Volume: 4
Issue: 9
Memotech, Printer Incompatibility SolvedTS 2040 Memotech reports the cause of Memopak/TS2040 printer incompatibility—3 unneeded printer capacitors (C4-C6).
TS1500 RAM TroubleTS 1500 Industry sources inform SYNTAX that testing of several RAMs—Memotech, Byte-Back, Gladstone, Persona, and D’ktronics—shows they will not work with current TS1500 demos.
TS2068 UpdateTS 2068 TS2068s may grace your mailboxes by the end of September. Timex says Reagan’s FCC cuts delayed approval.
Network Interface for SpectrumZX Spectrum Sinclair Research announces the ZX Interface I, enabling 64-machine, 100 Kbaud local area networking and modem transmission.
New Products and Services (Syntax v4 n9)New products from Matthew Zenkar, SyncMaster, John Carson, I.M.S. Enterprises, Banta Software, ZX-Panding, Syber Inc., KSOFT, E-Z Key.
Syntax ErrorsTS 1000 Correction to Return on Investment.
ClarificationTS 1000 Winky Board manufacturer Gerry Russell says the SAVE filter feature should be used only if high frequency RAM pack noise prevents SAVEing.
- ZX/TS Users' Groups
Vendor Reports and NotesUpdates from Brainchild, Kopak, Paul Hunter.
User Friendly Legal Advice, Part IIShould you sell or license your program?
Memotext Word ProcessorTS 1000 Software review Review of Memotech’s word processor.
Better ScrollingTS 1000 Type-in program Tutorial Techniques to improve scrollig.
ZXDIS DisassemblerTS 1000 Software review Review of the program Scientific Software.
ZIP-to-State, State-to-ZIPTS 1000 Type-in program Technique we used at SYNTAX to make sure our zip and state match in our mailing list.
Program Access Security SystemTS 1000 Type-in program Short machine code program prevents program access without a code after you LOAD your program.
Dear EditorTS 1000 Type-in program Cleaning the ZX printer; secure the slot key in expansion devices; printing problems with joystick; avoid power supply related crashes; test tape head alignment.
DistanceTS 1000 Type-in program Computes the shortest distance and true bearing from any point on the earth’s surface to any other location.
ZX81/Timex Programming in BASIC & Machine LanguageZX81 TS 1000 Book review Takes up where your ZX/TS manual leaves off; the book assumes you know the basics of ZX/TS hardware and software.
MC Inkey$ SubroutineTS 1000 Type-in program Machine code routine returns the CODE value of the key pressed to your BASIC program.
Cheap PowerTS 1000 Hardware project Surplus power supplies can double a ZX/TS’s load capabilities.
Hidden REMsTS 1000 Type-in program Use this trick to hide information in your REM statements.
Rhythm-FunTS 1000 Type-in program Teaches basic rhythm timing and sight reading for quarter notes.