AERCO made disk drive systems and other accessories for the TS 1000 and TS 2068 computers.
Jerry Chamkis, owner of AERCO, now makes microphone pre-amps and a very unique musical instrument called the Kosmophone.
He studied physics at the University of California, Santa Barbara, but disillusioned by the emphasis on military applications, he left and became chief engineer at a radio station in Houston, Texas. In 1975, he formed AERCO (Acme Electric Robot Company), where he initially produced peripheral devices and memory expansions for small computers and then moved on to computer-controlled hot wire cutting systems, broadcast equipment, and microphone preamplifiers. Since about 2000 he has concentrated on various art projects such as the Kosmophone.
Anne Beetem Acker. โKosmophone.โ Grove Music Online. Accessed December 31, 2019.
- 2068 Disk Utility: SuperBoot Part IITS 2068
- 2068 Fix Star NX-1000/Aerco Centronics I/F FixTS 1000 TS 2068
256K Ram!TS 2068 Aerco offers a 256K RAM upgrade either configured as a RAMdisk or port mapped in 64K banks shadowing the cartridge bank.
A Review of a Aerco FD-68 Utilities Program DiskTS 2068 Software review This is a nifty set of disk utilities for the Aerco FD-68.
Across the PondTS 2068 Updates on the 2068 scene. Knighted Computers has been licensing Spectrum titles for conversion to the 2068. Quicksilva, Virgin, Digital Integration and Durell’s lines are licensed. Zebra continues to innovate, introducing the OS-64 cartridge, ZTERM and Printshop clones. AERCO’s long anticipated CP/M has been launched as RP/M, a licensed version of CP/M for the 2068.
Across the PondTS 1000 TS 2068 QL Look back on 1986. Introduction of QL. Second Midwest computer Fest. QL Talker, a speech synthesizer that connects to the serial port. More about AERCO’s CP/M option for the 2068 and a brief mention of Dungeon of Ymir for the 1000.
Across the PondTS 2068 Hardware review Fendrick looks at AERCO’s FD-68 floppy disk system for the TS 2068.
- Activating AERCO Banks for BasicTS 2068 Type-in program
Add a Full Size Printer to Your SystemZX81 TS 1000 Overview of printer interface options for the TS1000/ZX81.
- AERCO Disk Drive KitTS 2068 Hardware review
AERCO Disk DrivesTS 2068 Aerco has announced their disk drive interface, which will have an extra 64 K of memory (cartridge bank) for you to use (see more details inside). CPM 2068 should follow soon, which would enable file transfer between other types of CPM computers (that can read the standard IBM 3740 disk format) by disk, which is…
AERCO FD-68 Disc Drive System for the 2068 Part 1TS 2068 Hardware review Pre-review of the disk drive system. Jurries reviewed unit number 20 from the initial run.
AERCO FD-68 Disc Drive System for the 2068 Part 2TS 2068 Hardware review So far, Aerco has upgraded their EPROM to version .87. Only two features are not included at this date. They are the .CHR (Character Array) and the .DAT (Numeric Array). This means that you can’t save and load string type data.
AERCO FD-68 Disc SystemTS 2068 Tips for using the AERCO disk system.
AERCO FD-ZX Floppy DiskTS 1000 Hardware review AERCO’s disk system consists of three major components: interface board, disk drive and power supply.
- Aerco Interface with the Spectrum ROMTS 2068
- Aerco Interface with the Spectrum ROMTS 2068
AERCO Merge FunctionTS 2068 Type-in program Technique for merging programs with the AERCO FD-68.
- AERCO Screen Copy Routine for ArtworxTS 2068 Type-in program
- AERCO User's CornerTS 2068
AERCO Users ColumnTS 2068 Conversion changes for TASWORD II and PRO/FILE to make them compaible with the AERCO disc system.
Aerco Users ColumnTS 2068 Description of features and converting PRO/FILE 2068.
- AERCO-Tasword Two PatchTS 2068 Type-in program
BBDOS: A Disk Operating System for the Aerco FD-ZX InterfaceTS 1000 Software review ZX81/TS1000 owners who have been using the Aerco FD-ZX Disk Drive Interface owe Jerry Chamkis and his Texas staff a debt of gratitude for providing them with a reliable, high speed, mass storage system. But even as nice as the FD-ZX unit is, its disc operating system (DOS) leaves much to be desired.
- Bits & BytesTS 1500 TS 2068
- Bits & BytesTS 2068
- Bits & BytesTS 2068 QL
- Bits & BytesTS 2068
- Bits and BytesTS 2068
- Bits and BytesTS 2068 TC 2068
Bits and PiecesAERCO FD-68 disk drive interface; A & J Model 2000 stringy floppy; RAMEX offers Millenia K disk interface/package; T/S Smart Terminal Telecommunications guide; ZX81 software; Knighted Computers obtains Quicksilva software rights; new buyer’s guide from D. Lipinksi; other updates.
Bits and PiecesTS 2068 Maxwell deal to buy-out Sinclair falls through. Update on Portugal 2068 and disk drive. Further details on AERCO FD-68. BBS guide. Newsletter for Memotext/Memocalc users. Vendors cut prices.
Bob's BitsTS 2068 Hardware review Overview of AERCO disk interface for TS 2068.
Centronics Printer I/FTS 2068 Hardware review This interface plugs into the back of the TS2068 and provides a cable with a standard Centronics parallel printer connector.
Centronics Printer Port - AERCO StyleTS 2068 Hardware project Schematic for a parallel printer interface using the Zilog Z80-A parallel input/output chip (PIO).
CP/M CornerTS 2068 Column for CP/M and AERCO RP/M users.
CP/M CornerTS 2068 Listing of CP/M commands, continued from article in previous issue.
- D.O.S. for the 2068TS 2068
Dear QTSZX81 TS 2068 Type-in program Sheingorn runs part of his clinical practice on a ZX81; Bower purchased a 2068 to do freelance bookkeeping and writing; Freeline submitted a program that turns a directory listing into a program loader.
Direct Character Code OutputTS 1000 Type-in program Print ASCII characters through Memotech and AERCO Centronics interfaces and bypass the translation routines.
DOS-64: A ReviewTS 2068 Software review Review of MakeDOS-64, a machine code system which allows use of the OS-64 cartridge code on an Aerco Disk Drive without loss of Aerco DD commands, and with access to the full 256K RAM via bank switching.
Drive to Run CP/M In the WorksKopak Creations and Aerco are working jointly on a ZX/TS disk drive to run CP/M (world’s most common disk-based microcomputer operating system.) Aerco says the drive will be available in 3 months.
Editor RamblingsMistakes in November 1982 issue. Sinclair pocket TV. US Spectrum sales. Printer news. RAM pack ribbon connector. Floppy disk for the TS/ZX. TRS-80 to ZX/TS. Supporting vendors swamped. Super Talker speech synthesizer. ZON X-81 synthesizer. Computer control devices from Thurnall Electronics.
Editor's CornerDescribes trip to California, where he met with John Warburton (Sunset Electronics), Jim Howell (A & J Micro), Bob Orrfelt and Dave Clifford.
Editors NotesTS 1000 TS 2068 New TS 2068/Spectrum Users’ Guidebook almost finished. Update re Higgenbottom and Timex. Several hundred new members by virtue of picking up the BASIC Computer Newsletter’s subscribers.
EnterExcitement for First Annual Timex/Sinclair Computer Fest. Speakers include Mark Fendrick, Jerry Chamkis, Jack Roberts, Thomas Woods.
EXP/3000 Disk SystemTS 2068 Hardware review Review of the AERCO FD-68, packaged and sold by 21st Century Electronics.
FD-ZX Floppy Disk InterfaceTS 1000 Notes for users of the Aerco FD-ZX disk interface.
Feb News from the T/S ConnectionTS 2068 Target date for the 2068 disk interface is February 20 (1985). Z-Link is available. Review of Spec-Tax. Draw II, by Jon Rokententz, reviewed in March issue of Computer Shopper and available from T/S Connection.
For Your SupportTS 1000 TS 2068 Product announcements from Barry Carter, Aerco, Zebra Systems, Pete Petri, JRC Software, Chia-Chi Chao, Poretsky & Poretsky, D. Lipinski Software, K. D. Lewis, American Surplus Trading, Toronto Software World, John Oliger, Rick Munday, A.F.R. Software, Sum-Ware, Al White and WMJ Data Systems.
For Your SupportTS 1000 TS 2068 Product announcements from C. W. Associates, Gulf Micro Electronics, Aerco, G. Russell Electronics, Melvin MacKaron, Ace Software, Rheesware, EZ-KEy, Falmouth Computer Service, Damco Enterprises, A.F.R. Software, John Oliger, Van Vangor, T-Ware, Integrated Data Systems.
- From Members' Letters: Data from AERCO LKDOS SystemTS 2068
Help with the Aerco FD-68TS 2068 Aerco FD-68 DOS lacks the ability to save character arrays. A solution is proposed.
Jack in the Redwoods Heard FromTS 2068 Type-in program SYNX is a 46-byte relocatable machine language reoutine for Aerco disk users. It allows you to turn off the BASIC syntax checker when writing or editing BASIC lines and to turn it back on. Syntax checking during program execution remains in effect.
- Larken LinesTS 2068
Latest Vendor NewsUpdates on products and services from vendors.
- Letters to the EditorTS 2068
Machine Specifics: OrphansTS 1000 TS 2068 Timex/Sinclair Disk Drives. Aerco Drive Interface for 2068 (FD-68). RPM (CP/M) upgrade available. FD-ZX (for 1000/1500) also available.
Mass Storage for the TS-1000 Has Arrived!ZX81 TS 1000 Hardware review Overview of load utilities and mass storage systems including ZXLR8 Fasload, Winky Board, A & J Microdrive, and Aerco and Larken disk systems.
Mass Storage for the TS-2068TS 2068 List of mass storage options, including: ZX-Microdrive, A&J Microdrive, DAMCO/Rotronics Wafadrive, AERCO 2068 disk system and RAMEX Millenia K interface.
- Mid-West TS Computerfest
Mini-Reviews: XFORTH, Synchro-sette, moreTS 1000 Software review Short reviews of XFORTH by Hawg Wild Software, Synchro-sette magazine, direct video interface from AERCO, 123 Go and Making Treks by 2-Bit Software.
- Modifying the Star NX1000 with the AERCO Printer InterfaceTS 2068 Hardware project
- Moving an AROS Cartridge Onto Your AERCO Disk SystemTS 2068
- MTERM Patch CorrectedTS 2068 Type-in program
- MTERM Patch for AERCO InterfaceTS 2068 Type-in program
- MTERM Patch for AERCO Interface and Epson PrinterTS 2068 Type-in program
- MTERM Smart II Buffer4TS 2068 Type-in program
New Product NewsTS 2050 Spectrum emulators available; disk systems for 2068; terminal software for modem; cartridge version (HOT Z-AROS) of Hot Z-2068 available.
November News from The T/S ConnectionAERCO disk interface should be ready; new printer interface for 1000. No news on Higgenbottom/Timex. K-Power, sent as replacement for Timex Sinclair User subscriptions, ceased publication.
October News from The T/S ConnectionTS 2068 TS 2050 AERCO has set target date of Oct. 30 (1985) for completion of 2068 drive interface. Smart II terminal program arrived.
- OnlineTS 2068
Q! Boot That Disk!TS 2068 Type-in program Menu-driven program loader for AERCO disk drives.
Special Report: Mass Storage Devices For The TS 2068TS 2068 Hardware review Brief overview of A&J Microdrive, DAMCO/Rotronics Wafadrive, Millenia K Disk Interface, Aerco FD-68 Interface.
Super Detailed Disk DirectoryTS 2068 Type-in program 32 and 64-column disk directories for the AERCO FD-68.
SynxTS 2068 Type-in program Machine code routine for AERCO disk users to turn off syntax checking when writing or editing programs.
- Tape to AERCO DiskTS 2068 Tutorial
TASPRINT and AERCO Printer InterfaceTS 2068 Type-in program Pokes necessary to adjust TASPRINT.
- The AERCO Centronics InterfaceTS 2068 Hardware review
The Aerco Disk Drive SystemZX81 TS 1000 Hardware review The disk drives sold by Aerco are Pertec FD 250 units. Any Shugart type drive could be used, but at $189 each from Aerco I felt this was the best price around. The Aerco disk drive unit transfers data at a rate of 250,000 bits per second. Disks (soft sectored, double density, double sided) accommodate…
The Aerco FD-68 Disk SystemTS 2068 Hardware review Review of the system.
The Aerco prcode, and possible ProblemsTS 2068 There are at least four versions of the Aerco printer code and each of these may have three variations of configurations set up during the user’s adaptation to his own printer equipment.
The FD-68 UpdateTS 2068 Using RP/M (a clone of CP/M by Micro-Methods) with the TS-2068 and FD-68.
The FD-68 UpdateTS 2068 The following list is just a few of the programs I find indispensable and which I strongly recommend you obtain. It is certainly not exhaustive, but are a few that I use almost daily.
The FD-68 UpdateTS 2068 Type-in program Program/routines to switch between Sinclair/Timex mode and CP/M mode on the FD-68.
- The February Report
The Programming CornerTS 2068 Questions about Larken disk system; programming in machine code; recovering from data loss.
- The Trials and Tribulation of Reading an MSDOS Textfile DiskTS 1000 Type-in program
The Trials and Tribulations of Reading an MSDOS Text File DiskTS 1000 Type-in program Program to read MSDOS files on an AERCO disk drive.
- The TS-2068 Disk Drive Systems: Combinations to Achieve Increased CapabilityTS 2068
TIMACHINE on AERCO DiskTS 2068 Type-in program Hint for moving Novelsoft’s TIMACHINE to disk.
- To Disk or Not to DiskTS 2068
- Tricks of the TradeTS 2068
TS-2068 ActivitiesTS 2068 There are now three predominent disk systems for the TS-2068. Their order of usage is: LKDOS, Oliger SAFE DOS, TOS, and Aerco FD-68. TOS DISK users hang in there with determination but receive little support. User activities during 1989 has been away from the Aerco FD-68, mostly toward LKDOS. Quite a number of FD-68 users…
Utilities "INIT" and "Cclear Code"TS 2068 The “INIT” utilities for the three Disk Operating Systems are slightly different. Each listing may be used to pick up another little twist for another DOS.
Vendor ReportUpdates from Sinclair Midwest Users Group re SMUG software; Norris Electronics; Aerco backlog; Gladstone shipping current stock; M-Coder does not work as advertised.
VU-Calc for the AERCO Centronics Printer I/F and 80 Column PrintersTS 2068 Type-in program Techniques and program to drive an 80 column printer.
- VU-Calc for the AERCO Centronics Printer Interface and 80 Column PrintersTS 2068 Type-in program
- What Do You Know About RP/M?TS 2068
ZX 81 News and ResourcesZX81 TS 1000 Hardware review ZX81 hardware expert Bruce Taylor, of Budget Robotics & Computing, has announced the release of his book, Build a Microcomputer-Controlled Robot and Other Computer Control Projects. David Clifford has Westridge 2050 boards available along with Mini-Xmod 1.7; is working on Mini-Xmod for the 2068. Review of Aerco’s FD-ZX Floppy Disk System. British companies supporting the…
ZX81 Hardware and Software NewsZX81 TS 1000 Short notes on ZX81/TS1000. This issue includes brief info on Larken, COMPUSA, Aerco and Oliger 1000/2068 disk systems. Also, why Aerco CP/M was never released. Short reviews of Sinc-Artist for the 2068 and ZX HI-Res. And one user, a Kolorworks owner, mentions writing a TMS9918 toolkit for the ZX81.
ZX81 News & ResourcesTS 1000 Bruce Taylor’s budget robotics book, Westridge 2050 modems, AERCO FD-ZX floppy disk system,
ZX81 News & ResourcesTS 1000 AERCO and Larken disk systems for ZX81/TS 1000 available. Reports on difficulties with Mini XMOD. Silicon Mountain Computer products discussed.
- Addressing the 256K RAM
- AERCO catalog and flyers
- AERCO CP-ZX v3 Centronics Printer Interface
- AERCO Dealer Price List Feb 1 1985
- AERCO Disk Config
- AERCO Dual RS-232 Serial Interface
- AERCO FD-68 Disk File Manager
- AERCO FD-68 Floppy Disc Interface manual
- AERCO Model CP2068 Instructions
- AERCO Model FD-68 Instructions
- AERCO Model FD-ZX Instructions
- AERCO Product Flyer
- AERCO RPM Release 1.1
- AERCO Stepper Motor advert
- AERCO TS 2068 Disc System
- BBDOS 4.0 General Information
- BBDOS Manual
- Converting the FD-68 RGB for Positive Sync Monitors
- CP-ZX Very Smart Centronics Interface for ZX81, TS1000
- Evaluation of the AERCO 2068 Disc Interface
- Express v1
- FD-68 EPROM v8.9 Update
- Moving an AROS Cartridge Onto Your AERCO Disk System
- OMNIDISK manual
- SEKTOR 2068 manual
- Variable Names and Addresses with the AERCO 2068 Disc Interface
Computer Media
- Computers & Electronics (v22 n7)
- Computers & Electronics (v22 n8)
- SYNC v2 n3
- SYNC v2 n4
- SYNC v2 n5
- SYNC v2 n6
- SYNC v3 n1
- SYNC v3 n2
- SYNC v3 n3
- SYNC v3 n4
- SYNC v3 n5
- SYNC v3 n6
- SYNC v4 n1
- SYNC v4 n2
- SyncWare News v2 n3
- SyncWare News v2 n4
- SyncWare News v2 n5
- SyncWare News v2 n6
- SyncWare News v3 n1
- SyncWare News v3 n2
- SyncWare News v3 n3
- SyncWare News v3 n5
- SyncWare News v3 n6
- SyncWare News v4 n1
- T-S Horizons n11
- T-S Horizons n15
- T-S Horizons n18
- Time Designs Magazine v1 n3
- Time Designs Magazine v2 n3
- Timex Sinclair User n7
- Update April 1991
- Update April 1992
- Update July 1992
- ZXir QLive Alive! v2 n2
- ZXir QLive Alive! v2 n3
- ZXir QLive Alive! v2 n4
- ZXir QLive Alive! v3 n1
- ZXir QLive Alive! v3 n2
- ZXir QLive Alive! v3 n3