Quarters Summer 1986

Date: Summer 1986


  • Review: Zebra Systems Spectrum Emulator Cartridge
  • From the Desk of Bill Johnson
  • Dear QTS
    Albrecht asks about sound generator playing music independent of a Basic program; Arneson has issue with program in a prior issue; Kealy asks about whether a business can be run on a 2068.
  • Matchsticks
    Computer version of the traditional game.
  • TS2068 Basic Tutor
    Fifth article in a series that discusses the various means that the basic language of the TS2068 provides for the identification of a character in the print position of the screen.
  • Review: Redcoats
    A strategic game written for the Spectrum that will run on the TS2068 with or without a Spectrum emulator
  • TS1500 A&J Microdrive Problem and Solution
    Technique for bypassing a SAVE/VERIFY problem brought about by the combination of a TS 1500, TS 1016 RAM and the A & J Microdrive.
  • Short T/S Tips
    Hints for saving/loading; using Radio Shack TP-10 paper on the 2040; password protect a 2068 through ON ERROR.
  • Basic Can Be Faster: A dozen easy ways!
    Techniques for making BASIC faster.
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