Date: April & May 1985
Volume: 3
Issue: 4 & 5
- Math ZapProgram teach math functions.
- From the Editors Desk
- Active Users Groups
- Chequered FlagReview of auto racing simulation game, translated from the ZX Spectrum version.
- Super VariableUsing string variables as arrays.
- FourthReview of Abersoft 2068 Forth.
- Surviving Without TimexList of vendors.
- Spectrum Plus Now Sold Here By a Third Party: Portuguese T/S 2068 Rumors TrueBob Dyl, of English Micro Connection, is importing the Portuguese TC 2068. Reprinted from Hampton Roads T/S User Group Newsletter.
- Quickie CheckbookProgram to balance a checking account.
- Paint or Paint II, an updateUpdate to VIDIOM by Phil Doughty.
- Z80 Extra Op CodesOp codes for machine language programmers. Reprinted from T-S Horizons n12.
- You Can Do It! Program WritingProgramming tutorial.
- Review of "Grader" For the 2068Review of the program by Robert Fisher.
- Letters to the EditorLetters about newsletters, programming techniques.
- Number MasterGuess the number game similar to Mastermind.