Date: Fall 1985
New Product NewsTS 2068 Announcements of ROMSWITCH, DLS Buyer’s Guide, A&J Micro Drive, Textwriter software and Fastfile.
Timex-Sinclair BASIC (Part 1)TS 1000 Tutorial Tutorial on programming in BASIC.
T-S PublicationsList of then current publications, including: Computer Trader Magazine, Family Computing, SUM, SyncWare News, Syntax, T-S Horizons and Quarters.
Timex TipsTS 1000 TS 2068 Tips for TS 2068 and TS 1000 users.
Review: BugabooTS 2068 Software review Review of the Quicksilva game for the TS 2068.
Dealer CatalogsList of catalogs received.
VISA ProgramTS 2068 Type-in program Program to track charges made to a credit card.
MODEM CommunicationsList of services available to modem owners.
TS1000 TipsTS 1000 Programming tips for TS 1000 users.
TS2068 TipsTS 2068 Programming tips for TS 2068 users.
User Groups We Have Heard FromShort list of user groups.