Volume: 2
Issue: 10
- Rounding off RoutineThe 8K ROM’s floating point decimal is great, but sometimes you don’t need 9 decimal places.
- A Tool to Help Debug ProgramsTo determine what occurs during a loop portion of a malfuntioning program, use a PRINT statement called a flag.
- Sort RoutineThis routine can sort 20 words of 20 characters in about 8 seconds.
- Sinclair Printer by 1982Sinclair engineers will redesign the printer to meet US requirements at the end of September, 1981.
- Beginners: User-Friendly ProgramsSome easy programming methods to write user-friendly programs for either 4K or 8K ROM programs.
- Crash Course in MicrocomputersReview of the book by Louis Frenzel.
- A Night in Las VegasReview of the cassette from Lamo-Lem.
- 8K ROM Monitor RoutinesContinuation of article from prior issue examining the 8K ROM.
- [These SYNTAX readers would like to contact ...]Readers from Louisiana and Nebraska.
- Dear EditorLetters about magazine index; resistor values; ordering from England; errors in books; TV interference; bad connections; memory problems; replacement parts.
- Annotated 4K ROM Listing - Systems VariablesListing tells you the values of all major variables used in the 4K ROM.
- Bingo Number GeneratorGenerates numbers with their preceding letters and prints them at 8x their normal size at the top of the screen.
- Gradebook for TeachersProgram helps teachers average grades at the end of the grading period.
- Trouble-shooting Your MicroAceYou’ve put together your MicroAce and examined the PC board solder connections — everything looks good. Power up — you get a white screen and no cursor. What do you do now? Here is a chart compiled by removing each IC chip from a working MicroAce and observing the effect. It may provide you with…
- Changes to Super ZX80 InvasionAdd new levels of difficulty.
- Changes to September Budget ProgramUser interface changes to the program.
- Syntax ErrorTwo errors in Machine Code Print Routine.
- CAI Peripherals UpdateCAI Instruments will ship their first Widgets the week of Sept. 21.
- Sinclair Product UpdatesSinclair’s ZX81 computer reaches the US on Oct. 7, 1981.
- MicroAce-ZX80 Component EquivalenceChart showing part numbers and designations between the two computers.