Sinclair Timex User Group Newsletter v1 n5

Date: November 1982
Volume: 1
Issue: 5


  • Computer Hint
    Resolve interference by covering antenna selector switch with aluminum foil.
  • Highlights from the October Meeting
    Maggie Bruzelius and Dan Ross talked about Sinclair Research and Timex Computer Corporation, respectively. More than 200 people attended the meeting.
  • Wherefore the DATA Statement
    Technique for simulating READ, DATA, RESTORE.
  • Maggie Bruzelius - Sinclair
    Summary of her presentation at the user group meeting.
  • Dan Ross - Timex
    Mr. Daniel Ross, Vice President of Operations, Timex Computer Corporation, was the second speaker at our Anniversary meeting. He described the Timex company — its relationship with Sinclair Research, its announced computer products, and its plans for a national user group. Timex is the company largely responsible for popularizing the wrist watch. According to Dan,
  • Floating-Point Calculator
  • Turkey
    Program to display a turkey.
  • The Tholean Web
    Short program to display a pattern from the Star Trek TV series.
  • Sources
    Two publications for TS users.
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