Syntax/Syntax ZX80 v2 n1

Volume: 2
Issue: 1


  • 16K RAM Approved; New Interface
    Federal Communications Commission (FCC) approved Sinclair’s 16K RAM for the U.S. market. C.A.I. Instruments has completed work on three interfaces.
  • New Product Updates (Syntax v2 n1)
    Prestodigitizer requires 8K ROM; Cognivox requires 16K RAM; MicroPeripheral modem held up.
  • Light Control Interface
    Interface Technology will adapt “The Microcommander” to the Sinclair ZX80.
  • Bubble Sort Routine
    Sorts numbers into ascending order.
  • Basic Salary Scheduling
    Calculate salaries that increment on a straight-line basis.
  • Chart Your Biorhythms
    Program for 8K ROM machines graphically displays your emotional, intellectual and physical cycles.
  • Computer Models
    Programming tutorial on calculating buinsess models wide variety of cases.
  • Memory Window
    Display 16 consecutive bytes of memory in hex, decimal and character format.
  • How Many Bytes to the Line?
    Subroutine determines the exact number of bytes used for each line of program instruction as well as an entire program.
  • Interface to the Real World
    Add an 8-bit latch to the ZX80 or MicroAce, mapped to 3000H (12288). Includes schematic.
  • Machine Compatibility
    A beginner wrote to ask: All of the following computers have the designation 80 โ€” ZX80, Z80, Z80A, TRS-80. Are programs or software usable between each of these computers? Also there is a Z80 Softcard to apply Z80 programs to the Apple II. Is it reversible?
  • REM Statements
    REM statements can be useful tools for beginning programmers, REM stands for REMark. You can also think of it as REMinder or REMember. The computer does not execute REM statements. It will ignore anything you write after REM in any line. Use REM to write notes to yourself about the functions of various parts of
  • Lights of the City
    This program uses the 8K ROM’s graphics and animation capabilities to generate an ever-changing video pattern like a growing city.
  • Dear Editor
    Letters asking about Canadian suppliers; problems entering programs; interference on TVs; tape recorders.
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})() ;;; ;(function(){ })()