"Hello, Z80 Calling..."ZX81 TS 1000 Type-in program In the last installment of this series on Z80 machine code programming, we translated a program that took more than 200 bytes of machine code. It was so big that it could not quite fit into a computer with less than 2K RAM. This time, we will look at ‘ROM calls’ the machine code subroutines…
"You Are in a Maze..."ZX80 Type-in program “…of twisty little passages, all alike.” This message, in Adventure of Zork, tells you that you have embarked on one of the most challenging phases of the game: mapping the maze and finding your way out. Even without the rest of the dungeon, a maze can make an exciting puzzle in itself —especially if there…
16K RAM Pack Schematic CorrectionsCorrections to problems with the 16K RAM pack schematic printed in SYNC 1:5.
- 2K to 4K RAM Upgrade - An Introduction to ZX/TS HardwareZX81 TS 1000 Hardware project
30 Programs for the Sinclair ZX-80 - a ReviewZX80 Book review Review of the book published by Melbourne House.
3D Monster Maze and MothershipZX81 TS 1000 Software review In 3D Monster Maze you are in a maze running from T. (Tyrannosaurus) Rex. The object is to get out alive!
4K/8K ROMs in One ZX-80ZX80 Hardware project This article describes the final solution that I used to make both ROMs available to my ZX80. 1 installed the ROMs piggyback in the socket and switch selected the ROM to be used. The modification is very simple and requires only a soldering iron, an spdt switch, and a few inches of wire.
6 ShooterZX81 Type-in program 6 Shooter is a game of skill in which you attempt to hit a randomly moving target. When the target appears in a position which you feel is in your sights, you pull the trigger (hit a key). This causes a bullet to be fired, and, if the target is hit, it disintegrates in accordance…
8K Basic ROMZX80 Hardware review While the 4K Integer Basic in the Sinclair ZX80 is adequate for many applications, most programmers will eventually feel a hunger for more power. True, advanced functions can be simulated by way of subroutines, but such measures eat memory at an alarming rate. Enter the 8K Basic ROM. The chip costs a mere $39.95, which…
- 8K Basic ROM and 16K-Byte RAM Pack SpecificationsZX80 Reference
8K Machine Code Keyboard ScanningZX80 ZX81 Type-in program Bernard Puerzer’s program for scanning the ZX80 keyboard (Machine Code Keyboard Scanning Program) was written for the 4K ROM, His program served as the occasion to give the same ability to read the keyboard to 8K ROM users. This required adaptation since the programs are not automatically transferable. One of the problems was to get…
8K Non-Volatile Memory KitZX81 TS 1000 Hardware review Review of Hunter board. The Non-Volatile memory (NVM) kit is a battery backup powered RAM board that is primarily designed to fill the transparent address area between 8K and 16K in the Sinclair ZX80/81. The key feature of this product is that with the onboard battery, the routines stored in NVM are retained even with…
8K ROM UpdatesZX80 TS 1000 Updates to Hurkle, Castle Doors, Nichomachus and Widget for the 8K ROM.
8K UpdatesZX81 TS 1000 Type-in program Forest Treasure; Defuse; Mastermind; Hangman
A Cheap and Simple EPROM ProgrammerZX81 TS 1000 Hardware project This article will show you how to build an EPROM programmer. Those interested in peripherals for the Sinclairs (floppy disk, electronic typewriters, etc.) can design monitors and controllers for those devices. Eventually you can program independent microprocessors for special purposes.
A Keyboard Learning GameZX81 TS 1000 Type-in program New users of the Timex/Sinclair computers sometimes spend a long time hunting for a specific key. The keys that are not used frequently remain hard to find. Keygame is intended to help the user become familiar with the keyboard and to have some fun while learning.
A Loan Amortization ProgramZX81 TS 1000 Type-in program This program calculates monthly payments and generates an amortization schedule on consumer loans or home mortgages. The payment tells the user how much of a monthly commitment he is making, and the amortization schedule how much of the payment is being applied to interest and how much to reduce the balance on the loan.
A Machine Code Graphics Line Drawing SubroutineZX81 TS 1000 Type-in program In the pages of the ZX81 manual, we find a Basic subroutine to draw a line between any two specified points (see Listing 1). However, I found this routine to be exceedingly slow, especially when I wanted to draw several lines on the screen and had to wait several agonizing minutes to get them. The…
A Mouthful for Every OccasionZX80 ZX81 TS 1000 Type-in program You can call up sensational headlines, forceful commands, whimsical statements, ageless wisdom, and irrelevant nonsense all at the push of a key on your Sinclair computer with the Mouthful program.
A Parallel Interface for the ZX-80/MicroAce ComputerZX80 MicroAce Hardware project Construct a simple parallel interface for the ZX80/MicroAce computers with the Z-80 PIO.
A Personal Money Management ProgramZX81 TS 1000 Type-in program When the program has been activated, simply enter income, expense, and loan principal items each month. The computer will then provide you with: An income statement for the current month and the year-to-date. An expense statement for the current month and the year-to-date. A balance sheet showing your various assets, liabilities, and net worth. A…
A Regulated-Voltage Power AdaptorZX81 Hardware project Schematics to build power supplies for the ZX81.
A Small Business Payroll ProgramZX81 TS 1000 Type-in program Every business with paid employees has the complicated task of doing its payroll. The program in this article will provide accurate payroll information for up to 35 employees. If the number of employees is greater then 35, the list can be broken down into shorter lists and the results combined where needed.
A Subroutine for Serial Data OutputZX80 Type-in program Hardware project Trying to write machine code subroutines for the ZX80 presented some problems. This article details the problems with their solutions, and shows a simple subroutine to output data serially by bit to an asynchronous peripheral.
- A Trick and a Graphic SystemZX80 Type-in program
A Weekend With the ZX-80ZX80 Hardware review With just two weekends of not terribly intensive study, I can run just about any pre-programmed cassette, as well as doing some of my own programming. I am no programmer, but I do find that I can have a lot of fun playing games or learning on the ZX-80. It is such an easy machine…
A ZX/TS Celebration in BostonTS 1000 TS 1500 TS 2068 On October 22, 1983, the Boston Computer Society’s Sinclair-Timex User Group celebrated their Second Anniversary at the Boston Park Plaza Hotel. And what a celebration it was, with exhibits, seminars, and new Timex/Sinclair product announcements! Group Director Sue Mahoney and her staff (Will Stackman, Jack Hodgson, Jeff Parker, Beth Elliott, Bob Masters) organized what must…
Acey DuceyZX80 Type-in program Simulation of the Acey Ducey card game. In the game, the dealer (the computer), deals two cards face up. You have an option to bet or not to bet depending whether or not you feel the next card dealt will have a value between the first two.
Adding a Counter in HardwareMicroAce Hardware project Adding hardware timer/counters to the Microace.
Adding A Joystick To The Timex-Sinclair 1000ZX81 TS 1000 Hardware project Adapt an Atari joystick to emulate the arrow keys.
Adding an LED Load Monitor to the ZX80ZX80 Hardware project Single LED (light emitting diode) added to the tape “ear” input of the computer. The voltage for lighting the LED is just right for loading a program from the cassette tape.
Adding Feet and InchesZX81 TS 1000 Type-in program The program assumes the following conventions: dimensions are entered in feet, inches and eighths. Fractions involving sixteenths and beyond are not used. A dimension 12″ or larger is expressed in terms of feet and inchies. For example, 16″ is expressed as 1’4″.
Alien TreasureZX81 TS 1000 Type-in program In Alien Treasure two kinds of treasure are scattered over the surface of a planet far from earth. Your ship has landed, and you have sent out your robot searcher which you guide from your control room. The field of search shows on your ZX81 as a full screen display. The treasure is marked by…
An Alternative Display Method - Tank BattleZX80 Type-in program This game itself inspired by Lloyd Johnson’s article “Paint Duel” in Creative Computing (July 1981). The player attempts to destroy the computer’s tank by hitting it with a well-placed shot.
An Assortment of SortsZX81 TS 1000 TS 2068 Type-in program Downloadable Several sorts implemented for the 1000: bubble, float, shell and quick sorts.
An Interview with Alfred MilgramZX80 MicroAce Alfred Milgram, president of Melbourne House and David Ahl chat about the ZX80, Sinclair Research, and two new books.
An Introduction to Expression EvaluationZX81 TS 1000 Reference In the Sinclair 8K ROM program of the ZX80/81 the “expression evaluator” is to be found at 0F55-111Bh (improved 8K ROM) and forms an essential part of the program. A study of the fundamental parts of the “expression evaluator” can be very useful as it enables Basic programmers to understand many of the limitations and…
An Introduction to Machine CodeZX80 ZX81 Type-in program Tutorial The ZX80/1 microcomputer system as supplied by Sinclair Research is capable of being programmed in two different languages, i.e., Basic and Machine Code.
An Introduction to Machine CodeZX80 ZX81 Tutorial How to start using machine code on the ZX80/81.
An Inventory SystemProgram to demonstrate a database on the ZX81.
An Inventory SystemZX81 Type-in program Mass data storage is accomplished more efficiently by a disc system than by a cassette recorder. However, until such a system is available for the ZX80/1 computers, Sinclair owners will have to rely on the cassette system. This article offers a program for a modest inventory system based on the 8K ROM and 16K RAM.
Archaeological Research Using the ZX81ZX81 TS 1000 Type-in program With slight modifications, this program can be adapted to other categories of archaeological data such as pottery, artefacts, or settlement research. The possibilities of the ZX81 are not exhausted by this program. Among other things, the high resolution capabilities of the ZX Printer enabled us to write a program which generated user-designed characters, in our…
Arithmetic Series QuizZX80 ZX81 TS 1000 Type-in program One exercise to sharpen arithmetic skills is to use a series of numbers which require discerning the relationships of the numbers in order to complete the series. The program in Listing 1 will print out an arithmetic series. Your task is to figure out the next two numbers in the series. If you are not…
Arithmetic with a SmileZX80 ZX81 TS 1000 Type-in program The computer as an instructional tool is perhaps nowhere more successful than in conducting arithmetic practice drills. Unlike the typical classroom teacher, the computer never tires and never makes a mistake. It provides arithmetic practice and never forgets to reward a right answer with a smile.
- ArtilleryZX80 Type-in program
Artillery with MotionZX81 Type-in program Improved version of Artillery.
As Easy as 2+2ZX81 Type-in program Tutorial Ever thought about learning to program in machine code? Maybe you have. Maybe you even got far enough to open one of those thick books full of jargon and technical details. Maybe you got far enough into it to be scared away.
- Attention Readers: You Can Review Products for SYNC!
AUDISYZX81 TS 1000 Type-in program ‘AUDISY”— Audio Digitizer/Synthesizer — is a 65 byte machine code routine that allows you to digitize and store the data for any sound phrase on your ZX/TS computer with 16K RAM. You may then synthesize the sound at will or study the data field.
Auto-Display-ChangingZX80 Tutorial How Is It Done? A series of articles.
Battleship SolitaireZX80 Type-in program This Battleship Solitaire program allows you to play a similar game against the computer, but with the modification that you do all the shooting. Even though you have no ships to be sunk, you are still subject to penalties. Each time you fail to score at least one hit per salvo you lose one shot.…
Bisection Interation Square Root ProgramZX80 Type-in program This program operates by means of bisection iteration, which is basically just a variation of the old high-low game. The size limitation of the integer basic (variable size) limits the maximum root to 181.
Bit by BitZX81 TS 1000 Type-in program Machine language tutorial.
Black HoleZX80 Type-in program Game based on an Elf (RCA 1802) machine language program.
Block Transfers: Horizontal Scrolling on your 1K ZX81ZX81 TS 1000 Type-in program A programming technique called block transfers of memory adds new possibilities for your programming and for taking advantage of your computer’s capabilities. Although the technique involves the use of machine language, this article assumes only that you are familiar with the Sinclair manual ZX81 BASIC Programming and that you are willing to work with hexadecimal.
Block Transfers: Variables Transfer (Part 2)ZX81 Type-in program One drawback of Timex/Sinclair computers is that LOADing a program erases any data that you have in the variables area to make room for in-coming variables. However, the program developed here allows you to keep variables in the machine safe from NEW, CLEAR, and LOAD. Furthermore, it allows you to transfer variables from one Basic…
BOLEX: Beginner's Ohm's Law EXercisesZX80 ZX81 Type-in program BOLEX is a program that solves Ohm’s law equations two at a time. Enter the program into your computer, hit RUN and NEWLINE. Four prompts will appear on your screen: amps, volts, ohms, and watts. Type in a value for one, hit NEWLINE. Continue until the values have been entered. With two values you will…
Brick BusterZX81 TS 1000 Type-in program “Brick Buster” is a game in which the player earns points by knocking out as many of the bricks in the playing area as possible. On-screen scoring and a high score memory are provided for competitive playing. The active part of the game is written in machine code for fast action. The rest of the…
BubblesTS 2068 Type-in program This program generates circles of random size placed randomly about the TV screen. Screen border color is changed randomly each time a circle is drawn. All the while, random musical notes of random duration arc produced. At random times, Ihe screen clears and a new pattern of circles is created. The total effect is arresting…
Build Your Own SpreadsheetTS 1000 Type-in program Machine language program for creating and manipulating a moving “window” across data.
Building Heat LoadZX81 Type-in program This article gives a program for calculating your building heat load. You may not find all the answers, but you can get a preliminary comparison of some of the options. The program is designed to find the heat load by solving two equations.
Buyer's Guide SupplementBuyer’s guide products that did not make it in the prior issue.
Byteing Deeper Into Your Timex Sinclair 1000TS 1000 Book review Byteing Deeper into Your Timex Sinclair 1000 is catchy title, but do not take it too literally since the book was originally written for the ZX81 and retitled. Nevertheless, the content applies completely to the TS 1000. More importantly though, it does not just “byte” deeper than the User”s Manual, it covers many of the…
Calculating the DaysZX81 Type-in program Knowing the number of days between two dates is frequently necessary for calculating interest, apportioning expenditures, or calculating average use of items. We are also interested in the more trivia type questions such as how many days before an important date, how many days between certain historical dates, and even how many days we have…
CannonadeZX80 Type-in program In Cannonade you are the commander (choose your own rank) of a squad of six men. You have been given as your next objective the capture of an enemy gun emplacement. Your men must outmaneuver the gun’s handlers. If they are spotted as they are advancing, they may be fired upon. When a man is…
Castle DoorsZX80 Type-in program Castle doors is an adventure game that presents a new challenge with each playing, and the opportunity for easy adjustment of difficulty if the Wizard is winning too much, or too little of the time. You, the player, have the ultimate task of defeating the evil Wizard, but first you must gain strength and experience…
Chaining ProgramsZX81 TS 1000 Type-in program A method for merging programs. The method in outline is: 1) Protect the resident program from erasure by POKEing a copy of it above RAMTOP. This area of memory, once created, is unaffected by LOAD, SAVE, and NEW. 2) LOAD the other program from the tape in the normal manner. 3) POKE the original program…
Character ReverseZX80 Type-in program Have you ever wanted to put a reverse character in a string but you had no way of doing it? Here is a simple answer, a small machine language program that will reverse a character for you.
ChaseZX80 ZX81 Type-in program Chase is a game of survival. The object is to survive as long as you can. You are set in a playing field, shown as a 20×10 block on your TV screen, surrounded by a lethal fence. Mines are scattered about in the field. You are being chased by five robots which will move straight…
Checkbook ManagementZX81 Type-in program A computer with its TV display, makes the task of updating and balancing a checkbook simpler than using a four-function calculator. The display enables the user to double-check entries and so helps eliminate mistakes. In addition, if mistakes are made, they are easily corrected. Below are two programs which I developed for these purposes. Each…
Comet CrusherZX81 Type-in program Astronomers have spotted a hitherto unknown comet a million kilometers from the earth. Calculations indicate that it will collide with the Earth’s atmosphere at a shallow angle and will probably break up into many pieces. Each of these pieces could destroy a city. Top scientists have advised placing special Comet Crusher missiles at strategic locations…
Computer Battlegames and Computer Space GamesZX81 Book review Computer Battlegames and Computer Spacegames share the same format. The heart of each book consists of listings of about a dozen short games. Each listing is designed co work on a ZX81 or Timex Sinclair 1000, but “translations” are included for the Spectrum, BBC micro, TRS 80, Apple, and Vic 20. There are also brief…
Connect a Monitor to the TS1000TS 1000 Hardware project How to connect a TS1000 directly to a composite monitor.
Converting From Other BasicsZX80 Type-in program While Basic is a distinct computer language , it exists in many forms. Thus, a program written for another machine might have to be converted before it will work with the Sinclair. This series will deal with conversion techniques, in hopes of allowing you to get as many programs as possible running.
Crazybugs and CyberzoneTS 2068 Software review Reviews of Crazybugs (Timex) and Cyberzone (Softsync).
Create a Word Search PuzzleZX80 MicroAce Type-in program By using this program in the ZX80 or MicroAce, you can create your own 15 by 11 character word puzzles and have fun solving them or give them to your friends to solve.
Crossing the Asteroid BeltZX81 Type-in program You are the pilot of a space ferry going back and forth through the asteroid belt. This calls for highly skilled navigation to avoid hitting or being hit by the asteroids.
Curve-plotting GraphicsZX81 Type-in program Curve-plotting has many applications. For example, an oscilloscope is a curve-plotting device which allows the user to view time-varying voltages. This article presents a program which allows the Timex/Sinclair computers to be used as curve-plotting devices. The common representations of curves possible with this program include the following: Cartesian, Cartesian Parametric, polar, and polar parametric.…
CyborgwarsZX81 TS 1000 Software review Cyborgwars is a strategic game in which four warring cybernetic empires each call upon a human leader to take control and become the supreme leader. This game is the managing an economy, resource allocated type. The resources, in this case, are the robots themselves.
- DATA Statement SimulationZX80 Type-in program
Dealing Out a ConversionZX80 Type-in program Sinclair owners will probably spend a fair amount of time converting programs from other Basics. This can be a rewarding and educational practice or an exercise in frustration, depending on how you go about it.
DEF on the SinclairZX81 Type-in program One way around DEFine in Sinclair Basic is to replace all FN calls with the expression in the definition. This often requires breaking down an equation to simplify it.
Defining CharactersTS 2068 Type-in program Working with user defined graphics characters on the 2068.
DEFMAGZX81 TS 1000 Type-in program Digitally Encoded FM Audio Generator — is a 29 byte machine code routine that allows you to store audio frequency data and to synthesize the facsimile sound at will. You may use complex mathmatical formulas to provide digitally sampled values from any continuous number field. These values are correlated to the audio spectrum so you…
DefuseZX80 Type-in program You are the Chief of Security in a major government building. You have just received a telephone message from a terrorist group claiming that they have planted a bomb somewhere in the building. Fortunately, you have the most sophisticated electronic detection equipment available. Your detector gives off a signal that gets stronger as you get…
Degrees, Grads, and RadiansZX81 Type-in program There are three methods of measuring angles: degrees, grads, and radians. However, the ZX81 with all its new trigonometric functions can only measure angles in radians. You can convert a measurement by any of the three methods to either of the remaining methods with the few short programs given in the listings below. You may…
Deleting Blocks of Basic StatementsZX81 TS 1000 Type-in program Simple routine to delete a block of lines.
DetectiveZX80 Type-in program A murder has been committed and the perpetrator has threatened to strike again! It is up to you to uncover the two pieces of evidence which will identify the murderer before he can carry out his threat. The game consists of searching the 4 rooms in the building where the crime occurred for the incriminating…
Developing a Memory Map ConsensusZX81 Reference Nick Lambert of Quicksilva proposed that suppliers for the Sinclair computers reach a consensus on some kind of memory map to avoid “a whole heap of problems” to everyone’s benefit. He proposed a ZX Computer Memory Map on a provisional basis for discussion.
Dice and TrainZX80 ZX81 Type-in program Dice strictly speaking is not a game. By simulating the throw of a pair of dice, the computer calculates the distribution of the number of throws entered according to the number of spots the dice show. Be prepared for a wait if you enter a number like 5000. Train likewise is not exactly a game,…
Directory of NewslettersTS 1000 The newsletters that we know about are listed below in alphabetical order by name. The name and address of the publisher or sponsoring group follow. The size (full or half), the number of pages (this is approximate and often varies), number of issues per year/ annual subscription rate for U.S. residents (the cost of most…
- Directory of Publishers
Directory of SuppliersSupplement to list in v3n3.
Directory of User GroupsThe following Directory of User Groups ranges from groups that have been established for some time (shown by club name) to groups just getting underway (usually indicated by “area:”). Some groups are special interest groups (SIG) within larger computer clubs. Many groups have chosen a name which can be used to make an acronym.
Disassembled BASIC - A ReviewZX80 Book review Linsac has published a disassembled listing of the Sinclair Basic.
Double Your MemoryZX81 Hardware project Although the ZX81 was designed to be inexpensive, a foresighted designer has provided the circuitry to use a 2K x 8 bit static RAM on the circuit board.
Draw a PictureZX80 Type-in program Simple program from 30 Programs for the ZX-80.
EditorialZX80 The Sinclair ZX80 is the new kid in town; a short-lived position in this rapidly changing field. In the past few years, several dozen personal computers have made an appearance. Some are thriving, others have fallen into the obscurity of bargain sales. We believe that the Sinclair is going to be one of the winners;…
EliminationZX80 ZX81 Type-in program Elimination is a traditional dice game which provides a worthwhile vehicle for teaching young children (and others) simple strategy, an understanding of odds, and the mental manipulation of numbers. Consequently, it helps reinforce arithmetic skills since the player’s ability to use mental arithmetic is pitted against the computer’s problem posing ability. Although the game is…
Enjoying Your Computer: GamesZX81 TS 1000 Games available for Sinclair computers.
Examining Prime Numbers: Two ProgramsZX80 Type-in program The first of the two programs below tests a set of numbers to see which members of the set are primes. The program asks for (and enters with INPUT statements) the beginning and the end of the set and displays those numbers in the chosen set which are primes.
Experiments in Memory and I/O ExpansionZX80 Hardware project How memory works in the ZX80; adding RAM using 2114 chips; adding I/O; adding RAM using HM6116 CMOS chips.
Expression Evaluators at WorkZX80 Tutorial Reprint of the article from the first Kitchen Sync column.
Extending Your ComputerTS 1000 Hardware to expand Sinclair computers (RAM, ROM and EPROMs; interfaces, boards, connectors).
Extensions to BasicZX81 TS 1000 Type-in program USR routines to invert every character on the screen, print bytes of free memory, create an inverse program listing, and simulate READ, DATA and RESTORE.
Flicker-free Four Times Normal Character ScrollingZX80 Type-in program Programming an active display without the flicker and flash is one of the challenges confronting the ZX80 user. So far the programs published in SYNC with flicker free display possibilities have some limitations: 1) the program must stay in machine language; 2) all computing must be done during the vertical blacking period; or 3) everything…
Flight SimulationZX81 Software review Flight Simulation puts you at the controls of an airplane in midflight, and your objective is to navigate to the airport and land. This is something like saying your objective in pinball is to keep the ball in play: not as easy as it sounds. Review of the Gladstone Electronics program.
Forest TreasureZX80 Type-in program “Forest Treasure” is based upon “Random Graphics” by Gary McGath in the Jan/Feb 1981 issue of SYNC. You are riding through a forest, seeking the gold treasure. You are represented by “£” and the treasure is a blank space. During your ride you may encounter enchanted (invisible) walls. When touched, these walls will alter your…
ForthTS 1000 Overview of Forth and review of Tree Systems PLURI-FORTH EPROM.
Galaxy InvadersZX80 Type-in program In Galaxy Invaders you are under attack by a fleet of enemy spacecraft which you must destroy before they destroy you. This game uses the ZX81’s 1K RAM, graphics, and screen blackout characteristics to produce an arcade type game.
- Game of LifeZX80 Type-in program
GauntletZX80 Type-in program Gauntlet is a game played on a rectangle 19 spaces by 6 spaces. The object is to run a gauntlet of random obstacles and monsters, beginning on the left side and crossing the rectangle. You win when you have successfully moved your marker to the right side.
Getting LoadedZX80 Hardware project Tape loading monitor. The monitor consists of two LEDs, a diode, some wire, and a case to house everything. The number 1 LED acts as an indicator of too low a volume or of the correct volume. The number 2 LED is an indicator of volume which is too loud.
Glitchoidz ReportZX81 TS 1000 Type-in program Corrections to Search and Replace (4:1), Brick Busters (4:1) and Tax Shelter Time Bomb (4:1).
Glitchoidz ReportZX80 Type-in program Corrections to errors, problems and other Glitchoid activities discovered in prior articles.
- Glitchoidz Report
Glitchoidz ReportZX80 Corrections to Widget (Sync v1 n2), Looking inside the ZX80 (v1 n3), A Trick and a Graphic System (v1 n3), Perceptions (v1 n5), Gra+Pix (v1 n4), and Hangman (v1 n4).
Glitchoidz ReportZX80 ZX81 Corrections to GRA+PIX; Mini-Billboard; The PEEK Function and POKE Command; An Inventory System; The Hidden Chessmen.
- Glitchoidz Report
- Glitchoidz Report
Glitchoidz ReportNote the ROM requirements; An Alternative Display Method; Space Warp; DEF; ZX Destroyer; Renumbering by a USR Routine.
Glitchoidz ReportA Machine Code Graphics Line-Drawing Subroutine; Renumbering Basic Statements; Random Walks; Block Transfers: Variables Transfer; A Cheap and Simple EPROM Programmer; Programming the LOAD Command
- Glitchoidz Report
- Glitchoidz Report
- Glitchoidz Report
- Glitchoidz Report
Glitchoidz ReportZX Destroyer; Just for Fun (2:5); Block Transfers.
Go-ferZX81 TS 1000 Software review Review of sophisticated data base system that supports cassette and disk drives.
GRA+PIX: A System for Pixel GraphicsZX81 Type-in program The following article describes a set of subroutines for drawing lines, arcs, regular geometric shapes, and sectors on the Sinclair ZX80 with the 8K Basic ROM and 16K RAM. The routines should also work on a ZX81 with 16K RAM. In addition, in SLOW mode on the ZX81, you can watch the figures develop as…
Graphics SurprisesZX80 Type-in program When we combine the uncertainty of the ZX80’s randomizing feature with its graphics capacities, we have the ingredients for a lot of fun. For example, the Crazy Quilt program uses only two instructions, yet it fills the screen with a zany tangle of symbols and spots. A more challenging application of graphics and randomizing is…
Graphics, Games and GoldZX80 Type-in program Graphic adventure game: the hero roams within a randomly generated wood, cave or castle, encountering monsters and treasures.
Growth Plans and Pains: An Interview with Nigel SearleNigel Searle [was] Sinclair’s man in Boston. He [was] responsible for operations in the United States and Canada of Sinclair Research Ltd.
Hammurabi in 1kZX80 Type-in program Player manages an economy.
Hampson's PlaneZX80 Type-in program Program translates the three dimensional Rubik’s Cube to the two dimensional TV screen via the ZX80.
Handling Character Strings in the ZX80ZX80 Tutorial Using USR(47) to find the address of a string variable and peeks/pokes to manipulate the string.
Handling Strings from Another DIMensionZX80 Type-in program The 4K ROM left out the ability to DIMension strings. However, with a few well-placed POKEs, you can plug up that hole in the 4K ROM.
HangmanZX80 ZX81 Type-in program The old game of Hangman can also be played on your ZX80. The program listed below preserves not only the battle of wits between the two players, but also draws on the graphics capabilities of the ZX80 to draw the figure for you. The program with full prompts on the screen requires over 1K, but…
Hardware HelpersZX80 MicroAce Hardware project Reset button, high contrast inverse video.
Hardware TipsZX80 Hardware project Thick Black Bars; Insufficient Filtering Solved; Memory Expansion Power Supply; Ear Input Circuit; Problems with ROM Changing; Top Line Hook Solution; Strong Signals on KBD 0 through KBD 4.
Hardware TipsStrong KBD Signals Again; Overheating Problems; RAM Expansion Problems.
Hardware TipsZX81 Robert Hartung to comment on letters from readers. Responses should be regarded as suggestions to help look for the answers.
Hardware TipsZX80 ZX81 TS 1000 Robert Hartung comments on some letters from readers. His responses should be regarded as suggestions to help look for the answers.
Hardware TipsMicroAce Some MicroAce Hardware Peculiarities: keyboard entry, cursor flicker, spare chips, references for troubleshooting.
- Hatch Your Nest EggTS 1000 Type-in program Downloadable
- Highway Robbery
Hints & Tips For The ZX81ZX81 Book review Hints & Tips for the ZX81 by Andrew Hewson is excellent for the average ZX81 user who has little, or no knowledge of Z80 Machine Code programming, but would like to learn. There are sections on saving space in programs, understanding the Display File, converting ZX80 programs for use on the ZX81, how to let…
- Home Control on a BudgetTS 1000 Hardware project
Hot-ZZX81 Software review HOT Z is a valuable tool for the machine language pro or novice.
House of HorrorsZX80 Type-in program You are trapped in the dreaded “House of Horrors.” Naturally it is filled with monsters, mummies, skeletons, and strange creatures. Secret passages and mysterious rooms confront you with danger and yet offer the only way out. Your goal is to escape from the house alive.
How Many BlocksZX80 ZX81 Type-in program Like most new computer owners, I was testing my new equipment with some games. My fun was interrupted, though, when I realized that I was being watched. As I turned, I was confronted by my five year-old daughter, Scooter. Wearing a sad face and eyes that reminded me of a beagle puppy, she muttered, “How…
How to Invent a Game - Inside Flattop Lander (MCD)ZX80 Type-in program The conception and initial game design of Flattop Lander and the Machine Code subroutine that will produce an instant display.
How to Invent a Game, Part 2ZX80 Type-in program Finishing the programming for the game.
How to Produce a Display File Using Machine CodeZX80 Type-in program In the ZX80 the display file is the part of the RAM which holds the next picture to be shown. A complete picture is made up of 24 lines which can be from to 32 characters in length. The display file has an initial delimiting “118”. and another delimiting “118” to mark the end of…
HurkleZX80 Type-in program Game converted to ZX80.
Improving Your ComputerTS 1000 Hardware to improve use of your computer (keyboards, saving/loading, power supplies).
In and Out of SYNCThe TI99/4A; Making a Dancer
In and Out of SYNCZX81 Type-in program The Video Technology VZ200; Plotting a Projectile
In and Out of SYNCMaking Borders and a Bouncing Ball; The Panasonic JC-200 Personal Computer.
In and Out of SYNCTS 2068 Hardware review Review of competing systems for reader comparison. The Commodore 64 is reviewed in this article.
Installing a UHF ModulatorZX81 Hardware project Convert the ZX81 to UHF as a way of combatting interference.
INTERP - The Kernel of Interactive NutsZX81 Type-in program In this article we present an easily extended, interactive interpreter, providing a stack oriented, dictionary based programming environment similar to FORTH. The interpreter is, thus, the basis for the more friendly, more interactive use of your computer. The ease with which INTERP can be coded is a dramatic demonstration of the power of the ZX81…
Interview with Clive SinclairZX80 Clive Sinclair is the man behind the first mass pocket calculator, the first scientific calculator kit and, now, a mass-market computer. David Ahl talked to Clive while in London at the PCW show.
IsolationZX80 Type-in program In Isolation you attempt to encircle one of the computer’s men, isolating him from all of his cohorts. A man is isolated when you have placed one of your men above, below, to the left, to the right and in the four locations diagonally adjacent to the victim. Therefore, a man located in a corner…
Just for FunType-in program Downloadable Short reader programs:
Just for FunZX81 TS 1000 Type-in program Downloadable Short programs from readers:
Just for FunZX80 ZX81 Type-in program Renumbering by a USR Routine; Sweeper; Ed, the Head.
Just for FunZX81 Type-in program Graphics Loop I; Graphics Loop II; Draw It.
Just for FunZX81 Type-in program Zap; Blaster; Catch 25, or Playing Left Field; Bombs Away!; Grand Prix.
Just for FunHorizontal Bar Graph; Isosceles Triangle; Mandalas; Name Program
Just for FunFour Quadrants; Hi-Res “Draw It”; 3-D Cube; Blastoff; Train; Random Rectangles; Ricochet
Just For FunZX81 Type-in program Bombsmash; Space Pirate Attack; Space Age Graphics; Driver
- Just for FunTS 1000 Type-in program Downloadable
Just for FunTS 1000 Type-in program Short programs that illustrate a point, demonstrate a technique, or show something the author has found interesting.
Just For funZX81 Type-in program Mousetrap; Unvader; Draw and Store; Number Nine; Eliminator
Keeping Time in the Home OfficeTS 1000 Type-in program Since the Sinclair computers have an internal timing feature, they can be used to make a clock display which will give you the time. Two basic programs are given below to do just that.
Key Click GeneratorZX80 Hardware project This simple circuit will produce an audible tone whenever the ZX80 screen is blanked, yielding a click to indicate key closure, or a steady tone during processing.
Keyboard AlternativesZX81 TS 1000 Hardware project Alternatives to the Sinclair keyboard: overlays, beepers, full keyboards. Plans for wiring your own keyboard and list of keyboard alternative vendors provided.
Keyboard BeeperZX80 Hardware review Simple device that beeps when a key is pressed.
Keyboard/System Conversion: The First 40/1 KeysZX80 ZX81 Hardware project The fundamental conversion described here can be made with almost any KB switch array. 40 keys, new or used, so long as the switches are normally open and are closed with a key stroke.
Kitchen SyncZX80 Discussion of the ZX80 BASIC expression evaluator.
Kitchen SyncZX80 Type-in program This month’s column was inspired by two other articles appearing in the May/June issue of SYNC. In the first, David Lubar told of his experiences in using the NOT operator of Sinclair Basic. In the second article. Bill Eckel introduced a game called Black Hole and presented a version which he “almost” got to fit…
Kitchen SyncZX81 Hardware review To Build or not to Build? A Review of the Sinclair ZX81 Kit
Kitchen SyncZX80 ZX81 The first thing we did when we finished building our ZX81 kits was to play with them— poking through the manual, pressing new keys to see what they did, writing little test programs to see what could be done. It did not take us long to decide that the ZX81 had some features that made…
Kitchen SyncZX80 ZX81 Type-in program Two to the What? Recently, a cousin from Lincoinwood, Illinois, came out to visit. Along with him, he brought a couple of “extra credit” problems given him by his eighth grade science teacher. One of the problems was to calculate 2 to the 420th power.
Kitchen SyncZX80 ZX81 The Nanos Systems reference card is clear, concise, and, for its shortcomings, is the best handy reference for the ZX80/ZX81 I have seen.
Kitchen SyncZX81 TS 1000 Type-in program Calculate mortgage payments.
Knight's TourZX81 TS 1000 Type-in program How to write a program to implement the Knight’s Tour chess puzzle.
Knowing Your StrengthsZX81 Type-in program As an Industrial Designer, I am often required to specify the minimum practical amounts of material and the most effective configurations that will safely support a given load before spending thousands of dollars in tooling to produce parts for testing. The program I developed for this task has proved extremely rewarding. Now I can try…
Large Letters for the 8K, 2K MachineZX81 TS 1000 Type-in program One tool that has been useful to me is a Basic subroutine to create 4×4 characters for the 8K ROM. The routine works well enough and enhances the display. However, it is slow. If used repeatedly, the delay can be irksome. The obvious solution is to write a machine language subroutine to do the work.
Las Computadoras de Costa RicaThis year I began giving classes in computer programming as well. I use the Sinclair simply because it is cheap. The economy is on an even keel, but it is still not moving very fast. Even though the Sinclair is cheap, it is an excellent tool for teaching Basic programming and about computers in general.
Learning Timex Sinclair BasicTS 1000 Book review If you have ever thrown down your TS1000 User Manual in despair— or disgust, help has finally arrived: David Liens Learning Timex Sinclair Basic. It is a clear, thorough guide to programming the Timex Sinclair 1000, but ZX81 and ZX80 users are not ignored. No matter how “learner friendly” the manual for the new TS1500…
Least Squares Data Analysis with the ZX80/81ZX80 ZX81 Type-in program One of the most common tasks of a computer is to perform statistical analysis and data manipulative type computations. Many of the computations involved are very tedious to perform by hand since they sometimes require a large number of reiterative calculations. Statistical analysis problems that take hours for a human (equipped only with pencil and…
Letter from England (Sync v3 n1)TS 1000 Hardware review One of the advantages of living in England, home of Sinclair Research, is that we get to try out some of the “extras” before anyone else. Here are some of the things that may cross the Atlantic from England for the ZX81.
Letter from England (Sync v3 n3)TS 2000 Description of the Spectrum.
Letter from England (Sync v3 n5)TS 1000 New computers, software libraries, compilers and assemblers, magazines, hardware developments (joysticks, printer interfaces, modems, tape copiers).
- Letters
LettersMouthful; Draw and Store; Rounding Off
LettersHelp Wanted; New Product Problems; Elimination; DEF and PAUSE
LettersZX81 TS 1000 RUNning with Reduced RAM, Brick Busters, Help, Upgrading Problem, Inverse Matrix.
LettersAdding a Joystick; Making Backups for ML Tapes; Hardware Problems; Help
LettersZX81 Type-in program Comet Crusher; DEF; Draw It; Strong KBD Signals; List Learning; Pantry Inventory; Lunar Lander.
LettersPayroll: Follow-up to article in v3 n2 Sync; adding printing ability.
LettersZX81 TS 2068 Uses of 64K RAM; 2068; Bulletin Boards; ZTX-650 Transistor; Correction to ‘Say What’
LettersZX80 MicroAce Our Face is Red!; Four Tips for MicroAce Owners; Channel 2 Interference Problem Cure.
- LettersZX80
LettersZX80 ZX81 REM on the 4K ROM; Mini-Billboard for 8K ROM; “Bar Charts” and Rubber Cement; Splitting Strings; Short Video Cable; The 5-6 Seconds of Silence.
LettersThick Black Bars; Help Wanted; Scrolling REM Statements; Cecil Bridges’ LED Load Monitor.
LettersZX80 ZX81 8K ROM Double Images; Taxman; An Inventory System; Hampson’s Plane; Flag Use Tip; ZX80/81 World; The Great Circle Route.
LettersZX80 Help Wanted, SGN and Inventory.
LettersZX81 Type-in program Help Wanted, Program Problems, ZX80 Slow Mode, The Hidden Chessmen
LettersZX80 Type-in program ROMs and RAMS, Memory Saving Tips, The SAVE Signal.
LettersZX81 Type-in program LSCROLL, Flag Use, Key and Token Expressions, Hams and the ZX81, ZX80 ROMs, Hardware Suggestion, Inventory
Letters: 2068TS 2068 Enthusiastic reaction to the 2068.
Letters: Bulletin BoardsReader requests list of BBSes.
Letters: Say WhatZX81 Suggestion for improving code in “Say What” (Sync 3:6).
Letters: The ZTX-650 TransistorZX81 Replacements for the transistor.
Line Print UtilityZX81 TS 1000 Type-in program Reading computer-style text, where the words get chopped off at the end of the line, is easy enough once you get the hang of it. However, if the printout of a program is intended for use by people not used to this style, it is friendlier to PRINT out the text in a more legible…
Linear RegressionZX80 ZX81 Type-in program Computes the linear relationship between two sets of variables, expressed as the linear regression equation, and calculates the coefficient of determination, an indicator of the strength of the relationship. Given a set of two variables labelled X and Y, the program will yield an equation describing Y as a function of X.
Linsac's Game Programs 1 and 2: A ReviewZX80 Software review Reivew of games cassettes from Linsac. Games include Three Towers (Towers of Hanoi), Guess a Number, Mastermind, Sketcher (simple drawing program), Hurkle, Nim, Symbol Simon, Nine Lives, The Maze Game, Plain Sailing, Noughts and Crosses, Chinese Puzzle, Tower of Hanoi and Battleships.
List Learning with the SinclairZX81 Type-in program The Sinclair computers can be effective learning aids if the student or teacher has the software to set up learning situations. A program to assist in the learning process should meet several criteria. First, it should be self-explanatory. Second, it should have different modes of operation. Third, it should be practical as a learning tool.…
Looking inside the ZX80ZX80 Type-in program Basic routines to show the ROM contents.
Looping the LoopZX81 Type-in program How can you do long, complicated jobs using machines code— without having to write long, complicated programs in machine code? The answer, in a word: loops.
LSCROLL - For Spectacular Screen DisplaysZX80 ZX81 Type-in program How would you like to be able to create a “Times Square” display which moves from right to left without upsetting other items on your ZX81 (or 8K ROM ZX80) screen? Would you like to display graphs or functions such as a sine wave on your screen when they need more than 32 columns of…
Lunar LanderZX80 ZX81 Type-in program You are the Command Pilot of the Lunar Lander SYNC. You are now in the final stages of your descent and you must make your landing before your fuel runs out. You select the thrust settings from your keyboard control system by pressing a key from 1 to 10. The computer does not wait for…
Machine Code and Your TV ScreenTS 1000 One of the ways that Basic is slow is in putting things on the screen. Have you ever played a game in Basic and you wanted things to zip across the screen, but, instead, they crawled? It is frustrating, but Basic is simply very slow in this department. In the 8K Basic SLOW mode, even…
Machine Code Keyboard Scanning ProgramZX80 Type-in program Machine code routine to decode the keyboard and a Basic program for entering/saving machine code programs.
Machine Language Programming Made SimpleZX80 ZX81 Book review Review of Machine Language Programming Made Simple for your Sinclair ZX80 and ZX81.
Machine Language Storage in REMZX81 Tutorial When a series of consecutive REM statements is to be used to provide storage for machine language the leading four bytes of the second and subsequent REMs cannot simply be overwritten. Your machine language program would almost certainly crash. The solution is relatively simple. Change the byte count of the first REM statement to include…
Machine Language Teaches the ZX80 to READZX80 Type-in program Simulate the READ command with machine language routine.
Machine Language Teaches the ZX80 to READZX80 Type-in program In Part 1 (SYNC 1:5) we saw what a READ statement is, how it functions, how to run a machine language subprogram with the USR function, and how to get your machine code into memory with Basic loader program. In this part I will give you the machine language READ subroutine, present a few tips…
Macro PhotoZX81 Type-in program This program will allow the photographer to input the data which the ZX81 will use to figure the adjusted exposure time (for bellows length and reciprocity), the proper subject to lens distance, and the proper film to lens distance for a given image magnification.
Making Backups for Machine Language TapesZX81 Type-in program There are two methods which can be used to make a backup: copying to a second tape or use the PEEK and POKE facilities of the ZX81.
Making Music with the ZON X-81ZX81 TS 1000 Type-in program Programming the ZON, Bi-Pak’s sound generator, to play a simple tune is no simple task. On the other hand, it is far from impossible, and this article should be of help to aspiring computer musicians.
- Making Music with the ZX80ZX80 Type-in program
Managing with the ZX81ZX81 TS 1000 Type-in program The program below, written for a ZX81 with 16K RAM, is designed to answer management questions. It is, in fact, a suite of five programs linked together, with an initial menu to enable the user to choose from among them. It is based on a series of rapid statistical tests devised by Eric Duckworth, a…
Maps and the ZX80/81ZX80 ZX81 Type-in program In this article, we will examine some ways of putting maps into your ZX80 or ZX81. We will also see how the Sinclair computers can generate complex maps by themselves.
Mastering Machine Code on Your ZX81ZX81 TS 1000 Book review Though written for the ZX81, Mastering Machine Code on Your ZX81 applies equally well to the Timex Sinclair 1000. Each chapter also includes addressing and programming procedures for the ZX80. The light conversational style is both entertaining and understandable.
MastermindZX80 Type-in program This game is played much like the original board version. The computer selects a code of four colors from a possible six: red. orange, yellow, green, blue, and white (duplicates allowed). It is now up to you to find, in nine moves or less, the exact color and position of each element of the code…
Math Support from Your ZX81ZX81 TS 1000 Type-in program Four routines to help with math or algebra.
MazogsZX81 Software review In Mazogs you are an adventurer searching for a treasure in a HUGE maze. You must find the treasure and return to the entrance of the maze within a certain number of moves. Scattered throughout the maze are creatures called Mazogs whose job is to stop and kill you. You can kill them if you…
Meditations on a HypotrochoidZX80 ZX81 Type-in program The plotting capacity of the ZX80(81) enables even the least artistically talented to create some pretty dazzling displays. The much denigrated sine and cosine functions conceal mathematical mysteries that are invisible to mere number crunchers.
Memopak High Resolution Graphics ModuleTS 1000 Hardware review The Memopak High Resolution Graphics Module, in dull black matching the computer, fits in between the Memopak parallel printer interface and the 64K memory module. Velcro tape or double sided adhesive tape comes with each unit to ensure a wobble-free set-up.
Memory DisplayZX80 Type-in program The Memoir Display Program presents 16 bytes of memory in binary, octal, decimal, and character. You can enter a one to four-digit hexadecimal starting address, or hit NEWLINE, if you want to continue without a new entry.
Memory Scrunching on the TS1000 and ZX81ZX81 TS 1000 Type-in program One of the most serious problems that TS1000 users are faced with (and ZX81 users even more so) is the lack of memory (RAM). Most commercial programs require a 16K RAM pack, and many printed in newsletters and magazines require over 2K (or 1K for ZX81 people). Although the package or listing calls for 16K,…
Merging With RandomnessZX81 Type-in program Seeding the RND function for greater randomness.
MeteorsZX81 TS 1000 Type-in program How to use the display file; demonstrated in a video game.
Micro InvadersZX80 Type-in program In Galaxy Invaders, you are under attack by a fleet of enemy spacecraft which you must destroy before they destroy you.
Micro JuiceZX80 MicroAce Hardware project Owners of the Sinclair ZX80 and MicroAce rapidly discover that interruptions of power can cause headaches, not to mention the necessity for re-keying programs.
MicroAce Video UpgradeMicroAce Hardware review Smooth flicker free graphics has been the “impossible dream” for Sinclair ZX80 or MicroAce owners, at least until recently. It has been particularly frustrating to have the new 8K ROM and realize that this capability exists on the chip but is denied the ZX80 user! The MicroAce Video Upgrade was designed to eliminate this problem,…
Mini-BillboardZX80 Type-in program Program to print an eight character string on two rather large lines to create a “Mini-Billboard” on the TV screen.
MinotaurTS 1000 Type-in program This active-animation program displays a full-screen picture of a maze, and shows your progress through it to its only exit. Meanwhile, the Minotaur (a mythical half-man, half-bull creature which inhabited the Labyrinth at Minos) is on the prowl and determined to have you for lunch!
- Miscellaneous Products and Services
More Truth in ProgrammingZX80 Tutorial As long as an expression produces only logical values (0 or -1), you can safely use NOT. Expressions such as IF NOT (A = B) THEN GO TO 10 or IF NOT (X 5 AND Y 8) THEN GO TO 10 are fine. They only deal with logical operators. The value inside the parentheses will…
Motorcycle Race GameZX80 Type-in program Test your skill and luck on a ZX80 motorcycle! In this game you compete with another rider on a 32 mile track on which you meet various obstacles and road conditions. The key to winning the race is meeting the obstacles with just the right speed.
Multi-Dimensional Arrays for the ZX80ZX80 Type-in program Techniques for simulating multi-dimensional arrays on the ZX80.
Multiplication Three-in-a-RowZX80 Type-in program “Multiplication Three-in-a Row” is based on the program “Multiplication Bingo,” by Jean Wilson, Special Education teacher at Leadville High School, Leadville, Colorado. She was seeking a way to motivate students who were having difficulty learning to multiply and found that completing five in a row on a Bingo board helped supply the motivation. An array…
MultisaveZX81 Type-in program Wouldn’t it be nice 1) to key in the number of saves required and leave the ZX81 to complete that number of identical copies? 2) not have to check what variables have been assigned before incorporating this feature in a program? 3) to retain the normal, single-save mode? If this appeals to you, try the…
New Peripherals from SinclairZX80 Printer, flat screen display and 8K ROM. Clive Sinclair has withdrawn the 8K Basic ROM chip for the ZX-80 until the first quarter of 1981. This occurred only a month after it was announced to the world (September 11, 1980). He denies rumors that software bugs are the cause and blames the delay instead on…
NicomacusZX80 Type-in program Program determines number you are thinking of (between 1 and 100) by successively dividing it by 3, 5, and 7.
Nine Defenders Against the AliensZX80 ZX81 Software review Review of Quicksilva’s Defender.
ParcleTS 1000 Type-in program Machine language routine to clear just part of the screen.
PerceptionsZX80 Type-in program SYNCSUM is a method of checking whether you have entered the program correctly. If you are submitting an article, we ask you to include the SYNCSUM at the end of any program listing.
PerceptionsZX80 A ROM Munching Session; Video Sync Signals; Video Modulator Drive Circuitry; Loading.
PerceptionsZX80 Conversions: 4K ROM to 8K ROM and 8K ROM to 4K ROM
PerceptionsZX80 4K and 8K ROM Command Conversions
PerceptionsZX80 ZX81 In this issue I will discuss the ZX80/81’s display system. The ZX80/81 video display is created almost entirely by software. All sync (vertical and horizontal) is generated by 10 instructions in the display routine.
PerceptionsZX80 ZX81 The ZX81 Parser and User-Defined Commands; More on the 16K RAM Pack Schematic; Addenda to “The ZX80/81 Video Display System.”
PerceptionsZX81 Reference The ZX81 Parser (Part 2). In the last issue I began a discussion of the ZX81’s parser which is a complex and tricky combination of software techniques. In this article, I will continue the discussion by detailing the main parser routines.
PerceptionsZX81 Reference This article is the third in a series discussing the ZX81 Parser. Since the first two articles may have been a bit too abstract for some readers, I hope this discussion will pull the previous articles together.
PerceptionsZX81 In this issue Perceptions will take up I/O (Input/Output) ports. The fundamental issues are discussed, and a sample method for their application to the TS1000/ZX81 is described.
PerceptionsTS 2000 TS 2048 TS 2068 The TS2000 series of computers claims an extensive group of features – both hardware and software. The machines feature 24K ROM. The TS2048 has 16K RAM at its disposal while the TS2068 wields a well-utilized 48K RAM.
Perceptions: SyncsumsZX81 Type-in program Short program to provide checksums to users as they type in programs, to ensure they’ve been entered correctly.
Plotting with 4K BasicZX80 Type-in program If you have only 1K of RAM, this program provides you with a field of 10 lines by 7 columns for plotting. Pixel graphics provide 280 plotting positions: the field is 20 pixels high by 14 pixels wide.
Pounds and Pence, Dollars and CentsZX80 Type-in program Programs for working with decimals in 4K ROM.
Product PreviewZX80 Mentions CAI Instruments devices, graphics device from Innovision, speech recognition unit from Voicetek and Sinclair 8K ROM and 16K RAM pack.
Programming BouleTS 1000 Type-in program Implementation of the casino game.
Programming the LOAD CommandZX81 Type-in program Do you have some machine code programs stored on tape that require POKEing RAMTOP before LOADing the program from cassette? Or are you writing your Basic programs around a favorite machine code POKEing routine? If so, knowing how to program the LOAD command can be a real convenience.
Programming Your ComputerTS 1000 Programming aids, utilities, toolkits, assemblers, disassemblers, compilers, monitors.
QSAVEZX81 Hardware review The QSAVE package consists of: 1) a hardware unit, 2) a software program, and 3) an instruction booklet. It performs tape SAVE, LOAD, and verify at 4000 BAUD.
Quick-draw!TS 1000 Type-in program More than two years ago, Sinclair announced that the 4K ROM of the ZX80 would be expanded to an 8K ROM and that one of the new commands would be DRAW. DRAW was just what it sounded like— a command to draw a line on the TV screen. But DRAW never came to be. Even…
Random WalksZX81 Type-in program A program “Random Walks” for the ZX81 duplicates the Hexstat. It is an eye-catching, pretty display and very effective as an instructional device. Over a period of 15 minutes or so a series of “balls” falls down through a cascade or sieve to form 9 columns whose heights are proportional to the respective probabilities of…
Renumbering Basic StatementsZX81 Type-in program This article presents two Basic renumbering programs in Sinclair Basic for the 8K ROM. The first program can be used with 1K or 16K RAM. It only renumbers the Basic statements. It does not do anything about the destination addresses for GOSUB and GOTO keywords that must be changed after a program is renumbered. The…
Repeat Key OptionZX80 ZX81 Hardware project A repeat key option is relatively simple to build and install.
Resources (Sync v1 n4)MicroAce Listing of new user groups, books and other resources.
Resources (Sync v1 n5)Listing of new user groups, books and other resources.
Resources (Sync v1 n6)Listing of new user groups, books and other resources.
Resources (Sync v2 n1)Listing of new user groups, books and other resources.
Resources (Sync v2 n2)Listing of new user groups, books and other resources.
Resources (Sync v2 n3)TS 1000 Listing of new user groups, books and other resources.
Resources (Sync v2 n4)TS 1000 Listing of new user groups, books and other resources.
Resources (Sync v2 n5)TS 1000 Listing of new user groups, books and other resources.
Resources (Sync v2 n6)TS 1000 Listing of new user groups, books and other resources.
Resources (Sync v3 n1)TS 1000 Listing of new user groups, books and other resources.
Resources (Sync v3 n2)Listing of new user groups, books and other resources.
Resources (Sync v3 n5)TS 1000 Listing of new user groups, books and other resources.
Resources (Sync v3 n6)TS 1000 Listing of new user groups, books and other resources.
Resources (Sync v4 n1)TS 1000 Listing of new user groups, books and other resources.
Resources (Sync v4 n2)Listing of new user groups, books and other resources.
Resources for the ZX-80 and MicroAce (Sync v1 n1)ZX80 MicroAce Currently available hardware, software, books and user groups and newsleters.
Resources for the ZX80 and MicroAce (Sync v1 n2)ZX80 MicroAce Companies and organizations with products related to the ZX80.
Resources for the ZX80 and MicroAce (Sync v1 n3)ZX80 MicroAce Entries from manufacturers and readers. Includes the name of the item, a brief description, price and complete data on how to obtain it.
- Review: ZX80 Pocket BookZX80 Book review
- Review: ZX80 ProgramsZX80 Book review
Robot ComposerZX80 Type-in program As Richard Forsen has noted, a series of tones can be generated by a series of FOR-NEXT loops. However, we are not accustomed to hearing this pitch scale of tones, and the duration of the tones varies inversely with the pitch. The Robot Composer corrects these deficiencies in this pitch scale and generates rhythmic, melodic…
Robotics on a BudgetZX81 Hardware project The Project A little over a year ago I decided to start building a robot. I had no idea that it would lead to a project fully controlled by a computer. However, as I started reading more about robots and the robotics law, I realized that a true robot had to be a self-contained entity…
Rounding Off with Conditional TestsZX81 Type-in program We have all learned in plane geometry classes the Pythagorean theorem: a squared plus b squared equals c squared. Thus, if we know two sides of a right triangle, we can easily calculate the third. Or can we?
RUNning with Reduced RAMZX81 Tutorial For most of us, the anticipation of being able to write extended programs when we first plugged in our new 16K RAM pack was soon somewhat tempered by the waiting out of the monotonous count at the end of every SAVE and LOAD. Also, functions such as CLS and NEW take much longer.
Safe Machine Code RoutinesZX80 ZX81 More and more programs are appearing in SYNC, under the rubric of “machine language.” There was a time, not too long ago, when personal computer users were notoriously shy about venturing into these jungles. Nowadays, though, even someone who is not quite comfortable in Basic can manage to key in and run programs in Z80…
Saving Your FingersZX81 Tutorial Edit existing lines and renumber to create multiple instances where the lines are very similar.
Say What?ZX81 TS 1000 Type-in program Downloadable Hardware project Simple speech recognition hardware and program for ZX/TS computers (with at least 16K RAM). The word “simple” should be emphasized. The program is relatively simple to enter and run. It is limited to recognizing only ten simple words (but ten words of your choice!). It is not designed to replace your keyboard, rather it is…
- Schematic of Sinclair 16K RAM PackZX80
Screen ScrollingZX80 Type-in program This article shows how a routine can he written and entered into a ZX80 that enables the user to SCROLL the display. In the 4K monitor there is no facility at all for doing other than printing to the last line of the display, and then, when the display is full, the program will stop…
Sea WarZX81 Software review Sea War starts by scrolling from right to left a very impressive “title page” asking for the number of players (the limit is 2). A rather large ship then travels across the surface of the water and drops your submarine into the water; then the action starts. You are now in a submarine just below…
Search and Replace RoutinesZX81 TS 1000 Type-in program The routines in are designed to search through a program and replace all occurrences of one character or keyword with another (keywords are represented with one byte, too). The routines can all be entered directly from the keyboard into a 1 REM line.
Setting Up Bar ChartsZX80 Type-in program This program listed works with 1K to chart two years of monthly checking account balances with vertical bars. The graph is set up for a range of $0 to $1500, but can be modified for other ranges with a few changes and some trial-and-error experimentation.
Setting Up Bar ChartsZX80 Type-in program This program listed works with 1K to chart two years of monthly checking account balances with vertical bars. The graph is set up for a range of $0 to $1500, but can be modified for other ranges with a few changes and some trial-and-error experimentation.
Sinclair 8K ROM Problems?How to check for defective 8K ROM.
Sinclair ZX SpectrumZX Spectrum Hardware review The Spectrum offers colour, high resolution graphics and sound and, at the price, it has just got to be the best value for the money around.
Sinclair ZX80ZX80 Hardware review Sinclair Research set out to build a simple to use personal computer running Basic and capable of breaking the psychological price barrier of $200. Well, they succeeded with their ZX80. Why ZX80? No reason really except that it’s based on an NEC copy of the Z80 processor chip . . . and it sounds nice.
Sinclair ZX81/Timex Sinclair 1000 StatisticsZX81 TS 1000 Book review Review of Sinclair ZX81/Timex Sinclair 1000 Statistics: Twelve 16K Programs Including Multif actor Analysis of Variance by A. H. Wolach and M. A. McHale.
So You Wished You Had Bought a TS2000TS 1000 Hardware project How would you like to have a computer with a color video display of fifteen colors, quality sound, high resolution, unlimited character sets, and a dual joystick interface? How would you like a system in which you do not have to worry about expansion? If you have a ZX81 (or ZX80 with the 8K ROM),…
Software Review: And the Walls Came Tumbling DownZX80 Software review After the successful introduction of Super ZX80 Invasion, Softsync has come out with Double Breakout, its second active display game. Double Breakout is just as much fun as Super ZX80 Invasion, and even more challenging. This, too, fits into 1K of memory.
Software Review: Unfriendly SkiesZX80 Software review Softsync’s Super ZX80 Invasion. Using an active display to produce true animation. The tape comes with both 1K and 2K versions of the game.
Software Review: ZX GalaxiansZX80 ZX81 Software review Review of the Artic Computing program.
Solving Implicit Functions on the ZX81ZX81 TS 1000 Type-in program The computer can handle problems of this kind by making a series of successive approximations: try out any value of X, and see if it gives the Y you want; if it does not, then try another value of X.
Space TaxiZX81 Type-in program You are the pilot of a space taxi in the year 2081. You have just picked up a fare who must catch the next ship to Zeta Chi LXXXI. Naturally, there is a big tip if you make it in one piece. You control your taxi by the 6 and 7 keys to avoid the…
Space Warp - A Graphics Space GameZX80 Type-in program The objective of Space Warp is to reach your base before running out of fuel. In order to do this, you must think ahead and consider how your speed will affect your fuel consumption.
Speech SynthesizersZX81 TS 1000 Your ZX/TS computer can talk to you, with the help of a ‘Speech Synthesizer’ system. Speech or voice synthesis systems are combinations of hardware and software which, when tied in with your computer, can put electronically generated sounds and noises together into intelligible words and phrases. There are currently at least 16 semiconductor houses producing…
Split and SaveZX81 TS 1000 Type-in program Downloadable Would you like to freeze the upper part of your display screen? With “Split ‘n Save” you can! While the information in the lower portion is appearing and disappearing, any test or graphics in the upper portion remain on view.
Staff: Teacher and TesterZX81 TS 1000 Type-in program The ability to name notes on the staff is a necessary skill for even the novice musician. “Staff” is a versatile music education program that reviews notes from the first ledger line below the staff to the first ledger line above. Although the program includes the necessary lines for use with the ZON X-81 sound…
StarblastersZX81 TS 1000 Type-in program Downloadable In “Starblasters” you must defend a sector of space from the invading alien spaceships. Your weapon is a powerful ion beam. But beware! The aliens can fire back. They can blow up your ship or even overrun your sector. Although you have five excellent ships in your fleet, you must be quick, skillful, and sometimes…
Storing 3-Letter Words in an ArrayZX80 Type-in program I wanted to develop a method of storing as many three-letter words as possible in my 1K ZX80). using as little memory as possible. The solution is based on the fact that charaeter numbers of the letters can be compounded into a single number, which can be stored in an array element. Thus three letters…
Stringing along with the ZX81ZX81 TS 1000 Type-in program Using string statement to emulate READ/DATA by slicing the characters from the string which make up a data-set, converting the sliced substrings to a numerical value, if necessary, and then using these substrings as program variables.
- Suppliers
SYNC at the LibraryZX81 TS 1000 TS 2000 ZX Spectrum Book review Books available about the TS1000/ZX81 and TS2000/Spectrum.
Sync NotesSYNC in the Classroom; ROMs and RAMs.
Sync NotesTS 2040 Sinclair and Timex owners across USA will be adding LPRINT state merits to their favorite programs. They will soon find out that there are some bugs in the LPRINT Command. The problem is not in the printer, but in the Sinclair 8K ROM. The first bug involves the improper printing of numbers between .01 and…
Sync NotesHow to Use the Buyers Guide; The TS1000 for $69.96; Glitchoidz Report; Printers
Sync NotesTS 2000 TS 2048 TS 2068 Timex/Sinclair 2000; SYNC on the Job.
- Sync Notes
Sync NotesTS 1000 TS 1500 TS 2068 SYNC in the Home Office, Coming Issues, Writing for SYNC, TS1500 and TS2068.
Sync NotesSYNC at the Concert; Timex/Sinclair Celebration; ZX Microdrive.
Sync NotesSYNC at the Drawing Board; Theme Sections Coming; The ZX81 BASIC Programming Manual; SYNC is Growing! You CAn help!
Sync NotesIntroduction to special issue, describing regular content of the magazine. Includes instructions for potential authors.
Sync NotesEditorial about the issue.
Sync NotesDiscussion of current issue, announcements of Timex Command Cartridge.
Sync NotesMicroAce ZX81 ZX81 —The Family Increases; PERCEPTIONS; SYNCSUM; Spaces in PRINT Statements; MicroAce II????; SYNC Subscribers Pass the 6000 Mark; A P.S. from Alger Salt.
Sync NotesZX80 ZX81 SYNC program listings; 8K ROM problems; SYNC subscriptions; ZX Microfair; SYNC in Microcomputer Index; SYNC Notes: UK; Sinclair Launches the ZX Printer; Sinclair to Sell ZX81 Retail.
Sync NotesZX81 ZX Microfair Report; ZX81 Launched in the U.S.; The World of Compukid; Second ZX Microfair to be Held
Sync NotesMicroAce MicroAce Discontinues U.S. Operations; Sinclair to Replace Defective MicroAce 8K ROMs; Sinclair Policy Change on Technical Phone Inquiries; Sync Notes U.K. Win a 1000 pounds
Sync NotesZX80 ZX81 The Second ZX Microfair Report
Sync NotesTS 1000 Timex Sinclair 1000; Questions about Sync.
Sync NotesSYNC in Outer Space: Space games lead the list of games that SYNC receives.
- SYNC Reader Survey
System Expansion HardwareZX81 TS 1000 Hardware project System Enclosures and Radio Frequency Interference; an add-on expansion bus.
Tax Shelter Time BombZX81 TS 1000 Type-in program Calculate the point at which a tax shelter returns taxable income.
Teaching with the ZX81ZX81 TS 1000 The Educational ZX80/1 Users 1 Group (EZUG) had a triple celebration in January. First, we were able to breathe a sigh of relief that we had survived a year of frenzied activity. Secondly, we welcomed the thousandth subscriber to our bimonthly newsletter. Thirdly, we launched our first educational ZX81 programs, fourteen of them in fact.…
The "QS Sound Board" for the ZX80/81ZX80 ZX81 Hardware review Based on the extremely versatile AY-3-8910 sound generator chip, the QS Sound Board features complete software control of the frequency and amplitude of three independent output channels as well as an envelope shaper and noise channel. Mentions QS Motherboard, which allows connecting 16K RAM and sound board at the same time.
The "QS Sound Board" for the ZX80/81ZX80 ZX81 Hardware review Based on the extremely versatile AY-3-8910 sound generator chip, the QS Sound Board features complete software control of the frequency and amplitude of three independent output channels as well as an envelope shaper and noise channel. Mentions QS Motherboard, which allows connecting 16K RAM and sound board at the same time.
The Aerco Disk Drive SystemZX81 TS 1000 Hardware review The disk drives sold by Aerco are Pertec FD 250 units. Any Shugart type drive could be used, but at $189 each from Aerco I felt this was the best price around. The Aerco disk drive unit transfers data at a rate of 250,000 bits per second. Disks (soft sectored, double density, double sided) accommodate…
The Amazing Active Display and BreakoutZX80 Software review Review of a utility program and game.
The Anatomy of a Program LineTS 1000 TS 2068 Reference In-depth analysis of how the Timex 1000 and 2068 store and process program lines.
The Array AdvantageTS 1000 Type-in program Discussion of arrays with examples.
The Bookshelf Goes SupernovaTS 2000 ZX Spectrum Book review Books about the Spectrum.
The Circle GameTS 1000 Type-in program Drawing circles in BASIC and machine language.
The Complete Sinclair ZX81 Basic CouseZX81 TS 1000 Book review Review of book/tapes by the same title.
The Exploding BookshelfZX80 MicroAce ZX81 Book review Books published about SincIair/MicroAce computers.
The Fantastic Music Machine and Light ShowZX81 TS 1000 Software review The Fantastic Music Machine is a unique program that transforms your computer keyboard into a 3-octave musical instrument with reasonably good tonal quality with 16K it can handle up to 7000 notes.
The Game of Life Revisited - An Assembly VersionZX80 ZX81 Type-in program The Game of Life, printed in SYNC 1:2 (pp. 28-30), was written in Basic. This Basic program may be replaced with an assembly subroutine which displays each succeeding generation within a fraction of the time needed by the Basic program. Each generation is constructed and then displayed by using another assembly subroutine for creating a…
The Great Circle RouteZX81 Type-in program “The Great Circle Route” shows something of its possibilities. After entering the program on your computer, enter the latitude and longitude of any two points in the world, and the computer will calculate and display the distance between them. This is the “great circle route.”
The Great RAM RescueTS 1000 Hardware project Remap the internal RAM to the 8K-16K block. For ZX/TS computers with a 16K RAM pack.
The Hidden ChessmenZX80 Type-in program The Hidden Chessmen is a search and find game like Hurkle. A knight, a bishop, and a rook are hidden on a chessboard by the computer. You begin the play by guessing a square on the chessboard. The computer tells you if you have found a chess piece and/or what pieces are attacking the square.…
The Home Computer Market, the ZX80 and the FutureZX80 Excerpts of a speech given to the Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey, December 11, 1980.
The IntercontrollerTS 1000 Hardware review Review of Intercomputer’s Intercontroller HV bus device.
The Linear SearchZX81 TS 1000 Type-in program Do you want to store and retrieve information with your computer? This program uses a machine language search routine that is so fast you can blitz through a full 13000 bytes of files to find the one you want in less than a second! The program uses Basic to create files and PRINT found ones.…
The Logical OperatorsAND and OR have two distinct usages in Sinclair Basic. One mirrors their use in English and is easily understood; the second is less straightforward, but is an extremely versatile programming technique. NOT, the third logical operator, is unfortunately overlooked or ignored by many beginner programmers; it, too, can be a powerful programming tool.
The PEEK Function and the POKE CommandZX80 ZX81 This article returns to Basic to discuss the PEEK function and the POKE command. Since the 8K ROM is now widely available, both the 4K ROM and the 8K ROM are included in the discussion and program illustrations.
The Quicksilva Programmable Character GeneratorZX80 ZX81 Hardware review The Quicksilva Programmable Character Generator is a single circuit board which plugs into the QS Motherboard or the QS Edge Connector which plugs into the back of the ZX81. Once installed, it lets the user program 128 different characters rather than the previous 64 and their inverses. After the board has been programmed, it can…
The ROMPAK SystemTS 1000 Hardware review Review of a expansion board that supports EPROMs in the 8-16K block; board uses a ZIF socket. The company had several programs on EPROM.
The Sinclair Grade BookZX81 TS 1000 Type-in program In preparing a grade book program for the Sinclair, it was first necessary to decide upon the form the recorded data should be returned in. One of the advantages of a good program is that it may be returned in any number of forms, at the operator’s discretion.In the following program, I have included provisions…
The Stock Market CalculatorZX81 Software review The Stock Market Calculator helps the investor (or user) solve the complex equations inherent in Investment Analysis.
The SYNC ChallengeZX80 Winners of the challenge printed in the first issue.
The SYNC Challenge: HammurabiZX80 Challenge to readers to get Hammurabi from Creative Computing’s Basic Computer Games converted to work on the 1K ZX-80.
The Thurnall SystemZX81 TS 1000 Hardware review The TE devices are a sound investment: They are well built and at a reasonable price for Sinclair expansion. If you do not have any electronic experience or applications along those lines, you will probably be interested only in the parallel port and the joysticks.
The Times They are a' Changing: The Building of a MicroAceMicroAce Hardware review What do you get with the MicroAce? It comes with processor, cassette interface, pressure-sensitive keyboard, video interface, power supply, 2K of RAM memory and a 4K Basic in ROM.
The Timex/Sinclair 2040 Personal PrinterTS 2040 Hardware review At $99.95, the 2040 is the cheapest printer on the market designed specifically for the TS1000 or ZX81. Although it is by no means comparable to an 80 column, 8 1/2 inch paper cruncher, its 4 inch, 32 character format is adequate for its intended purpose, to produce legible hard copy of displays and program…
The TL$ FunctionZX80 Type-in program Do not overlook the use of the TL$ function when you are creating programs. It is a very useful item. This function allows the ZX80 user to process a string in much the same way that other computers READ DATA statements.
- The Unprintable CharactersZX81 TS 1000 Type-in program
The VotemTS 1000 Hardware review The Votem, to play on James J. Carr’s book Digital Interfacing to an Analog World (Tab Books, Summit, PA. 1978), is an analog interface to Sinclair’s digital world. Analog/Digital Conversion Analog (related to analogous) refers to relationships by ratios. The analog device relates numbers to a turn on a wheel such as our rapidly disappearing…
The Zedex MicrofairTouted as the “largest single display of ZX products under one roof anywhere,” this 4th ZX Microfair more than lived up to its reputation. The fair offered 80 tables worth of hardware, software, peripherals, books, etc. for the ZX81 and Sinclair Spectrum.
The ZON X-81 Sound GeneratorZX81 TS 1000 Hardware review The Bi-Pak ZON promises a “huge range of possible sounds.” It certainly has great potential, but that potential is not so easily realized.
The ZX Data-FinderZX81 Software review The ZX Data-Finder is one of quite a variety of data handling programs now available. Typical uses for such programs include: names & addresses; inventory catalogues; customer/client records; graphic charts; product descriptions; statistics; appointment calendar; personnel files; hobby collection/with cross referencing. ZX Data-Finder does these and more because the flexibility of the program lends itself…
The ZX Pro/FileTS 1000 Software review Review of Thomas Woods’ data base program.
The ZX Stock ExchangeZX81 TS 1000 Type-in program You have just inherited $10,000 from a wealthy uncle who made it big on the stock market. He also gave you the modem number of his broker, a computer. The ZX Stock Exchange carries stocks listed on the New York Stock Exchange as well as stocks not listed there.
The ZX80 as a Cipher MachineZX80 Type-in program Implementation of the Vigenere cipher.
- The ZX80 Companion - A ReviewZX80 Book review
The ZX80 KeyboardZX80 Reference Technical description of the keyboard, schematic of the associated circuitry and machine language code for accessing the keyboard.
- The ZX80 Magic Book - A ReviewZX80 Book review
The ZX80 Makes the GradeZX80 Type-in program In this article we present two programs running on the 1K Basic machine. The first determines the test scores and keeps track of which question caused the class the greatest difficulty. The second finds the class distribution of grades, enabling the teacher to scale the grades.
The ZX80/1 As Fortune CookieZX80 ZX81 Type-in program In addition to reputed oracular powers, the I Ching has proven to be a source of fascination for mathematicians and computer scientists. This ancient Chinese system of divination comprises one of the earliest known examples of a binary counting scheme.
The ZX81 CompanionZX81 TS 1000 Book review The ZX81 Companion, like other ZX81 books, is totally applicable to the TS1000. It begins with a chapter on graphics techniques. First the screen field is explained. Then PLOT and UNPLOT are used to develop the basic components in graphics: drawing straight lines, using triangles, circles, parabolas, and ellipses, and moving a point around the…
Tic Tac Toe or Noughts and CrossesZX80 Type-in program On a computer with a very limited amount of memory (1K) even a simple game like Tic Tac Toe might be a problem to fit. This version of the well known game is short and simple, anyone will be able to understand it.
Tidying Up Your DisplayZX81 TS 1000 Type-in program Routines to print, display and sum series of values.
- Timex DevelopmentsTS 1500 TS 2000 TS 2048 TS 2068
Timex, Sinclair, and the ClonesTS 2000 TS 2068 At the Winter Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, there was much fan-fare surrounding the official introduction of the Timex/Sinclair 2000. Dan Ross, Vice-President for Computer Products, and the entire Timex crew were there as well as Clive Sinclair and Nigel Searle from Sinclair Research in Britain. On a much lower key, a Sinclair clone…
Tioga ToadsZX80 Type-in program In the following program, three of these toads hop across the screen and announce their order of arrival at the finish line. When all of the toads have finished, the race results are printed on a scoreboard making lavish use of inverse characters.
TR$ and LET A$=A$+B$ on the ZX80ZX80 Type-in program String handling on the ZX80 is reasonably good. The 4K Integer Basic lets the user print, input, and compare strings. and do specialized routines that will transform numbers into strings or characters. Sinclair’s Integer Basic has no string concatenation commands at all. The first will truncate a string from the right side, the second will…
Translating From Other BasicsZX80 Tutorial Translating ON … GOTO and LEN() to 4K BASIC.
Truth in ProgrammingZX80 Tutorial It’s time for a little truth in programming, time for a bit of logic. Why let your programs slave away with boring numbers when they can deal with such fascinating concepts as truth and falsity? The logical capabilities of the Sinclair represent one of the best ways to shorten and speed up programs. Many programers…
Try ThisTS 1000 TS 2068 Type-in program Short programs from readers.
Try ThisZX80 Type-in program Two line program.
- Try ThisZX80 Type-in program
- Try ThisZX80 Type-in program
- Try ThisZX81 Type-in program
Try ThisZX80 ZX81 TS 1000 Type-in program Get a small AM radio and tune it for best response. Then press RUN and NEWLINE. Note the sound as you press NEWLINE. The display may be ignored.
Try ThisZX80 ZX81 TS 1000 Type-in program This column will feature short programs to show off your computer, impress your family and friends, and tickle your imagination when SYNC arrives at your place.
Try ThisZX80 ZX81 TS 1000 Type-in program Type in the following program. Then RUN and NEWLINE. Type in any character or symbol when the quotation marks appear and hit NEWLINE again. Observe the results. Repeat until you get back to program.
- Try ThisZX80 ZX81 TS 1000 Type-in program
Try ThisZX81 TS 1000 Type-in program Three short programs.
- Try ThisZX80 ZX81 TS 1000 Type-in program
- Try ThisTS 1000 TS 2068 Type-in program
- Try ThisZX81 TS 1000 Type-in program
- Try ThisZX80 ZX81 TS 1000 Type-in program
Try ThisZX81 Type-in program Short program.
TS2068 Programming TipsTS 2068 Type-in program Graphics programming techniques for the 2068.
Turtle GraphicsZX81 TS 1000 Type-in program Have you ever wished for an easier way to create graphics displays on your Sinclair computer? You can always use a line drawing program and a table of coordinates, but setting up the table can be tedious. The LOGO language, developed by the artificial intelligence group at MIT, has a graphics system called Turtle Graphics…
Two Challenges of TaxmanZX80 Type-in program The computer will lay out the integers from 1 to a maximum which you have entered. You pick one of these numbers; Taxman gets all the remaining factors of that number. If there are no remaining factors of the number chosen, you cannot have it. When there are no remaining factors of any unchosen number,…
Two Switch Human Interface for the Communicative ImpairedZX80 ZX81 TS 1000 Hardware project The program will usually display three rows of characters on the screen at any lime: the upper alphabet (UA) row, the lower alphabet (LA) row, and the message row. which will be empty at first. The program allows the user to select letters from the alphabet rows for display in the message row.
Understanding Floating-point Arithmetic, Part 2ZX81 TS 1000 Reference Describes the workings on the ‘third language’ of the 8K ROM – the CALCULATOR LANGUAGE – that is used to add, subtract, multiply, divide and generally manipulate floating-point numbers.
Understanding Floating-point Arithmetic, Part 3ZX81 TS 1000 Reference In this article on floating-point arithmetic, we will consider the algorithms that are used in the 8K ROM program to perform the operations of subtraction, addition, multiplication, and division.
Understanding Floating-point Arithmetic: Part 1ZX80 ZX81 Reference The aim of this article is to give the reader some insight into the complex world of floating-point arithmetic. Since the 4K ROM provided only integer arithmetic, readers who possess only this ROM will be unable to try the programs. Nevertheless they will be able to follow the text.
Understanding Number SystemsTutorial This explanation of number systems was written to explain the working of my home computer to my son. It is all too easy to destroy enthusiasm for learning by trying to teach a technical subject from generalizations (boring) or from technical terms (confusing); either way can be self-defeating.
Understanding Your ZX81 ROMZX81 TS 1000 Book review SYNC readers will recognize Dr. Logan as a major ZX80/81 expert whose writings are well worthwhile. Understanding Your ZX81 ROM is no exception. The book is written for a serious beginner who has a fairly good knowledge of Basic and wishes to take advantage of Z80 machine code execution speed. It supplements, but does not…
Using Key and Token ExpressionsZX80 Type-in program Keywords as well as tokens could be typed into program lines in full — spaces and all— with practically a single keystroke.
Using Key and Token ExpressionsZX80 Type-in program Keywords as well as tokens could be typed into program lines in full — spaces and all— with practically a single keystroke.
Using RAM PacksTS 1000 TS 1500 TS1500 Plus 16K RAM Getting the TS1500 and the TS1016 RAM pack to work properly involves a little more than plugging everything together and turning the power on. The following steps are suggested: Plug the RAM pack in, type in: These will clear everything (program lines and variables) out of the system and activate the…
Using the Byte-Back BB-1 and the ZX81 as a Control DeviceZX81 TS 1000 Describes using the ZX81 and Byte-Back device with a Skinner box.
Using the Byte-Back ModemZX80 Hardware review The Byte-Back modem is a fine device. It works well and actually does more than advertised. The instruction manual, on the other hand, in its attempt to furnish operating instructions, assembly instructions, and engineering data, is a bit sketchy. A description of the non-standard output on the RS232 board is not given nor is there…
Using the Microace with Sinclair AccessoriesMicroAce Hardware project Modifications to allow the Microace to use Sinclair accessories. The 16K RAM module is completely compatible with the MicroAce 1K Kit: the unit can be simply plugged on the back. 8K Basic ROM: the MicroAce kit comes with two track cuts on board, on both sides of pin 21 of the ROM chip. You also…
Using Your Computer: ProgramsTS 1000 TS 2068 Graphics programs and aids, educational programs, loans, stocks and investments, spreadsheets, checking, inventories, appointments, word processing, miscellaneous programs.
Variable Conversions in the ZX80ZX80 Type-in program There are many cases when it is convenient to convert one type of variable to another, such as numeric to string, or string to numeric. In the ZX80 variable conversions from numeric to string are done with the STR$() function. The reverse conversion is not available with the 4K Basic. Given a string variable containing…
Video Modifications for the ZX80ZX80 Hardware project Inverted and direct video.
Vu-CalcTS 1000 Software review Vu-Calc, developed for the Timex/Sinclair 1000 with 16K RAM, displays a table of 36 columns (numbered 01 through 36) and 26 rows (designated A through Z). Each of the 936 boxes can store up to eight characters, alpha or numeric. The screen displays 27 boxes at a time, three columns by nine rows. The “window”…
WARP 81: Making a 4K Program Run in 8KZX81 TS 1000 Type-in program Details converting a specific program to work with 8K ROM Sinclairs.
Watch Where You Are GoingZX81 TS 1000 Type-in program In many games you need to know if something is already in the space where you are about to print another character. Whether you are firing a missile at a target, having PacMan gobble dots, or checking for a dead end in a maze, the method is the same: calculate the new position tor your…
What about the '81ZX81 The Spectrum does not replace the ZX81, as the 81 did the 80 – it’s an addition to the range and the ZX81 will continute in production. In fact, the production of the 81 is to be increased by a target of 150,000 a month by the end of the year.
Whither Clive?Some background on how Clive Sinclair came to purchase the DeLorean factory in Ireland to manufacture the C5.
WidgetZX80 Type-in program Widget is a relative of the games Hammurabi and Lemonade Stand, in which the player allocates his resources for the best effect. As the player, you are the head of the United Widget Company, trying to expand your business as rapidly as possible without going broke.
Wind Chimes and the ZX/TS ComputerZX81 TS 1000 Type-in program Recently I wanted to build a set of tuned wind chimes. I knew that the calculations involved could become tedious, so I wrote a short program to do them. This program saved me a good deal of time and trial-and-error labor, and it prevented waste of material.
WindowZX81 Type-in program A machine language monitor is a utility, provided by most computer systems, which aids in the development of machine language programs. Its basic functions are: a) to allow you to view the contents of each byte in the system’s memory, and b) to allow you to change these values. The program provided here will allow…
WindowZX81 Type-in program A machine language monitor is a utility, provided by most computer systems, which aids in the development of machine language programs. Its basic functions are: a) to allow you to view the contents of each byte in the system’s memory, and b) to allow you to change these values. The program provided here will allow…
Word Processing on ZX/TS ComputersZX81 TS 1000 Software review Comparison of wordprocessing and text editing programs for the Timex/Sinclair 1000.
- Writing for SYNC
You May Fire When Ready, Gridley!ZX80 Software review Have you ever wished that you could command a submarine, survey the sea through the periscope to locate the enemy fleet, and give the orders to fire your torpedos at the target ship? Well, now thanks to the ZX80 and the Torpedo Alley program from Zeta Software you ean do just that, and for very…
Your Timex/Sinclair Can Become a TerminalZX81 TS 1000 Type-in program Hardware project Build a 8251 USART interface to connect a Sinclair to a modem.
ZX DestroyerZX80 ZX81 TS 1000 Type-in program ZX Destroyer is a fast moving action game which is written in a hybrid Basic machine language program to create a continuous, flicker free display. The machine language code routine is a carefully synchronized program loop which controls the laser base, alien ship, and video display. The Basic section provides the initial set-up and ending.
ZX MazeZX81 TS 1000 Type-in program Have you dreamed of writing a graphics game complete with maze, treasure, and gobbling hunter? Perhaps you figured out how to move your man and draw the maze, but how in blazes do you teach your treasure seeker that he cannot just march through walls to collect his prize? Finding a way around this dilemma…
ZX/TS ROM and RAM AddressingZX81 TS 1000 Hardware project Investigation into PEEKing and POKEing outside the 16K-32K address range and how to use a 74LS138 to decode RAM in the 16-32K range.
ZX81 Announced in Great BritainZX81 An improved version of the ZX80 computer, the ZX81 has been redesigned to incorporate a number of new features. The ZX80 reduced the number of integrated circuits to 21, but the ZX81 further reduces the number of chips to four by using a new custom-built chip that replaces 18 others. The 8k Basic ROM chip…
ZX81 Chess vs. ZX Chess IIZX81 TS 1000 Software review Computer chess is becoming a very popular hobby for those who cannot find opponents on their level, and a large number of ”dedicated” machines are appearing with increasingly greater strengths. Another area of growing popularity is designing a chess program which is more powerful (i.e., a better player) than other chess programs. Two powerful chess…
ZX81 Hardware Review (UK)ZX81 Listing of products and prices for ZX81 hardware.
David Ahl, publisher of Creative Computing, started publishing SYNC Magazine in January 1981, when ZX80 sales in the United States had developed enough momentum to warrant an independent publication. Publication ceased with the March/April 1984 issue.
In the inaugural issue’s Editorial, associate editor David Lubar gave voice to the collective enthusiasm for the Sinclair ZX80:
The Sinclair is an exciting machine with a lot of potential, and we hope to reflect this in the programs and articles we publish. There will be plenty of games, both new ones and conversions of classics. As new aspects or hidden capabilities of the Sinclair are discovered, well pass the information on to you. As you make discoveries, we hope you’ll take the time to write articles for us.
As the family of Sinclair computers grew, so did SYNC’s coverage and size. By the July/August 1981 issue, SYNC had more than 6,000 subscribers, the next month they had more than 8,000.
As of October 1983, the print run was more than 85,000 copies. 47,000 copies were sent to news agents to be sold in retail (though 19,700 were returned) and 34,100 went to paid subscribers.