Sinc-Link v4 n6

Date: November/December 1986
Volume: 4
Issue: 6


  • Letter from the President
    Notes declining membership.
  • ZX81 Resources
    Update on ZX81 disk drives, Dungeons of Ymir, correction to program in prior article.
  • Circle Games
    Type-in program for JOBASIC or other high resolution routine to draw patterns with circles.
  • Signal Booster
    Correct cassette loading problems with this transformer-based signal booster.
  • TS 2068 Tips
    Short programs to invert screen display, find elapsed program run time and check if printer is enabled.
  • Macrolife
    Conway’s Game of Life on a larger scale. Adapted from Toni Baker’s Macro-life article published in ZX Computing, October 1986.
  • Larken Utilities
    Lists and describes utilities members of the Toronto Timex Sinclair User’s Club wrote for the Larken disk system.
  • Larken Tips
    Three tips for dealing with quirks in the Larken disk system.
  • Transmit Using MTERM II
    Transmit files between two Timex/Sinclair computers.
  • Bob's Notebook: Password Protection
    Techniques and a routine for adding password protection to a TS 2068 program via ON ERR.
  • QL Corner
    Author discovers depth of support, touches on number and variety of products.
  • JLO Disk Interface - A Review
    Brief review of the John Oliger disk interface system.
  • Communications
    Overview of TS 2068 communications options.
  • Questions
    Questions from users about a variety of issues.
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