Syntax/Syntax ZX80 v4 n10

Volume: 4
Issue: 10


  • Addressing: A Brief Tutorial
    If you find ROM, RAM & PORT addressing and decoding confusing, here’s some explanation of what’s what.
  • Late News
    Laserscan wants to liquidate their limited 16K RAM kit.
    Review of the program from Atto-Soft.
  • Inventory
    Program helps you keep track of household or business items.
    ZX PRO/FILE uses one of the most sophisticated and efficient data storage and retrieval systems I ever expect to see for the ZX/TS.
  • An Introduction to VU-CALC Spreadsheeting for the Timex/Sinclair 1000 and the Sinclair ZX81
    Review of the book.
  • What Does This Program Do
    Flash screen by switching between FAST and SLOW.
  • Machine Code Graphics Demo
    Program provides an unusual display of machine code (MC) graphics. It alters the I register, which contains the high order address of the graphics table.
  • Vendor Report and Notes
    Updates from John Oliger, Timex.
  • Dear Editor
    Problems with computers, printers, software; replacement keyboard.
  • ZX/TS Users Groups
  • Timex at the Heart of the Kidney
    Medi Products of Salt Lake City built a system to reclean and resterilize artificial kidneys around a TS1000 with a Votem, Persona, Periconb and a special keyboard from Sinclair Place. The computer completely controls all processes under EPROM software direction.
  • Stop Auto-Run
    Stop an auto-RUN program (a program that automatically RUNS when LOADed) before it RUNS.
  • Faster Pseudorandom Numbers
    Sequentially PEEK from the 8K ROM’s machine language operating system (essentially a pseudorandom number table) from a randomly selected starting point to provide “random” numbers.
  • Retrace Your Steps
    This program lets you draw on your screen using arrow keys and stores your drawing in an array.
  • We-They Scorepad
    Keeps score for two-person or two-team games.
  • Buying By Mail: Know Your Rights
    Federal Trade Commission rules give you some rights when you order by mail.
  • Zebra Light Pen
    Zebra’s pen consists of a wand about 6″ long with photocell assembly. It plugs into a board containing input jacks for the pen and ZX/TS 9V power supply, output plugs to power your computer and send the pen’s signal to the EAR port, and hardware to condition the pen’s output.
  • D-B-H Conversion
    Convert decimal, binary and hexadecimal numbers easily with this well prompted utility.
  • Program Improvements
    Improvement to Spelling word Game; simplify Set Ramtop Automatically.
  • New Products and Services (Syntax v4 n10)
    New products from UAS, John Carson, A. Rodriguez, Williamware, ROMPAK, Intercomputer, Micro-Load, Soft Magic Corp., Larimar Inc., Robotec, Simulsion.
  • Syntax Error
    To get correct Puerto Rican and Washington, DC, zip codes in ZIP-TO-STATE… (Sept. 83), delete lines 5140 and 5150 and add the following lines. Also, delete line 5110 (a repetition).
  • Timex Sinclair Celebration in Boston
    To commemorate their 2nd year, the Boston Computer Society’s 800-member Sinclair Timex User Group will bring together TS owners, user group reps from all over and hardware, software, publication and service vendors for a day-long show and workshops.
  • 1500s On Their Way, 2068s Close Behind
    Our Timex source says a few TS1500s began their way to your local stores the first week of September. The FCC approved the TS2068 recently; expect it in stores by October.
  • How to Buy a Timex Computer
    “We do not have a primary plan to sell computers by mail. The 800-24-TIMEX number provides referrals to stores,” said Timex VP Dan Ross.
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