the Operating RoomTS 1000
TS1000 was used in open heart surgery cases at University Hospital in Boston to perform calculations of hemodynamic status.
TS2068 UtilitiesTS 2068 Type-in program
TurkeyTS 1000 Type-in program
Program to display a turkey.
Turning Your Sinclair-Timex into a Smart TerminalTS 1000 Hardware review
Review of Byte-Back MD-1 and MD-2 modems.
Two High Speed Loading and Saving Systems for TapesTS 1000 Software review
Review of two fast load systems.
Two Memories in One SpaceTS 1000 Hardware project
Simple solution to multiplex the 8k-16k memory space.
- Update Lives
User Group Library
Reston Publishing donated several books to the library.
User Group Meeting
At the May meeting, Dan Roy will unveil the add-on color capability for the T/S-1000. The product he developed is called Colorsin81.
Using Bob Master's BookTS 1000 TS 2068
Notes on techniques from “Getting Serious With Your Timex/Sinclair”.
USR 832TS 1000 Tutorial
Load/save copy protected programs using ROM routine.
VP Ross Released By Timex
Dated December 5, 1983. Ross, a longtime veteran of the computer industry, was said to be surprised and shaken by the sudden action.
VU-CALCTS 1000 Software review
Wanna Get Somebodies' Attention?TS 2068 Type-in program
Try this on your TS2068.
What's Become of the Sinclair-Timex Retail Network
The canary in the coal mine of Timex’s exit from the marketplace. Price wars and poor retailer experience resulted in less-than-full market penetration.
Wherefore the DATA StatementZX81 Type-in program
Technique for simulating READ, DATA, RESTORE.
Why a Computer Show?
Personally, I was tired of hearing “What can you do with a personal computer?” not to mention, “What can you do with a Timex Sinclair?” I knew that through my work with the user group and my contacts across the country that there were a lot of exciting applications. To me it was obvious that
Why Use Machine LanguageTS 1000 Type-in program
Word-WrapTS 1000 Type-in program
Routine to ensure text wraps properly on the screen.
You've Got the Look
Recommendations about what to look for in a computer monitor.
Your REMsTS 1000
Solution for loose power connectors; error correction to DATA article; old ROM checksums.
- Zebra Catalog Available
Zebra JoystickTS 1000 Hardware review
Review of the joystick adaptor.
ZXLR8TS 1000 Software review
Review of load/save accelerator.