SyncWare News v2 n5

Date: May/June 1985
Volume: 2
Issue: 5


  • 2068 Cassette Connection: Part II: Loading Tips
    In the last Issue, I recommended removal of a couple capacitors in the SAVE circuitry of the TS2068. This provides a “brighter” save signal, which makes subsequent loading more reliable. This is all that is required to get many systems working “up to spec,” and makes the use of “fast-load” routines possible, even practical. On
  • EPROM Programmer, Part II: Fixing Your Home ROM
    Correct the home ROM by transferring it into RAM, changing the code, and then programming a 27128 to replace it.
  • Basil's Compendium: Hexadecimal and 256-imal
    This article introduces the concept of hexadecimal notation and “256-imal.”
  • 2068 Print Command Compiler
    This article addresses itself to one of the calls in particular; the PRINT routine at 2159h (8537d). The author, Ray Kingsley, points out the fact that you can put the message in memory, point the system variable CH_ADD to the location of the start of the message, and call the PRINT routine. He also very
  • Run TS1000 Machine Code in High Memory
    This trick was originally published in Syntax Quarterly, Summer 1983. It will allow you to use the 32-48K RAM area for machine code, if you have the Memotech or JLO 64 K boards (and maybe some others, but not the Byte-Back UM).
  • Customize your M-SCRIPT
    I am one of those people who can’t have a program for long before I find something to improve or otherwise fool with. In this case, the victim is MSCRIPT. MSCRIPT is a beautiful, full featured word processor. In a month of using the program, I’ve found only four things to complain about.
  • Uploader 2000
    Almost any program you have in BASIC for the ZX81/TS1000 can now be used on the TS2068 with the use of UPLOAD2000. This is a program that allows you to convert most BASIC 1000 programs into working versions for the 2068.
  • Additional Byte-Back Memory Pack Notes
    Thanks to John Oliger’s NOT M1 decoding circuit, many new and excellent pieces of software are coming into the market place that make use of machine language routines in the 32K-48K (8000-BFFF hex) region of memory. Some examples of these would include Hot Z-II by Ray Kingsley and Memotext in RAM, Version 3, modified and
  • Appointment Watch
    APPOINTMENT WATCH is a spread sheet program written in machine code and BASIC. It requires at least 16K of memory. In 16K, Appointment Watch allows the user to enter and store 100 appointments. It allows you to enter the Date, Time, and Place of your appointments, as well as with whom they are, and the
  • Off The Wall: How Many Combinations?
    How big is 64 K, really? Have you ever wondered exactly how many possible combinations there are in 65536 memory locations, each capable of assuming values from 0 to 255? Well, 64K bytes is 524288 bits, so the number of possibilities is 2**524288, or about 2.6E157826 (26 followed by 524,287 zeros). Printing this number in
  • For Your Support
    Product announcements from C. W. Associates, Gulf Micro Electronics, Aerco, G. Russell Electronics, Melvin MacKaron, Ace Software, Rheesware, EZ-KEy, Falmouth Computer Service, Damco Enterprises, A.F.R. Software, John Oliger, Van Vangor, T-Ware, Integrated Data Systems.
  • Quick Screen Display 2068
    If you are looking for a way to rapidly store and retrieve an entire screen display, then this approach may be useful to you. It moves the 6912 bytes of the normal screen display file (DFILE1) to an address in RAM, from which it may then be retrieved as one block of data and reinserted
  • Forum
    Timex Portugal moving ahead with Timex 2068; bug in TS1500 ROM LOAD routine; errors in John Oliger’s article in 2/4; Pro/File 2068 books shipped; questions about A&J Microdrive; Spectrum ROMs; corrections to “Clear That Screen”, articles in vol 1; sources for replacement chips.
  • SyncWare Meets QL
    Sinclair Research has been promising the North American arrival of their new QL computer for so long, it’s hard to remember just when the first mention of it was made. Were it not for the fact that this machine is being sold in the U.K., one might well wonder if it is just the figment
  • TS1000 Move It!
    One of the nice features of the Z80 is that it has a number of commands which actually are a whole subroutine in a single op-code or machine-language instruction. Quite probably the most powerful of these are the “block-transfer” group of commands. These allow you to easily transfer blocks of memory anywhere you wish, at
  • US & UK Versions Different
  • The Owner's Manual: What it is...


SyncWare News v2 n5
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