Date: Fall 1985
- New Product NewsAnnouncements of ROMSWITCH, DLS Buyer’s Guide, A&J Micro Drive, Textwriter software and Fastfile.
- Timex-Sinclair BASIC (Part 1)Tutorial on programming in BASIC.
- T-S PublicationsList of then current publications, including: Computer Trader Magazine, Family Computing, SUM, SyncWare News, Syntax, T-S Horizons and Quarters.
- Timex TipsTips for TS 2068 and TS 1000 users.
- Review: BugabooReview of the Quicksilva game for the TS 2068.
- Dealer CatalogsList of catalogs received.
- VISA ProgramProgram to track charges made to a credit card.
- MODEM CommunicationsList of services available to modem owners.
- TS1000 TipsProgramming tips for TS 1000 users.
- TS2068 TipsProgramming tips for TS 2068 users.
- User Groups We Have Heard FromShort list of user groups.