Volume: 2
Issue: 8
ML Scroll RoutineZX80 Type-in program In 1K ZX80s, large programs easily overfill the 24 available screen lines. This machine language routine deletes the top line from the screen so you can add lines to the bottom.
Input PortZX80 MicroAce Hardware project Capture data through a port, place it into a CPU register.
Star CountZX80 Type-in program After each complete scan of the star field, you must make an estimate of the total number of stars visible on the view screen.
Beginner's Loading ML ProgramsZX80 Tutorial Learn how to put machine language (ML) programs into your computer.
Improving DisplayZX80 Type-in program One problem with creating graphic displays on the ZX80 is users’ inability to interact with display. This program allows you to manipulate a cursor on 14 screen lines and to insert characters where desired.
ZX80 Double BreakoutZX80 Software review Review of the game from Softsync.
[Dann Weldkamp would like to hear ...]Reader in Iowa.
Dear EditorMicroAce Letters about languages other than BASIC; Syntactic Sum; stereo cassette players; MicroAce kit; hardware changes voiding warranty; constructing characters that are smaller.
4K ROM: Display RoutineZX80 Reference DISPLAY begins the 4K ROM’s input/output module at 013Ch, or 316d.
In and Out of Machine LanguageZX80 ZX81 Tutorial When you use machine language programs, you have no keys to press directly. So we need to tell the machine to RUN a machine language program, and to tell it to STOP.
Soldering HintsEven if you’re not a hardware person, you can connect external devices to your computer without fear. You only need a few hints to successfully solder your ZX80.
LJH's KeyboardZX80 MicroAce Hardware review Ad says “wired keyboard hooks up in minutes,” but this project may take beginners 1-2 hours.
- Loan Amortization RevisitedZX81 Type-in program
Data File FormatZX80 MicroAce Type-in program Here’s a program for 2K MicroAces that allows you to create indexed files on tape.
Syntax ErrorsZX80 Corrections to Loan Amortization and 30 Programs for the Sinclair ZX80.
ZX80 PocketbookZX80 THE ZX80 P0CKETB00K is now available from SYNTAX.
For Syntax Readers OnlyZX80 Sinclair now offers used ZX80s for only $49.95. According to Nigel Searle of Sinclair, most of these machines were sold in England as kits and assembled incorrectly.
ZX80/ZX81 Users ClubZX80 ZX81 TS 1000 The ZX80/ZX81 Users Club in Surrey, England serves all users, beginner to expert.
CAI Printer UpdateZX80 ZX81 CAI Instruments will offer software components to make their Widget printer compatible with both 4K and 8K ROMs.
MicroAce to Discontinue KitsMicroAce MicroAce is phasing out its computer kits. According to Bill Clark of MicroAce, Sinclair didn’t renew MicroAce’s license. The company also scrapped plans for a kit using larger ROM. “We can’t compete with the ZX81 in price,” Clark said. Other projects continue, however. MicroAce plans upgrade kits for machines, and video boards are in production.