Volume: 4
Issue: 1
Proprietary International Announces ZT21000TS 1000 Details of their new co-processor for ZX/TS computers, the ZT21000.
KOPAK Creations Opens Retail StoreRetail location was at 119 Peter St., Union City, NJ.
Second Annual Rosetta Stone AwardTS 1000 Sponsored by Mindware Inc. is for outstanding achievement in ZX/TS hardware or software development.
New Products and Services (Syntax v4 n1)New products from KSOFT, D. Lipinksi, ZX Software Team, M.C. Hoffman, Run-it Software Club, Startext, Expense Cutters Products, Computa-Dek, Bytesize Computer Products, Computer Continuum, Martin Irons, Rose Aircraft. Charles Durang will not publish ZX Newsletter, focus on books instead.
- Users' Groups
Program Improvements/RefinementsCorrection to Star Hunter, Composer by Lamo-Lem, Solar Program, Etching.
- Syntax Errors
Monthly Income GraphTS 1000 Type-in program Creates a monthly income graph for a year. It lets you see which months your income rises and which months it falls.
Grimm's Fairy TrailsTS 1000 Software review Review of Timex’s response to PACMAN. The maze-pursuit game has 6 levels of play, from crawl to very fast.
Converting Decimals to Floating Point BinaryTS 1000 Tutorial Explains how positive integers are converted to Sinclair’s internal floating point.
BB-1 8-Bit Input/Output Module KitTS 1000 Hardware review Two Intel 8212 8-bit I/O port chips are the heart of the BB-1. Byte-Back’s module is compatible with both ZX and Timex units and neatly uses memory locations 32764 and 32766 to store input and output information.
Dear EditorSemantics about baud vs bits per second; keyboard conversions; solving heat build-up; Timex modem compatibility with ZX80; renumbering program; conversion to ASCII; install RAM pack inside ZX81; interface Selectric typewriter.
Speech PackTS 1000 Hardware review Speech Pack gives you computer-generated speech through your ZX/TS. Speech Pack is a black box with a special processor and ROM containing words. It has three other sockets so other word ROMs can plug in.
Byteing Deeper Into Your Timex/Sinclair 1000TS 1000 Book review Review of the book by Mark Harrison.
ChaseTS 1000 Type-in program Avoid the snake by moving tokens with 4 cursor control keys. Chase ends and prints your score when the snake catches you or you accumulate 100 points.
Sinking FundTS 1000 Type-in program How much money do you need to save each month to have a certain sum accumulated at a certain time? That is a sinking fund calculation.
Tone GeneratorTS 1000 Type-in program Hardware project Generate tones on your ZX/TS by building this circuit and using a machine code routine with it connected.
Byte-Back M-64 Memory ExpansionTS 1000 Hardware review Review of the RAM pack.