Sinclair Timex User Group Newsletter v2 n1

Date: January 1983
Volume: 2
Issue: 1


  • Mike Levy on Board of Directors
    At the general meeting in December, Mike Levy was voted to the Board of Directors of the Boston Computer Society. Mike is president of Mindware Inc., a company marketing hardware and software for the Sinclair and Timex computers.
  • Highlights from the December Meeting
    Mike Levy demonstrated Mindware’s “Quickload” feature. Tim Hartnell, head of the National ZX User Club in the UK, attended. Henry April displayed the production version of the keyboard he designed and is marketing through his company E-Z Key. Dave Wood described the software products he has developed and is selling through his company SiriusWare. Dan
  • Binary on Two Hands
    Tutorial on binary; includes short program to convert hex number in a string to a decimal.
  • Bug #2
    Newline character in REM statements.
  • Hypotrochoid, Couldn't You Tell
    Short program by Dave Wood to product hypotrochoid figures.
  • Telecommunicating
    Sinclair Research established a presence on The Source.
  • Need a Clock?
    Program that uses the FRAMES system variable to keep time.
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