Date: January/February 1981
Volume: 1
Issue: 1
Interview with Clive SinclairZX80 Clive Sinclair is the man behind the first mass pocket calculator, the first scientific calculator kit and, now, a mass-market computer. David Ahl talked to Clive while in London at the PCW show.
Sinclair ZX80ZX80 Hardware review Sinclair Research set out to build a simple to use personal computer running Basic and capable of breaking the psychological price barrier of $200. Well, they succeeded with their ZX80. Why ZX80? No reason really except that it’s based on an NEC copy of the Z80 processor chip . . . and it sounds nice.
The Times They are a' Changing: The Building of a MicroAceMicroAce Hardware review What do you get with the MicroAce? It comes with processor, cassette interface, pressure-sensitive keyboard, video interface, power supply, 2K of RAM memory and a 4K Basic in ROM.
HurkleZX80 Type-in program Game converted to ZX80.
Converting From Other BasicsZX80 Type-in program While Basic is a distinct computer language , it exists in many forms. Thus, a program written for another machine might have to be converted before it will work with the Sinclair. This series will deal with conversion techniques, in hopes of allowing you to get as many programs as possible running.
EditorialZX80 The Sinclair ZX80 is the new kid in town; a short-lived position in this rapidly changing field. In the past few years, several dozen personal computers have made an appearance. Some are thriving, others have fallen into the obscurity of bargain sales. We believe that the Sinclair is going to be one of the winners;…
Dealing Out a ConversionZX80 Type-in program Sinclair owners will probably spend a fair amount of time converting programs from other Basics. This can be a rewarding and educational practice or an exercise in frustration, depending on how you go about it.
Acey DuceyZX80 Type-in program Simulation of the Acey Ducey card game. In the game, the dealer (the computer), deals two cards face up. You have an option to bet or not to bet depending whether or not you feel the next card dealt will have a value between the first two.
NicomacusZX80 Type-in program Program determines number you are thinking of (between 1 and 100) by successively dividing it by 3, 5, and 7.
A Weekend With the ZX-80ZX80 Hardware review With just two weekends of not terribly intensive study, I can run just about any pre-programmed cassette, as well as doing some of my own programming. I am no programmer, but I do find that I can have a lot of fun playing games or learning on the ZX-80. It is such an easy machine…
The SYNC Challenge: HammurabiZX80 Challenge to readers to get Hammurabi from Creative Computing’s Basic Computer Games converted to work on the 1K ZX-80.
Draw a PictureZX80 Type-in program Simple program from 30 Programs for the ZX-80.
Pounds and Pence, Dollars and CentsZX80 Type-in program Programs for working with decimals in 4K ROM.
Adding an LED Load Monitor to the ZX80ZX80 Hardware project Single LED (light emitting diode) added to the tape “ear” input of the computer. The voltage for lighting the LED is just right for loading a program from the cassette tape.
New Peripherals from SinclairZX80 Printer, flat screen display and 8K ROM. Clive Sinclair has withdrawn the 8K Basic ROM chip for the ZX-80 until the first quarter of 1981. This occurred only a month after it was announced to the world (September 11, 1980). He denies rumors that software bugs are the cause and blames the delay instead on…
30 Programs for the Sinclair ZX-80 - a ReviewZX80 Book review Review of the book published by Melbourne House.
Linsac's Game Programs 1 and 2: A ReviewZX80 Software review Reivew of games cassettes from Linsac. Games include Three Towers (Towers of Hanoi), Guess a Number, Mastermind, Sketcher (simple drawing program), Hurkle, Nim, Symbol Simon, Nine Lives, The Maze Game, Plain Sailing, Noughts and Crosses, Chinese Puzzle, Tower of Hanoi and Battleships.
Resources for the ZX-80 and MicroAce (Sync v1 n1)ZX80 MicroAce Currently available hardware, software, books and user groups and newsleters.
Castle DoorsZX80 Type-in program Castle doors is an adventure game that presents a new challenge with each playing, and the opportunity for easy adjustment of difficulty if the Wizard is winning too much, or too little of the time. You, the player, have the ultimate task of defeating the evil Wizard, but first you must gain strength and experience…