Volume: 2
Issue: 2
News from MicroAceMicroAce MicroAce offices are open after 3 week holiday; will soon market a book called The ZX80 Magic Book.
8K ROM, 16K RAM Updates8K ROMs will arrive in late February. RAMs, no firm date.
New Product Updates (Syntax v2 n2)CAI is accepting orders for their products.
Syns of OmissionError corrections to articles in prior issues.
TV, Recorder RecommendationsAdvice for TVs and tape recorders.
MastermindZX80 Type-in program Number guessing game.
Son of Big CharactersZX80 Type-in program Print 4x size characters.
Addition Through 7 DigitsZX80 Type-in program Add 7 digit numbers as long as the total doesn’t exceed 7 digits.
Phone DialerZX80 Type-in program Hardware project Circuit and program to turn the ZX80 into a phone dialer (mechanical).
Syntactic SumsZX80 Type-in program Checksum program for programs in Syntax.
Computer Number SystemsZX80 Type-in program Introduction to binary with programs to convert from decimal to binary and binary to decimal.
ROM V. RAMExplanation of the difference.
Increment, Decrement For-To'sZX80 Type-in program Use LET to increment or decrement loops in 4K BASIC.
[Break Out of Program Expecting Input]How to break out of programs stuck in loops that expect numeric or character input.
Syntactic Sums for Past 4K ROM Programs in Syntax ZX80Corrections to Cryptoquote, 12 Days of Christmas, Big Characters, Multiplication Exercise, Season’s Greetings, Compu-Calendar, Bubble Sort, Basic Salary Sched, Memory Window, Bytes to the Line, Computer Model.
Dear EditorMicroAce Letters about issues assembling MicroAce; tv/cassette player placement; adapting programs; reverse video; cassette eavesdropper; amateur radio operators.
Sinclair's 10-page technical manual ...ZX80 Sinclair’s 10-page technical manual has materialized as a 4-page manual with ZX80 schematic.