Syntax/Syntax ZX80 v4 n12

Volume: 4
Issue: 12


  • Unjumble Word Games
    Program unscrambles any word.
  • Cash Register
    Lets your ZX/TS act like a cash register record keeper for a small retail store.
  • Memotext Specifics
    User’s notes on the program.
  • Tax Return Helper
    Review of the program from KSOFT.
  • Firstloader -- From ZX/TS to 2068
    Syntax commissioned a custom program, written by David Ornstein, to convert your existing programs for the 2068 or 48K Spectrums. This program translates input bytes from ZX/TS tapes to an equal number of output bytes in your 2068 that you must edit, and then save. Codes & program control structures differ in the two designs,
  • Dear Editor
    User with ataxia seeks help; comments on Programmers Toolkit from Softsync; replacement transistors; repair traces on keyboard; technical information for 2068; problems loading.
  • Graphics: A to Z
    Review of the book by Paul Bingham and Rick Goulian. Starts with BASIC PRINT statement graphics and goes to machine code graphic subroutines.
  • Ohm's ZXlaw
    ZXlaw calculates 4 functions of Ohm’s law: Power (P) in Watts, Current (I) in Amps, Voltage (V) in Volts & Resistance (R) in Ohms.
    Program scans the ROM up to 7679, building a stack of CALLED and CALLING addresses. Then it sorts and displays them.
  • Cassette Label Maker
    Design a three-line label on the screen with all characters available, then just hit “C” to copy as many labels as needed on the printer.
  • Hardware Review: Joystick Adaptor
    Zebra’s plug-in joystick adaptor, a small module, lets you attach an Atari-style joystick to your ZX/TS.
  • ZXLR8 Fast SAVE/LOAD System
    ZXLR8, a versatile and reliable fast SAVE/LOAD cassette storage system, not only quickly SAVES programs, but also arrays, graphics and binary data (machine code).
  • Examining Machine Code
    Look at any address in memory, leave it alone or change its contents, and automatically go to the next address.
  • Bingo Card Generator
    Short program to generate bingo cards.
  • High Line Numbers
    Poke to create line numbers above 9999.
  • New Products and Services (Syntax v4 n12)
    New products from TAG Software, Gesang Associates, Intercomputer, ACE Software, Thomas B. Woods, Delphic Enterprises, Sinware, E. Arthur Brown, Softsync, Macshak Software.
  • ZX/TS Users' Groups
  • Speed VU-CALC Keying
    Eliminate half second delay after each keypress in VU-Calc.
  • E-Z Loader Software Bug Fix
    Repair E-Z Loader with a few pokes.
  • New Timex Configuration
    OUT (ROSS): IN(X): NEW: GOTO start: seems to be the BASIC command line issued by Timex’ visionary chairman, T. Fred Olsen.
  • Spectrum Machine Code on 2068
    Some Spectrum MC tapes will run on your 2068, The Fruit Machine, for example. Your chances are better if the program is written for 48K. Programs that call keyboard scan routines—as IN 64510, 61438, 32766, or 65278—will run if you change these to INKEY$ or STICK commands on your 2068. Also programs written with MC
  • ZX/TS Subset of 2068 Pins
    Aligned with the slot, you will find the pins correspond exactly to the ZX/TS pinout with three exceptions. RAM CS, ROM CS, and 9V are missing and the corresponding pins are empty. Pins outside the ZX/TS connector span perform 2068 functions—GND appears on 4 more pins (30 & 32, top & bottom) and +15V on
  • Timex Sinclair User Restructuring
    Organization of ECC’s North American magazine will be restructured, according to observers close to the scene, but no decision has been taken to stop printing. Changes will delay issue 8, for which ECC apologizes.
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})() ;;; ;(function(){ })()