Volume: 4
Issue: 4
Sinclair Clarifies Parts PositionZX81 Sinclair only sells replacement parts to kit owners who received damaged parts with their kits.
Timex Slashes PriceTS 1000 TS 2000 Timex lowered their TS1000 price to $69.95 and extended the $15 rebate deadline to April 30. The TS2000 release date is slated for the second quarter but most observers agree this is optimistic.
New ZX/TS PublicationTimex-Sinclair User, a monthly magazine imported from the U.K., debuts in N. America in May.
- Exclusive ZX/TS Exhibition
Software Company Seeks ProgrammersPegasus Micro Systems is currently looking for programmers to write new software.
New Products and Services (Syntax v4 n4)New products from Artisan Electronics, Spectra Computer Products, Jim Giddings, L. Harmon, Cosmonics, Memotech, Hawg Wild, Electronic Specialists, Sinware, Cottage Technology, Advanced Interface Designs, Software Unlimited.
Title Framing and CenteringTS 1000 Type-in program You can dress up displays by adding the following listing to the beginning of your programs.
Syntax ErrorsTS 1000 Type-in program Last two POKEs necessary for Expanding Existing 16K Programs.
- Users' Groups
Vendor ReportUpdates from Sinclair Midwest Users Group re SMUG software; Norris Electronics; Aerco backlog; Gladstone shipping current stock; M-Coder does not work as advertised.
RAM-DriveTS 1000 Software review RAM-Drive is a machine code utility program that gives you powerful program editing comands.
Hardware Review: The Parrot, Voice Synthesis ModuleTS 1000 Hardware review The Parrot, produces 64 separate allophones. R.I.S.T. used Voicetech’s general purpose speech development kit combined with chips and software to produce a cost effective ZX/TS speech unit.
Speech SynthesisVoice or speech synthesizers combine hardware and software into systems that let your computer talk to you.
Crunchers -- 21 Simple Games for the Timex/Sinclair 1000TS 1000 Book review New Timex Sinclair owners will find the games fun and original and also acquire programming skills while working through Crunchers.
Easier Loading for MC UtilitiesTS 1000 Type-in program Load or enter the program your MC program will work on.
Dear EditorQuery for business software; how are programs locked; custom keycaps.
Life ExpectancyTS 1000 Type-in program Program calculates your life expectancy based on data you input on habits and family history.
Program Improvements/RefinementsTS 1000 Type-in program Prevent Syntactic Sum from wiping out program.
Green and Black and Read All OverTS 1000 Type-in program Hardware project Connecting the ZX81 to a monitor.
Poke GraphicsTS 1000 Type-in program Speed up graphics and save memory by using POKE.
Office ManagerTS 1000 Type-in program Office Manager creates and stores three separate files: a phone directory, report file (each 150 lines max) and memo file (20 lines max).