Syntax/Syntax ZX80 v3 n10

Volume: 3
Issue: 10


  • ASCII Program for ZX/TS Computer
    CAI just announced an ASCII program to let the ZX/TS computers equipped with CAI/O boards operate as a standard ASCII CRT terminal.
  • Quick Tape Loading and Saving by Mindware
    QUICKLOAD software loads/saves 6x faster than current ZX/TS software and verifies whether the program loaded properly.
  • Education Workshop Series Expanded
    Technical Education Research Centers, Inc. workshops were designed for professional development for educators, emphasizing hands-on experience with micros including ZX/TS computers.
  • London Microfair Show Guides Available Again
    Limited supply of show guides available.
  • New Products and Services (Syntax v3 n10)
    New products from Tom Woods, Hunter, Miller-Zamis, International Publishing and Software, King Software, Hamrich International, P. Pollak, E-Z Key.
  • Syntax Errors
    Correction to Machine Code Screen Fill.
  • Users' Groups
  • Program Improvements/Refinements
    Improvement to Sine Name, Hexadecimal Math, Bytes Remaining, Bar Chart.
  • When Your Computer Gets Full
    Techniques for saving on memory.
  • Monsters
    Avoid four monsters (represented by Xs). You must go through a randomly generated maze, get to the other side and land on a black bar without being caught by a monster.
  • VOTEM interface board
    VOTEM stands for voltage and temperature, and that’s what this new interface from Down East Computers is all about.
  • Grading Program
    Program includes 37 student namesโ€”enough to satisfy most classroom situations.
  • Loading with Syntactic Sum
    How to use the program.
  • Dear Editor
    Drop of epoxy on keyboard as placeholder; problems saving and loading; solution to poor connector contact; learning BASIC.
  • ZX81 Logic Signals
    Reference signal levels for troubleshooting.
  • ZETAPAK #3, SciFi Fantasy
    Review of the games from Zeta Software.
  • Tape Level Indicator
    Bar-graph level indicator using LM3914.
  • Ohm's Law
    Program to calculate values based on Ohm’s law.
  • Fifteen Puzzle
    8K ROM version of game published in earlier issue.
  • MC Programming #9: Jumping Around
    Most of the machine code subroutines held in REM will be be short around 100 instructions and data. Consequently, you won’t need the “JP nn” instruction.
  • Unit Pricer
    Program calculates the unit price of two similar products.
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})() ;;; ;(function(){ })()