Volume: 5
Issue: 4
- Direct Character Code OutputPrint ASCII characters through Memotech and AERCO Centronics interfaces and bypass the translation routines.
- VideographEditor for user defined graphics characters. Edit four characters at a time on a 16×16 grid.
- DeathChaseReview of the game, originally for the Spectrum and converted to the 2068.
- Check-BReview of a menu-driven checkbook balancing program.
- ZX/TS Related Companies Still Actively Supporting Timex/Sinclair ComputersList of companies with contact information that support Timex/Sinclair computers after exist of Timex.
- Dear EditorComments on Timex leaving market; question about 64 column mode; thermal paper for the 2040; questions about various programs.
- Three How-TosHow to Market Your Timex/Sinclair Software; 1984 Programmer’s Market; 1983 Software Writer’s Market.
- TS2068 Device Independent Input/OutputRedirect input/output to other devices.
- Graphic PointerUse this machine code routine to quickly specify the PLOT position on the 2068 screen.
- New Products and Services (Syntax v5 n4)New products from Len Harmon, Bob Fingerle, International Software Database Corp, Andre Baune, John Kuhn, Sharp’s, RAM Products.
- ZX/TS Users' Groups
- Vendor ReportUpdates on Biocal Software, Knighted Computers.
- UK Source for Spectrum Manuals and PartsBob Dyl of the Ocean State Users Group in RI tells us that you can get manuals and repair parts for the ZX Spectrum.
- $100 for Your ZX/TS; Up to $330 for MemotechMemotech will buy back your Memotech Timex-Sinclair add-ons at 50% of current suggested retail value and even take your ZX/TS for $100—all credited toward your purchase of your MTX or FDX system.
- Changes Ahead for Syncware NewsFred Nachbaur’s publication will continue on to volume 2, but shift locations, upgrade its format, take on additional personnel, publish quarterly instead of bi-monthly, and keep its editorial policies.